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Everything posted by abaris

  1. So one ingame day still is about an hour of game time. Which doesn't seem unreasonable.
  2. You learn the necessary phrase by completing "never far from the queen".
  3. Was quite funny and totally incredible. I used to play a chaotic/evil female wizard and romanced the lawful/good Paladin. I did it for spite and for a laugh - and for my character that was totally in character although the option was unbelievable to say the least.
  4. As has been said, look for the color of the nameplates. If they're golden, there's only some mindreading to be done, since they are backer NPCs with unique stories. I read a few, but although I have nothing against reading, I got tired of that excercise pretty soon, since it doesn't really add to the game.
  5. Pretty sure most people who get to Act 2 keep going, which would put you in the minority. We have Thaos on the run and the rest of the game world opens up to us - why walk away? Yeah, just spent the better part of 50.000 on equipment at the Twyn Elms market. They're the only ones with rare ingredients as far as I know. The only thing bothering me a little is that you don't get the opportunity to plunder the ducal palace at the end of act 2. There's the ducal body lying in the locked hall after all. Must have some cool stuff on him.
  6. I go with whatever companions fit the task ahead best.
  7. It can be easily ruined. First by limiting the UI, customisation as well as gameplay options to the limited possibilities of a controller. In fact, that's a given if you want to cater to consoles, since they only have the controller as the only option.
  8. I noticed that if you start the game as admin from the folder, none of the achievements unlock in steam. Not that I care, since the achievements don't provide any asset.
  9. So what's the asset of slaying the caravan if you get no loot, no experience and no disposition towards cruel and aggressive?
  10. Yeah, and look what they do with it. They just announced to make a so called enhanced edition, multiplatform and fully voiced with full controller support. I don't get it, they're successful doing a kickstarter and catering to a specific audience and once that's done, they take the mainstream road like everybody else instead of building on their success. I don't understand how you can write what you just did and not understand that IS building on their success. Unless you live in a world where your company making money and your game being successful does not equal progress. Ultimately it does hurt PC players, if the game is developed with consoles as the primary medium. You do realize that you are talking about a game that is already out, right? Nope, I'm talking in general terms. Not about a specific game. Present a counter argument if you can. The console drive has "streamlined" options, to use a friendly term, in almost every game that came out in the last five to ten years. The result is shiny on the outside with less customisation and gameplay options and in many cases abysmal PC ports that don't take advantage of the possibilities. If you like that, fine by me. But I'm glad there are still some studios that don't take the first exit to mainstream highway.
  11. Ah, I see. I never explored Icanthas house beyond talking to her.
  12. It's not that easy as you make it out to be. I'm always running short or haven't seen a single ingredient for the good enchantments. A diamond? Where do you get that early in the game. It's needed to enchant +2 attributes. All the stones are rare and are sorely needed to enchant armor beyond fine.
  13. I really wish them the best of luck and sales to support their decision. A good product should sell, so that the producer produces more on the same quality lines.
  14. Sorry, if this is a stupid question, but where are prisoners in Heritage Hill? I did that quest a couple of times and thought I had explored every corner of that map.
  15. It absolutely doesn't render your playthrough unplayable. As has been said at least a couple of times, buying one junk item from the vendor fixes the situation. Not the perfect solution, but a solution anyway.
  16. In my experience, Palleginas main problems lies in taking too much damage when being on the frontline. So equipping her with the best armor is a must. Even if it means sacrificing attack speed. And there are quite a number of unique two handed weapons to be found for her.
  17. Both systems have their merits. I have no problem going eiher way. Real time isn't really real time if you think about it, since there's always the space bar to pause at your leisure to issue new commands.
  18. As far as I know, there's a hint to seek him in Hadret house. That's where he's based and it's one of the markers on your map.
  19. This time round I plan on not confronting him and leaving him be. The city would loose one of it's main tourist attractions with his stinkhole gone.
  20. You can swing both ways at the hearing and Thaos can only swing two ways at the hearing. So one of the two possible outcomes must be in Thaos' interest. Not sure what you're trying to say here. Thaos wants to be certain that there's only one possible outcome ... his outcome. That's why he does what he does. He doesn't care what the various reps say. But your argument only holds water if his outcome is to kill the Duc in any case to blame it on animancy. But if animancy is in fact outlawed in the proceedings, there's no need for him to further expose himself. So one of the two possible outcomes of the hearing should be in his favor and therefore not require direct action.
  21. You can swing both ways at the hearing and Thaos can only swing two ways at the hearing. So one of the two possible outcomes must be in Thaos' interest.
  22. Yup, same bug with my game. Buying a junk item "fixes" it. Wonder how that sneaked through, since it's rather obvious.
  23. I didn't read anything in the patch notes, but have certain enemy types such as Animat been buffed? I can't quite lay my finger on it and don't have any stats, but they seem to be a lot tougher than they used to be.
  24. I think, DA:O, as far as romances go, offered the most believable ones. Alistair was hard to get. The elven assassin Zevran swung both ways, which was also believable and in character. Which is always the most important question to me: does it fit the character? Morrigan, also pretty well done. Only Leiliana wasn't very credible. At least for my tastes. I haven't played any later games in the DA series nor do I plan to do so, since the went that much into into the simplistic hack and slash domain. So I can't say anything about them. I never played KOTOR, so another blank. The worst solution of all the games coming to mind, offered Skyrim with it's tagges on marriage option that didn't add anything to roleplaying or gameplay.
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