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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. Advanced Start: After beating game once we can start new game in advanced start, which shows cinematic instead prologue maps and fast forwards us to open world stage. In PoE it would be Gilden Valley. It also starts at higher level (like level 5) and gives us some ok (but not superrior) gear based on class. The idea is to allow skipping early levels which are easy to be fed up (especially if someone tries different characters). And generally it is better to allow players play their way. Black Islands Exploration Assuming PoE2 will be in Deadifre Archipelago Story: Add Daring Captain in main port which want to hire hero to explore some unknown islands for him for loot and glory. Gameplay: Player Created Content editor. Players could make islands and using BlackIslands menu we could visit for potencially infinite world. It seems the location for PoE2 is Deadfire, but Valian Republics was also high on wishlist, and i think that 5 cities would make good expansion material. That would be mostly city maps, so something different from exploration of archipelago. And it could be more focused about court intrigues. Also Republics are positive about animancy, so landscape could be more soulpank, more crazy inventions, maybe some animated armours guarding streets. Different style. Could involve some stealth mechanic to really make it different. Legendary crafting: If there is epic item (not souldbound) we could recreate it using crafting and some helpfull smith. We could use any enhantment existing in the game, and even cross them (using many special enchantment at once) Origin starts, we can start at one of few locations making prologue a bit different, so if we are altoholic we dont get fed up so fast with gilden dale.
  2. There could always be a new companion with pirate/corsair/conquistadore background. Why not.
  3. PoE with WM wasnt small map. Maybe it feel that way since some levels are undeground or inside buildings. Dragon Age Orgins wasnt that big, but some dungeons was copy past which is not right direction. There is difference of big empty map or smaller which is dense. PoE version 2.0 (better with all feedback collected) is good enought. Maybe after PoE2, TotN, DOS2 genre will be exploited, and this will be time for swap to different engine, different timeline Vampire Blodlines or something.
  4. Something fishy is comming. If Deadfire archipelago is area of new game, then Rutuai kingdom trying to bring culture and civilization to this savage land could be possible. Funny thing we know Ruatai mostly from Kana worlds, but our scholar could be a bit biased.
  5. Early levels are fun at first run, since you learn everything, and i can enjoy every magic sword even if not optimal. However, it would be interesting if once we beat game we could start new game in some Start+ mode which skips tutorial part and jumps us to level 5 and give ok gear, so we can skip content we dont like and rush early levels.
  6. I liked Eder most. Simple, funny, not annoying. Pellegina has potencial with her duty, own vision of justice and godess destiny. Devil have potencial as only living automata. Never had connection with Aloth, but he may fit if leaden key is involved. Also while i would welcome in the party Pellegina or WM companions, for me Eder or Aloth would fit better as questgivers. So there will be place for new characters. Someone old, someone new.
  7. Kickstarter is possible, they spoke well about KS. And they probably will, since KS allows to check how much title is anticipated, and it is another way to get some extra money before release. Every trick which could bring POE2 to Skyrim/Witcher 3 level ofpopularity is worth consideration. This is where i hate. Witcher 2 was great.. and Witcher 3 to be honest.. Not so much. It has been toned down, less grim and more casualized. There's a price to pay for popularity. And it will end up to be appealing to 'wider audience' and hence certain content of the game has to be altered/removed for 'general audience'. Not sure if W3 was less grim than 2nd. Novigrad was racist as usual. The power of W3 was that combat system was improved, and depending on preferences, player could play just main quest, or go monster hunter, or assasins creed or map marks, or play a plaughting card game. This is power of KS and bigger game, that OE can do everything, even place dungeons for fans of dungeon crawls.
  8. Good elf is dead. Best races are strongly connected to world lore, which may make problems if we just make races as stat templates. But it is not big deal, just lost opportunity. Having option to make skinny pale, unnatural character is always good no matter what racial tag you stamp it on. If there is time for it it is nice to be able to really design your character, like making it really big, or very skinny and pale and pointy ear. Pointy ears and cat eyes look good. And i generally pick in such games the most pointy haircut possibly violet hairdye. Cant say no to that. I like crazy races. If we play fantasy, might as well go all out with it. So Elves faerie are good. Or elves dryads. Or immortal ancient elves which are not exacly playable race. I like drows since they have different approach to many things. Maybe they are evil, but at least hipster. In PoE crazy race is Godlike, and there is opportunity to make godlike great again. Have some unique feats, and dialogue option or quest not avaiable to more common race. They may be other crazy races aswell. Tieflings are cool. Beastmen. Dragonfolk.Beasts from Tyranny was cool. But i think it would be best to focus on making Godlike unique gameplay. And maybe think of one culture which is really different from classis europe medieval.
