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Everything posted by evilcat

  1. There seems to be console command for "remove talent" (and add talent, as well as change stats) which may help. However there could be easier way to do that (searching for console talent name not so easy). As for why sceletors are so big deal: - they are paperweight after level 5, so die before do anything - they happen to block our real warriors - phantom is simply better at higher levels, takes less space, last longer - we can play Kana more as blaster chanter using worm bomb or paralyze, and take summons from Grey Sleeper. - AI keeps summoning them even if we have other plans, Chanter have this limited resource - because artificial limits are so DnD 3.0 Stats, as long as fighters have generally good Might/Dex and Casters good Int i can play with that. If someone wants roleplay value, and artistic vision of companion being special real being and stuff, better option would be give story companions unique bonus abilities after completicion of companion quests (just as watcher get). That would make them special, and somehow ofset their balanced builds, also it is a bonus, so no place for complains. For example Aloth could "call a friend" Eder show some "undying lights" Pellegina could shake that feathers and Durance start "hammer time". You got the idea.
  2. Ah, I see that now. I believed you, but I just reloaded an old save and poked around to verify. Perfect example of why I should lurk and read while informed members post! Don't be too nice to Junta or he will put on airs!!! Personally I like how the game does this, if you want "pure" min max it is totally available to you VIA hiring people at the various inns. The story companions should have some kind of trade off, they make up for less than perfect stat spreads in tons of ways. Some of them have unique features like Caroc, and they all include you know... story, bonus quests, and actual dialog. Makes them well worth the trade in my opinion. Obection! That is very weird tradeoff to have better story for cost of worse gameplay. Such artificial difficulties are too close "to unlock this story you need to play with gamepad and spread some blood over keyboard". Story companions should be more or less competent in what they do. And stat distribution should fallow suggested "recommended attributes", without minimaxing, and a bit more balanced (to suit various builds), but still useful for what class most often do. The 1st level ability is in no way special for anyone, just a random ability. Kana without sceletors would still be Kana.
  3. "Illegal Alliens" damm Independence Day wasnt enought. They should not cut the Man in Black funds. Vote Will Smith.
  4. Tooltip? Appearing text box with info "Each Prestige points provide 50 gold, and increase chance of mission apperance by 5%/day" and "Each security point secures 50gold from taxes from filthy robbers and increase chance of guest spawning by 1%/day" or something like that. But honestly... i dont care. At this point when WM2 is near, and Stronghold is no way key feature and gold from Stronghold isnt really important it is all about to just leave stronghold in state which dont break anything else. Which means: - remove monster raiding, or increase timer to something like 7 days. It sucks when doing durgan battery monster spawn. Being in middle of awesome duneon why would i care to run back to fight some literally random mobs? Monster raids not only have zero value, but bring it to negative. Since game 1 is slowly fading to the conclusion i would just call it a day with stronghold. Add some stroyquest, that seems to be greatest complain, and focus on quests in whitemarch, or new talents. With PoE2 start over with completly new aproach.
  5. Force Sensitive Vampire in Postapocaliptic Winter Lands. Dont worry Bethesda will do that at some point.
  6. Not sure what are you asking about. But as Ranger class player can use any ranged weapon, also many of abilities works with melee weapons as well. You can make firearms ranger and it is quite fun. Firearms have some extra synergy with Wounding Shot. You cant use firearms with twinned arrow (must be visious aim or swift aim).
