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Everything posted by Kaylon

  1. Comtessa's Gage and Confident Aim work differently. Confident Aim increases your min damage (like Boeroer explained) while Comtessa's Gage reduces your variance by 25%. Example: Weapon doing 40-60dmg Confident Aim (adds 20% to min dmg) - new dmg will be 48-60 (min dmg is 40 and 20%*40=8 ) Comtessa's Gage (reduces variance by 25%) - new damage will be 45-60 (variance is 60-40=20 and 25%*20=5) Confident Aim + Comtessa's Gage - new damage will be 51-60 (first the min dmg (40) is increased by 8, then the new variance (12) is reduced by 3)
  2. Personally I would build the paladin like a solo tank because he should ensure the survival of your party and always be the last man standing (and should stay like this until the end for Defensive Mindweb). For the cipher I would start as a ranged fighter/cc and then evolve towards a 2w fighter with 0% recovery later. PS. A Skaen priest can become also a pretty good melee fighter under Defensive Mindweb.
  3. You don't have to return after a month, you just have to use the console to advance the time one month and check...
  4. The item order is either random, or changed from what they had listed before. None of the items are in the order they have on the wiki. And the fact that I managed to get an item three times in a row three days in a row speaks for itself. Getting an item 3 days in a row is very common if you check the tables. It's very possible they changed the tables, however I doubt the items are random... I told you the way to test if the items are random. Now if you choose to believe they're random, that's up to you...
  5. If the loot tables were changed then it was in one of the latest versions of the game. The fact that you found different items doesn't mean they're random, it just means the loot tables were changed. To test if they're random you should first check if the same day of each month you get a different item - which I really doubt it.
  6. Personally I consider paladin, cipher and priest the best overall trio because it has great synergy and versatility, it doesn't require constant resting and by the end of the game it can deal with any encounter without any difficulty because of Defensive Mindweb.
  7. Use a figurine to pull them away from you. After that you can engage them from a better spot or simply skip the fight...
  8. While in PoE already the armor system was arbitrary and artificial, in PoE2 they managed to make it even worse - probably for the sake of originality (because I can't see other reasons)...
  9. Maybe Ad&D had many rules but they were well documented and the game mechanics were simple to understand. On the other hand PoE has complicated game mechanics, the rules seem often arbitrary or not well documented and the items/abilities descriptions are often confusing or misleading. I had to test lots of items/abilities in PoE to see first if they work and if they do it like expected. Now it seems I'll have to do it again if I want to play PoE2...
  10. It was disappointing to see how Obsidian promptly "fixed" the armors with a dedicated patch, while the arbalest was left untouched...
  11. Yes, maces ans spears should have the same speed as sabres - it was probably an oversight.
  12. Was anybody able to solo with a class on the highest difficulty? Because right now every class feels strong with a full party on normal difficulty...
  13. While single class fighter is nearly the same or even better than in PoE1 and thus viable by itself, I wouldn't say the same about the paladin. Besides casters and fighters all the other classes feel nerfed and weaker than their PoE1 counterpart because they were stripped of essential talents and were left only with diluted abilities instead...
  14. I think 1h style should get a penetration bonus instead of graze to hit.
  15. Ok, if I understand well, the recovery formula works like that: 1. all the bonuses(+)/penalties(-) for recovery are added together 2. the result ( R ) can be positive or negative and we have two situations: - if R > 0 then the recovery becomes BaseRecovery / (1+R) - if R < 0 then the recovery becomes BaseRecovery * (1-R) / (1 + ArmoredGrace * (1-R)) (If no ArmoredGrace then the green part disappears)
  16. Hey MaxQuest, I still have a hard time understanding your speed formula. Can you explain what will be the final recovery for someone in heavy armor using Overdraw (no other bonuses/penalties). And also what would be the recovery of a dual wielder with Two Weapons Style, Frenzy and 20dex (no other penalties)?
  17. When quality enchanted the damage/accuracy of the shield should be increased too, not just defense. I also think that bashing should be a modal for all shields, with a little flavor depending on their type (chance to stagger,interrupt, lower defenses, etc...)
  18. To make all attributes useful you should have every attribute giving offensive bonuses to all classes. An idea would be: MIG - 3% dmg DEX - 3% spd CON - 5% crit dmg PER - 1 acc INT - 5% graze to hit, AoE increase RES - 2% hit to crit, duration increase
  19. You can safely dump dex and int until lv13 to increase your tankiness. The best dps combo you can get until you have access to durgan enchantments is Sword of Daensys + March Steel Dagger (start of ch.2).
  20. Mmmm not sure if you will have enough points on other stats if u do 2 Str 18 Con tho, u need Dex for casting speed, Per for hit rate, Int for range and duration and Res is most important for you. Unless u sacrifice some points, you really don't have points in Con The points you place in Con are the ones you took from Strength. If you don't do that and just dump Strength then your Fortitude is going to be terrible. You can go something like Str 2 Con 18 Dex 15 Per 13 Int 15 Res 15 This keeps your Fortitude neutral while getting you +40% health. Effectively dumping Strength into Constitution makes you much tankier for free. If you don't care about bad Fortitude you can go with: Str 2 Con 10 Dex 16 Per 15 Int 15 Res 20 I personally prefer the tankier/healthier Wizard option, it has only benefits without any downsides. In PoE1 pure casters would have 18mig, 3con, 15dex, 18per, 18int, 3res. With the new system it will be 3mig, 3con, 15dex, 18per, 18int, 18res. The fortitude will be indeed very low for casters, however I don't see it being a problem if there are few effects targeting directly fortitude (in PoE1 most were secondary effects linked to melee attacks).
  21. Wizard's dounble is completely useless vs. magran's, at least the upscaled version, since they attack both deflection and reflex at very high accuracy (there are even some will attacks I think, but no fortitude at all, fortitude being the easiest defense to push, since both Mi and Con are super beneficial), maybe with the new deadfire armor reflex variant... Then again with 200 reflex i guess they might not do more than graze. Graze is enough because the fighters have Confident Aim...
  22. Cautious Attack is suppressed by the other deflection buffs. Wizard's Double is nice but far from a permanent buff - enemies with graze to hit conversion will break it rather easily for example, the forge guardians have a retaliation which ignore defenses and debuffs are still possible (flanking), etc... Also keeping your buffs up while slowly killing with Drawn in Spring won't work in hard battles (Magran's Faithful comes to mind)
  23. Now that PoE1 won't get more patches I can say it - the paladin is by far the strongest class. Not only he's the best tank and has no hard match ups, but once he gets Sacred Immolation he becomes a true monster... While Sacred Immolation doesn't look very strong compared to other AoE attacks it has a huge advantage - it triggers Combusting Wounds every 3 seconds which melts even the strongest enemies in seconds (also you can have multiple Rings of Searing Flames meaning you rarely need to rest...). PS. I never used this combo in my videos because I didn't want it nerfed, but maybe I'll post one showing how easily you can destroy Magran's Faithful...
  24. You can also get +5 resolve with a chanter (it replaces food).
  25. If there is 5% affliction duration for int, then resolve should give 5% buffs duration instead... Also dex should give 5%spd too... Anyway this would make more sense than their actual ideas...
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