  9. Kickstarter is possible, they spoke well about KS. And they probably will, since KS allows to check how much title is anticipated, and it is another way to get some extra money before release. Every trick which could bring POE2 to Skyrim/Witcher 3 level ofpopularity is worth consideration.
  10. There is this page for beat times, interesting in some way. https://howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=13434 There is also branching thing. Branching quests are cool since allow to play our way, but may result in perception of shorter gametime. Like Witcher 2 having significant different act 2, or Tyranny. In PoE that is Rodrick stronghold, which was nice quest, we could aproach it in different ways, but at once experience only 1 path. Extreme example are grand strategies like civilization or europa universalis which is more or less are the same game, but if you like it you may sink in for many hours. There is also question how much gameplay game support, most activities in game may become boring. This is big plus for big games, that if we develop versalite gameplay we may as well make game potencially longer and slap bigger price tag on it. There may be Bioware trauma, making KoToR MMO and Dragon Age Inqusition similar to MMO (or Assasins Creed) which was disappointing. Less roleplaying for rpg fans to enjoy, and Dragon Age gameplay isnt that interesting (Mass Effect gameplay is more responsive if you are into power shooters). Bethesda probably have good idea of making main quest shorter (if you care about it) but having large potencial of exploration. Witcher 3 on the other hand is more 50:50 but at some point player may be borred with sailing over Skellige, escorting Dwarves, or going with another Sorceress into cave.
  11. In some interview OE claimed that they are already working on PoE2, so it is just matter of time when they announce.
  12. Here Not sure about steroids, but probably disappointed with humans. Last time he wanted all good and it blow up, so its time for the other way. Not sure if that is exacly the plot, but story about living God walking among humans... that could really catch on. 4th day: Sword and Feather quote about duty and instinct
  13. The graphic looks nice, that is something. Jack looks like interesting archetype. branching quests is branchy enought it seems, at least at pieces they show off Cool feature of being able to kill pack leader to instantly finish the fight. In turn base there is a problem of long turns to finish that last guy.
  14. That reminds me Vampire Bloodlines, where we could choose to just sunk sarcophagus in the sea or keep it the endless storehouse Camaralia way. That was good game. If OE ever wonder what game do... Vampire Masquarade with Bloodlines gameplay GTA with stealth and Vampires. Strong pick.
  15. So we could either embrace angry god with Eder or keep it burried with Aloth. That is some nice choice.
  16. Romances in video games. Interesting topic it is. Sometimes spark some heated discussions like 1st time Bioware showed some blured blue buttcheaks in ME1 (the horror), or Overwatch Tracer showed off her glutes, not to mention PoE tombstone with joke about transsex in world full of general prejudice. Players seems to be more exited about making war not love, at least in virtual fiction. So what do You think about romances in video games, more specific crpg? As for memorable examples: Mario and Zelda (or is it Link?) the first example of using sex drive to motivate players to smash head against the walls or abuse maschrooms. Witcher 2 or Deus EX HR, we was on quest to rescue our princess. There was probably some world domination plot also, not sure. Witcher 3, rescue the world yadda yadda, also some father-daughter relationship, this game is mosty about spending time with your daughters before great white cold gets us all. Also this game sometimes punish player if he playes to much with women hearts. Thumbs up for hilarious dialogues and love interest being own being not just token. Baldurs Gate 2, numerous instances, like party members fighting for MC affecion, or Hydralisc Scoundrel wooing Aerie out of party, or being able to turn Dark Drow a bit less dark. Dragon Age Origins: we could perform demonic abortion which changes ending and future of the world. ME123 FF7 (and more) as soon as we know each other she will die in most horrible way. Dragon Age Inqusition, Dorian and Iron Bull are romance interest, gay, and complex characters. KOTOR1 with a power of love we could cure dark side. Persona jRPG... that is some different way to play, but some people like it. Mass Effect 123 if we romance Liara it makes much more sense why she spends so much resources on saving commandor Shepard. On the other hand there are examples of showing sex in the very casual way like Witcher 1. Probably not that bad (it is not like you are forced to do it). However need to decide if we show romance as serious plot element or joke (sex jokes always good). Some thoughts: Spending all time together in enviroment full of threat and adventure leads to bonding and affection. Ignoring that is another game simplification (nothing bad). Romances could lead to greater immersion into story or be just other field of roleplay. Is my character romantic or more casual or prude? We could use romance interest for something, drive the main plot or start sidequest. Could allow advanced interaction with CNPC, like manipulate to dark side or something Allow more emotional exposition (most characters will not open too much even to their trusty leader) which some people enjoy. Dont need to be consumed before boss battle. Could carry on for whole game never having final declaration. Romances are interactive, which is abit better than lore stream of usual companion conversation. How to do good: Unless main quest drive should be optional. Needs more dialogue options about love interest being our favorite companion since Garrus or dreaming about future. Love interest will probably be jealious for our "side quests" Possibility of screwing our romance over if we hooing too much, or make other major mistakes. Love interest dont need to approve all our action. Having moody but extreme loyal companion... that is something. Love interest needs to be interesting as character on its own, even as bro Not all lovers need to be punchy, cute, soft and have dramatic trauma from the past. Need option to end at any given time, magic is gone and i feel nothing. Had PoE1 romance potencial? Well, Eder was already very dedicated almost worshiping watcher, also he is a simple man who probably couldnt resist magic girl who can literally touch his soul. But that would require more dialogue text, probably some sidequest to show us affection, and some scene under the stars talking about future in the stronghold with mini zoo full of soft creatures. Pallegina, that would be another story, probably not consumed in any way, since she is bond by her duty and order. Diplomatic immunity does not protect against charm. That would be interesting if we tried, and she even wanted, but cant since duty. Real knighty story. Aloth, it will be Aloth in the streets, Iselmyr in the sheets. Romances generally increase production cost, since more text, and also it probably be better if we have companion quest to interact with choosen one, and we need skilled copywritter which is resource on its own. Not easy stuff. Some ideas?
