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Everything posted by abaris

  1. That's a general problem with localisations. I for one don't understand why every village's name has to be translated. At least in German that makes for some really stupid combinations. There's also some peculiar grammar involved. Game translations are usually not top notch. That's why I always play in english whenever possible.
  2. Ultimately it does hurt PC players, if the game is developed with consoles as the primary medium. It's really simple: Consoles offer less options. The controllers have only so many buttons. So when Bioware, the most prmoinent example, made the turnaround, the result were abysmal ports with PC as an afterthought. And that's not even getting started on different clientels that require the catering to the lowest common denominator to save on development costs.
  3. You can do that quest right after Pallegina had here initial talk with the ambassador. Being in act 3 isn't a requirement. If we're talking about the black market operation, that is.
  4. Not much further, given that party composition. But as I said before, to explain, we would enter spoiler territory. It also depends on what they're wearing and what weapons they have. Also on what your player character's class actually is.
  5. I was down there with ten or eleven mechanics. It didn't show. So how much would be sufficient?
  6. I see enemy AI as the only issue. Not only with this game, but across the board. And if we're talking AI in an ideal world, I'd rather have companions develop their own opinions about the player character outside of combat and to react accordingly. Combat management in itself is totally fine. I wouldn't want them to make their own decisions. This would lead to a terrible mess with friendly fire fests and empty spell arsenals after every trash encounter. That's also why I don't use command chains, since the situation can look entirely different a couple of seconds later.
  7. It's totally irregular for me. Sometimes they seem to last forever, sometimes they're gone after the first field rest. The only factor I didn't check is time.
  8. Interesting question. Can't say I understand the system either. Game time might be a factor.
  9. The ogres didn't seem challenging to me. Block the entrance, spam slicken and fire away. The casters never get to heal anyone and they go down like nothing.
  10. Never stumbled across that one. Is it tied to a quest or does it appear randomly?
  11. Then, as I said. Seems you're assumptions are based on playing it very safe. Depends on the difficulty level, of course, but without anything else to go on ....
  12. That's playing it very safe. Edit: You put it in the no spoiler section, so I can't elaborate further.
  13. And besides, where would you take the ingredienst for enchanting early in the game. You're not stocked up yet and that pistol is really worth nothing compared to any wayward crossbow you can buy at your nearest convenience.
  14. Yeah, and look what they do with it. They just announced to make a so called enhanced edition, multiplatform and fully voiced with full controller support. I don't get it, they're successful doing a kickstarter and catering to a specific audience and once that's done, they take the mainstream road like everybody else instead of building on their success.
  15. Still, what I don't get is a company is releasing one expansion at two different times and expect their audience to stay tuned. That's not a syndicated tv show to end in a cliff hanger. That's a game and by not being able to finish it in one go, I don't see much of an incentive to buy one part before the final part is released. Doesn't seem to be a smart business decision, since players are bound to lose interest. I get it that the backers are entitled to and deserve some privileges, but this approach doesn't seem to be a promising avenue. Now if they said, the backers got the whole thing at an earlier point and the general public at some not too distant future, but also the whole thing, that I would understand.
  16. If, as he says, he scrapped all the companion quests by using custom bots and didn't do the endless paths, he may be in a tight spot. I'm not actually sure, how much the companion quests and the endless paths net, but it's cosiderable.
  17. We're on the same page, since this game has so much potential to expand on. What I don't get is the two parts bit, since it puts us, who didn't back the development - I didn't even know about POE before steam recommended it to me - in a kind of awkward situation. We more or less have to play an unfinished adventure or we have to wait for the second part to be released to the general public. Which is pretty much what I will be doing, since I can't imagine embarking on another playthrough, knowing full well that I won't get the full experience until several months later.
  18. My PC comments because she's the one with 10 mechanics, which means the real stuff-finder. But the combat log reports Eder to have found something. Probably because he usually takes point.
  19. Yeah, but these are entirely different puppies. Never played any WoW game, but they are all MMOs if I'm not mistaken.
  20. Which game are we talking about? POE doesn't have them. It's usually the so called AAA title developers or rather the beancounters breathing down their necks, who think them to be a necessity.
  21. Yeah, me too. Might not be the wisest business decision to introduce cliffhangers into a game.
  22. But if a game is designed for the mentally handicapped in the first place, no expert mode can prevent shiny quest marks to pop up at every given opportunity. So better not give them ideas of going down that road.
  23. No, it doesn't. Last time it told me, Eder was the one, though he clearly didn't pass the check with 0 mechanics. It was the PC, who also piped up about the find.
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