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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Without preorder bonuses, you don't have any rings or amulets for a quite while, so it is still worthwhile. No clue if it's meant to be +12, but that would make it very powerful early on.
  2. Are they always backwards? Or is it just when your character is facing backwards? I think they changed that in an early mini-update. Tiny, incremental patches usually don't have notes. The first major patch is yet to come.
  3. People, not everything needs a new topic. Feel free to continue the discussion in one of the existing threads.
  4. OK, friended you people and went online on Steam. Make my dalliance with this evil product worthwhile. Just message me on Steam if anybody wants to co-op.
  5. VGchartz is pretty much horrible rubbish, but the 'best we have'. Its numbers are made up of tiny samples blown up (e.g. call 50 stores x 5000), PC sales does not include digital sales (because pretty much no digital retailers release that information publicly), and pretty much, it's only a good ballpark for whether a game is selling over a million copies or selling half a million, etc. In other words - as reliable as occasional publisher comments about "game ships 1.5 million", etc. Only way to know for sure, for DS3 or any game, is wait for the publisher's results at an AGM or something, or if the publisher decides to announce the sell-in/sell-through numbers. My impression just from those charts is that DS3 has been selling 'well' (good but not lighting the world on fire), but how fast the sales declines in the first 2 months will be important too - DA2, for instance, was notable for how amazingly fast it dropped.
  6. I've said this a hundred times, but inserting the Super Awesome Multiplayer Mode into a finished game just like that isn't simple. If you think they should have put it in whatever the cost, that's fine - that's your opinion. But it's worth noting what's involved, at least; (a) a reworked character development system to make a higher level cap viable (no, changing '30' to '99' and calling it a day doesn't work) (b) a redesigned encounter system, more content, and/or new game+ to make (a) work (no, new game+ doesn't just involve adding 30 to all monsters' levels, unless you want one of those half-arsed implementations) © an extended and redesigned loot system (d) a matchmaking infrastructure for PC, lobbies/chat rooms, new UI, etc (e) code for multiplayer itself that may include PvP, trade, friends/invites, etc (f) persistent investment and support for connection problems, server upkeep, anti-cheating support, etc ...and more. Now, if the question is, "should we expect all ARPGs to have a Diablo-style persistent multiplayer", I'm not going to get into that again... in terms of what is realistically possible, I'd say things like new characters, slightly increased level cap, new areas or slightly reworked camera could happen.
  7. There seems to be a very small mini-update for the game at present. Try updating?
  8. It's probably one of those smaller updates for one or two issues, not a proper 'patch'.
  9. If you can't figure something out, it must be the game's fault! Heaven forbid you try something for more than 5 minutes.
  10. Keymapping is said to be on the list for the next patch ('soon'). Fullscreen windowed isn't 'standard' - though if you want it, at least DS3 appears to alt-tab very well. Too many PC games freeze or hang when alt-tabbing.
  11. There's an entropy talent too, though, equivalent to the lightning one, isn't there? I haven't looked too closely.
  12. Whatever you feel about the game guys, stick to discussing it. This forum is here so we can all share our opinions and discuss, but it is not here so you can force your opinions down other people's throats or call each other monkeys.
  13. Wait, so you want the game to give you LESS information? Why would that be better? Heck, items are sorted by character in the vendor/item window, and all items have unique visual icons depending on who uses them, so it's not like you'll ever have 2 things side by side and think "Oh I don't know which one I can use". Spell damage (Ability DPS) is increased through Will.
  14. All equipment except rings/amulets are assigned to specific characters, and you can check this when you pick it up or buy/sell it or use the Item menu by looking at the big portraits of the characters behind/above the item.
  15. I agree KB/M should be better / remappable, but when you get used to it it works perfectly well. The flaw is that it takes an hour or two to get used to, which sucks. Hopefully they manage to put keymapping in the next patch like they say they want to.
  16. 3) You can. See the huge faces of characters above/behind item names, both when you pick them up and in the merchant window. That tells you who it is for. Faces are greyed out if you haven't met the character yet, but it's still easy to tell in the silhouettes.
  17. Which ability exactly are you talking about? As for the interface, every item has a big face above or behind the item name, both when you pick it up and at the vendor. So it's easy to know who it is for.
  18. I had three sets of five too and I had no problem - from memory, Steam just gave me a single blank field to copy & paste. Perhaps it's asking for a different kind of key (i.e. the preorder keys Pidesco mentioned)?
  19. You can tilt the camera a little bit (see the FAQ), you won't be able to see far into the distance or anything but certainly enough to tell where you are and where you are going. I don't think over-the-shoulder view will be implemented as the game does not have skyboxes.
  20. In my single plaeyr experience, my 'henchmen' seem to get good drops, though not as many drops as the main character - hell, I'm always overloaded with Reinhardt loot in particular even before you meet him. Gold is also pretty abundant, so you can get pretty good loot for the buddy character that way.
  21. All you need is to (a) have Steam installed, and have a Steam account you can log on to, then (b) enter the product CD-key provided in your retail or direct download copy when installing the game through Steam. I'm not sure which bit is causing trouble?
  22. You can always tell what item is for which character, er, because theres a giant face behind or above the item when you pick it up or view it in the vendor window. And all items are sorted by character.
  23. While I love Fate of the World, I wouldn't, not for a second, compare it in any way to the buggyness/polish/featurelist of AAA games. Making something like that polished and bug-free is a very different proposition than, say, Fallout:NV.
  24. Hrm. Sorry I can't help more - obviously I'm not a dev so I don't know any more than the commonsense solutions. Hopefully it gets shored up in the first proper patch, afaik the current update is just one of those 'silent' minor patch-ups. It's not a huge deal in the sense that it stops you from finishing the game or you miss out on cool equipment, but it does give you a sliver of XP then lead to another short diplomatic quest. Depending on your character, I think you also need to finish the Krug quest to recruit one of the companions. However, this should have no impact on persuading the Meisters if you complete all other quests.
  25. For Katarina I ended up mostly Rifle; mid-game dual was very useful for mob control but later on found that it wasn't powerful enough. I wasn't using all the abilities very well, though, and generally relied on heartseeker. Playing now with Anjali and finding that it's actually very viable to use both stances. I swap stances almost as often as rolling - sometimes every 2 seconds. E.g. roll in, lay down the AOE fire circle, change stance and do a spinning kick, roll back out and change stance at the same time, cast pillar of fire, hit defensive stance for a second to use Ignite, change stance back to human and hurl the spear. Really works out very fun. If you don't like to go like a maniac on the controller/KBM though, it would probably be simpler to specialise then let the companion help you out.
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