  17. In Dev Stream Commentary P4 Josh confirmed save export from poe1 to poe2, but not in punitive way (optional).
  18. Porto Rico and Washington DC will get statehood. I am sure congress will understand nesseccery actions for future of industry.
  19. I hope for Pillars of Eternity Shadows of Vallian Republics Watcher Outcast. If IP was a success its better to keep it going before fans die of old age.
  20. Someone is back, and last time we met he got hammer to the head.
  21. Witcher 2 When we fight final boss, and i am like "You know, at this point it dosnt matter or change anything, you had some good reasons thou, lets have a drink" Witcher 3 When Keira Moritz got good ending. Thx for illusion gizmo girl. Transistor Every time the humming starts, this game was so preatty. The most romantic and subtle slasher ever Mass Effect 2 When i could leave mercenary on his own. He dont really fit my save the world party. Mass Effect 3 When Mordin had to do it alone, since that is the only way to be sure. The last flight of Tali or existencial crysis of Legion Dragon Age Origins The great battle, it havent gone as i expected. But the ogre kill animation was cool (havent seen anything like that before in VG) Vampire: Bloodlines Having to choose our favorite twin girl. KOTOR Revan Unmasked Baldurs Gate 2 When Hydralisk scoundrel almost wooed Aerie out of my party. Havent expected that!
  22. Telling anyone "If you like short games go for cod noob" is both uncivil and untrue. Since there is pleanty of 30h games which are quite good, like: KOTOR, Shadowrun Dragonfall, Mass Effect 2. Even Fallout 1 Tyranny was shorter than PoE, but it also is the beast which tries to allow a very different stories in one game, and making storyline from pieces, which is something. (not being able to go to tower by force is annoying) There is also money factor, crpg could sell in 1mln copies (which already is good number, and not all can count for that), assuming 45$ price tag minus fees and support cost, That determines how much you can do. And at some point there is a choice of quality vs quantity.
  23. Was wondering, what is your favorite lenght for crpg like Pillars or other Skyrim? Or maybe there is a big difference between Isometric and TPP? My thoughs: 30 hours is sufficient, to have enought story and gameplay, but not be fed up with. That is a lenght of KOTOR or Shadowrun Dragonfall (great games). Even better if almost complete run takes 60 hours, but half of that is more or less optional, so we can play it our way. There are people who likes Dungeons, Boss fights, Wildneress, All text quests, collecting and so on. Say no to time soakers, like excesive managing inventory and vendors, or long travel times (no fast travel) Quality over quantity. No MMO style. Just because MMO are popular and well advertised does mean it is good gameplay. There is some potencial in post release support. Like adding Bounties or endless dungeon after release as free dlc. Only 10-25% players finish game at all, so pushing for some enourmous lenght could be waste. Expansions like WHite March are fair, since not not forcing to pay for content we dont wanna play is ok. And You?
  24. I would be fine with TOR turned into proper game not MMO. Also The Fallen Empire is said to be good.
  25. Well there is Total War series which is going strong, and is somehow good. Paradox games are rts enought? They may feel like board games, but they all have active pause and real time. And there is fair number of them (HoI, EU, Stellaris, CK). There is Wargames series. Dawn of War 3 is announced. There was Homeworld Karak. Fair amount of games. Strategy games are generally niche and not really casual. Also Stracraft game model is not that great, since that all base building is not appealing for those who prefer commanding troops. Also RTS need to compete with turn based strategies which are very close.
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