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Everything posted by house2fly

  1. I am EXTREMELY thrilled but also I am FURIOUS because I'm supposed to spend my evening doing CHORES but now how can I POSSIBLY do that
  2. Berath's Blessings? They give you extra perks if you start another playthrough- extra money, better equipment, bonus stats, etc
  3. Cool. Hey, while you're here, what are the other nine new subclasses?
  4. I haven't played it but I watched all the cutscenes on youtube, and unless it's horrible to actually play I don't think I'd call that a controversy opinion
  5. I really hope the respawning ships are generic. I don't want to see Veen skulking around poko kahara every 10 minutes
  6. It is weird that they didn't keep the old voices. I don't have a problem with recording new voices, but why not to keep the old ones as well so there are more options in character creation?
  7. They'll probably do a trailer close to release. I don't like the 5 second teasers with a monster roaring anyway
  8. The final dungeon in PoE1 was a decent length, complaints about "the endgame being too long" are from people who think Twin Elms and Burial Isle are part of the endgame. Imagine if Ukaizo had had bigger maps, some sense of exploration, and maybe a proper boss battle at the end
  9. Do changed ratings count as new reviews? I imagine some people who dropped the game due to bugs or whatever months ago could now be coming back to it and liking it more
  10. Beast Of Winter had a, what, six level dungeon? Clifftop, temple area, Bridge Ablaze, Drowned Kingdom, Infinite Queries, final White Void area
  11. One issue with modding in additional crew members: any saves made after the mod is installed require the mod to load, that is to say the mod cannot be uninstalled. Is there a way to remove crew members from the inventory? I think that would do it. I seem to remember peardox having an item or conversation option that destroyed items (presumably to clean up saves in case of issues like this) but I can't remember the details
  12. I remember some interview with Josh Sawyer a few years back where he said something like "reviewers have been very kind to us on Pillars, obviously there's no way we'd survive a direct comparison with Witcher 3" and it was funny to play Witcher 3 after that and wonder what he was smoking because Pillars is way better
  13. I'm sure he's not legally entitled to anything. I just meant artistically and morally.
  14. Sapkowski deserves more money than he got imo. The Witcher is beloved because of his characters amd setting. Even the most die-hard Witcher 3 fan will never say they play it for the levelling system. of the many cool things about Alpha Protocol, one notable one is that it's short. Another one is that, while your character can't really lose, it's up to you to decide what winning means. It might mean siding with the villain...
  15. i played a little bit of witcher 3 and i could tell early on that it was a more attractive looking skyrim with a better script but also with batman mechanics. he even has that detective vision lmao. i really cannot understand how so many people are like wow this is like the pinnacle of gaming a very basic batman controller mechanics and unlock system spun off into mad max and fantasy. its really straight console gaming for people that want to play games that feel like movies. they think the closer the game is to being like a movie "you" star in the better it is i want to play a game, i also like having a squad anyway *banging on table* where is my mass effect tactics to be fair, by RPG standards Witcher 3 combat is pretty good. It's in a rare category of RPGs that do full-on real-time combat- off the top of my head Alpha Protocol, Mass Effect, Dragon's Dogma and the Soulslike genre are the main other ones which do it, and if you take the Soulslikes out then Witcher 3 doesn't look bad at all
  16. You mean like for dialogue checks? Generally they don't check subclasses, just main class. Any subclass you create would qualify for dialogue options the same as the existing ones. If you need a guide, a good place to start is an existing mod. Check out this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/159 Download the mod and open up the files to get a feel for what goes into a subclass mod; it's generally a lot less intimidating than it looks Also have a look at Obsidian's documentation on their website, which contains explanations for what the various bits of code mean: https://eternity.obsidian.net/game-data-formats/components#charactersubclasscomponent
  17. It wasn't "missing". The DLC is side content. It improves the game to have it, but it isn't necessary. This is why they shouldn't call a bundle edition "complete"- there's a common perception of DLC as being content that should have been in the game at launch but was deliberately left out to grift people. Calling it "complete" feeds into that perception. They should call it something that makes it clear the DLC is extra stuff that you're getting. Pillars 1's "definitive edition" wasn't bad
  18. They clearly did try, though general consensus seems to be that it didn't work out
  19. Not hard. Well, I don't know about localization. But for subclass, just look at existing subclasses and copy what they do. The hard part is having to copy the entire progression table for the class into your mod, which gives it like a million lines of text and makes it clash with any other mods which affect that class
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