  7. Some builds which may help: PC Fighter Role: Greates Sword of Eora, fighter with Greatswords. May use sword+shield in second slot. Also rifle for alpha strike in 3rd slot (if Aumaua) Race: Island Aumaua Deadfire Archipelao Stats: Might 20 Con 10 Dex 15 Per 13 Int 10 Resolve 10 Skills: Atletics 3 Knowledge 8 Survival high (too keep us drunk) Abilities: 1. Knock down 3. Disciplined Barrage 5. Weapon Spec Soldier 7. Armored Grace 9. Confident Aim 11. Ubroken 13. Sundering Blow Talents: 2. Weapon Focus Soldier 4. Two handed weapon style 6. Weapon Mastery Soldier 8. Vulnerable attack 10. Savage attack 12. Apprentice Sneak Attacks 14. Bulls Will/Superior Defence/Bear Fortitude Dont worrry if stats/race is different, as long as you have Might 16 it will be ok. If not but want to fallow this build use console to rearange your stats as pleased. http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Console_command Pallegina - Paladin chick Role: "Tank" support. Using weapon and shield as primary with rifle/big sword as secondary. Abilities: 1. Flames of Devotion (fixed ( ) 3. Zelous Focus 5. Lay of Hands 7. Reviving Exhortion 9. Coordinated Attacks 11. Healing Chain 13. Sacred Immolation Talents: 2. Weapon and Shield Style (Weapon Focus Soldier) 4. Critical Focus 6. Cautios Attacs (Two Handed Style) 8. Deep Faith 10. Superior Deflection (Vulnerable Attacks) 12. Beer Fortitude (savage attacs) 14. Bulls Will (apprentice sneak attack) () - offensive variant Sagani build Abilities1. Wounding Shot 3. Marked Prey (vissious aim - retrain at level 13) 5. Stalker Link 7. Driving Flight 9. Predator Sense 11. Stunning Shots 13. Twinned Arrows Talents: 2. Resilent Companion 4. Penetrating Shots 6. Visious Companion 8. Merciless Companion 10. Weapon Focus Any 12. Marksman 14. Faitfull Companion Notes: - Twinned Arrows come a bit late, so before can use Visious Aim as modal and retrain at 13. - Soulbound weapon works with any focus so might as well use Noble for Scepter or Soldier for Rifles.
  8. Stat respec for companions is not that needed, however it would be welcome to pick abilities from level 1 for them. For example Kana could abandon this sceletors, so he would stop summoning them with AI on.
  9. The choice of title is preconcieved. "The rape of Europe" is something Zeus would like.
  10. WM2 will be last for PoE. However PoE2 was mentioned in some interview.
  11. I am just thinking that PoE 1 is game when mistakes have been made, and feedback collected. So PoE2 would be a chance to do everything from the begining but this time right, using tools which are already made. And after PoE2 OBS could move to another IP for a while.
  12. Some thoughs about Stronghold, maybe no longer relevant to PoE due to project ending, but something to read before PoE2. Good things about stronhold: - Bounties - are optional, offer some challenge, allow to revisit old locations, offer rare loot woot. - Campfire - simple place when player can put some of items in the stash, talk with companions, or simply rest very fast. Resting in inns often requires extra loading screen, but in stronghold it is simplier. However PoE overdo it, blowing stronghold to big size. Aproach from Dragon Age Origins, or Shadowrun is enouht for my needs. - Vendor hub - running around the Dyrwood in search that one vendor who sells some plant/brain/gem is no exiting. So having all basic vendors in one place is big ease of use improvment. I am ok with that: - Endless Dungeon - it is hard to complain about endless paths since it is realisation of the promise. It is good that is is optional. Allows to just kill things and test our party in combat after many non lethal quests. However same result could be achieved with smaller dungeon (8-10 levels). - Rest bonus - ok inns offer one, so stronghold should to. However it is mostly gold sink, so there is not much extra value in it. Not entertaining. The bad, things annoying for no reason: - Raids, monster raids are horrible idea, since it is obligatory, offers no loot and no story. Just something which stops me during some cool exploration elsewhere. - Loading screen, various bildings in Stronghold have loading screens, so making easy tasks could take longer time. Missing: - Story, there is lack of some story arc around stronghold. Similar to BG2. PoE type players probably like stories so there should be one connected with Stronghold. - Recognition, it is rare that upgrading our stronhold to super center of trade and justice have any impact on the world. (single mercenaries is not enought) It would be good to use our lordship like seal the deal for ourselves, or marry handsome prince, or took over gilden dale after Roderick expires... Maybe in PoE2 it will be enought to have something smaller: safehouse, tradeship, wachtower, mancave, theatre, temple...
  13. Eder has not as bad stat split. Int is potencially useful for knockdowns, disciplined barrage, clear out, sunder or weapon trips/stuns. Dex is generally good for dps martial (hard to pump attack speed). And both have at 10/11 which is low enought. Companions tend to have more balanced stats than minimaxed, since they are prepared for different builds, and do not support glasscanon builds (babysitting glasscanon is more advanced). Also cant require specific item - " I will just take +15 will hat, Resolve 3 it is" Thing to complain: If recomended stats are misleading, or does not fit current version of the game. Or if companion stats are copletly different from what class have recommended. For example Devil of Caroc have very high Resolve, which may have some merit for riposte build but does not match advised stats. So either Devil or Rogue recommended stat should be changed.
  14. I am a bit hyped for XCOM2. The reboot XCOM fit my taste with mix of easy tactical, strateg layer cut to only important stuff, and a bit of plot with characters. The way dr Vahlen talk about speciment being useful before it expired was most delighful. And it seems XCOM2 is just old stuff but improved.
  15. There is always middle ground. 1. Set trap count as 3. Enought to be useful, not too much to be abuse. 2. Add option to make granades from traps, so we can use somehow all this trap parts. Otherwise it is mostly junk.
  16. I like the design of stronghold with sleeping giant on it. That is one step forward from map being patchwork of many elements to map which is one big element which makes sense as a whole. Conspiracy theory: Maybe sleeping giant is related to Endless Path statue?
  17. It is funny to watch US presidency run if you are not from US. It is like Democrats are your standard establishment vs labour conflict, but then there is a whole bunch of Republicants where things just gone mad. It is fun till You realise that one of this dudes will get a hand on nuke/predators button.
  18. If it is about hiden obect to loot from ground you may sneak. It works in some cases.
  19. Pillars of the Eternity 2 of course. Since game/engine/setting is on fire, and it is good exploit it when it is still fresh and more or less known. Jumping to other setting will be a lot of waste for creating new world, new mechanic, new graphic... it is paintfull to think of. Also i want to see Vailia Republics. Once Obsidian is done with PoE... WoD Bloodlines 2. With similar premise as Bloodlines (mix of genres, with sneaking, shooting, rpg, melee, magic andstuff) Good thing Paradox get the IP maybe that will work.
  20. That... opens a options. Where can i find them? Do i need to accept any quest for that?
  21. Ranger with Paladin is a nice combo, since we can use Lay of Hand on pet, or even revival. And coordinated attacks also adds. Could be better than Chanter before level 9. For warbow vs huntbow it may depend how well enchanted weapon you have. Persistance is good, Borreseine is not that dps oriented. Cloudpircer could be better but is hard to get (also Doemenels buff could be worth more than dozens). Huntbow is better against targets with DR<5. However such targets are not a problem anyway, as game progress there will be more hig DR targets so speed will matter less if you just scratch the surface. There is also this table (not mine):
  22. Thans for all the feedback. Some notes: 1. It is important to have early talents: Weapon on Shield, Cautios Attacks, Supperior Defence. Since that is what defines build and allows to be a good doorkeeper. 2. Weapon Focus is skippable, we can always cast more spells. Extra spells is not primary either. 3. Extra defensive talents giving +10 to defenses. Especially +10 Fortitude. (our lowest save) are much better. At least till level 8 charms are resisted, but it may change higher.
  23. I like idea of giving chanters free talents at some high levels "reduce stacks needed for all invocations by 1" (but not less than 1). It looks rather simple, yet it gets things done. The songs will still take long but being able at least cast paralyze/sunder more often could be OP enought.
  24. Player character also get a best gear, can pick better race than Human (Hearth Orlan, Boreal Dwarf), and get some story feats (Doemenels crits!, gift from machine).
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