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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. About 15-16 hours in and still not complete or at the endgame, certainly haven't seen much of Jeyne Kassynder. That includes a fair bit of reloading on hardcore, but I go through dialogue very quickly and don't bother with voice acting, and I generally finish games quite fast. Certainly if you play on hardcore and do all the sidequests it won't feel too short because of how intense it is, and you do get through quite a few different areas. More sidequests wouldn't hurt though. ...and I know I missed a few things, because I still haven''t even met .
  2. Really? I'm Level 20 and I've got a fair bit of content left (just completed ). I'm wondering how many sidequests/areas you might have missed, since I didn't 'grind' respawns.
  3. I haven't tried co-op much myself, but based on official info, (1) the character is saved as long as the game is saved, yes. (2) another person could come in your stead and play your character. This can be both a good thing ('hotseat' MP) and a bad thing (you didn't want someone else messing). Not sure what you mean by not being able to pick a class, as far as I know you pick who you play when you join? Every time you host a new game, that is a new campaign and a new savefile (just like how it would work in single player). Each game has its own characters.
  4. Character isn't wiped, when your friends join you again the characters and their XP/equipment is still there. You can't take the characters outside of that game though, if that's what you mean.
  5. All. Sort of. I wouldn't get in their faces about it unless I was family or something, but by the same token, I wouldn't put up with it being in my face either. I don't believe you need any of that stuff to have a good time.
  6. You save manually at the glowing save points, you don't just walk through it or something. Hit the Use key (same key for picking up items). Also autosaves sometimes before bosses, etc., but you can tell by the big "Saving..." thing.
  7. Does the camera zoom out a bit more than in single-player, at least? If that happens, I wouldn't mind.
  8. The time shown in the DS3 internsl saves are completely out of whack. I'm apparently at 5 hours on my save, but Steam says 13 hours, and I know I've spent at least that, maybe a little bit more, based on me keeping time IRL. Of course the savefile won't count the times I died and reloaded, but still. If people reporting they finished the game in 9 hours are going by the DS3 save time, that's completely unreliable. (I'm level 20 and halfway through Stonebridge hub now).
  9. From memory there are only 2 locked doors in that dungeon - one that opens once you are done with the quest and come back, and one which contains a save point, and one of the relics - this is opened by finding a corpse in one of the smaller rooms in the same area (the big rectangular corridor). In my playthrough the relic I found there was not the sword, but perhaps it's randomised or something. Anyway, check for that. Not hard to find.
  10. That's not where the sword is, you might be looking at a different quest circle as taht's where you exit the dungeon later. It's just past the big platform where the Farmer is entombed - keep going past that and there's a little room with an altar, that has the sword.
  11. I've gone high agility with Katarina for 20+% crits as you might expect, but I've found that through swapping out items, sometimes it's a lot more effective to either bulk up on stamina & armour (just to survive, say, a boss fight), or go for Will and Momentum and make the direct damage abilities the mainstay, etc. Depends on your playstyle, and where it is you are failing. i.e. if you're getting hit too much for your +armour to compensate, maybe put up block and work that into the way you play. Or throw in Warding / Retribution to get them off your back if you're getting swarmed.
  12. You should be able to inquire with Square Enix's support - in fact, seems like there's a link to start with, at least. Posting at Steam forums simply means you might get someone else who has experienced your problem. I'm sure if the devs can help with this they will, but they can't do individual troubleshooting for every single person.
  13. You can also try the DS3 forums at Steam, or Square Enix's customer support, but Obsid devs do read these forums time to time.
  14. Characters stay in their own campaign and aren't imported or exported across separate campaigns. As such, even if you got extra benefits like gold or items, it wouldn't matter - if you went and hosted your own game, you'd still be making new characters. In short, multiplayer is only about co-op, there is no persistent mode.
  15. I don't think there are 'main attributes' set in stone for each character. The huge changes in bonuses you get through items mean you could easily force 'unnatural' build types to pretty good efficiency, e.g. a blocker Katarina.
  16. BTW, please make sure you use [s p o i l e r] tags for major spoilery things.
  17. D2 synergies only came months and months later in a patch. Of course, that itself is a testament to Blizzard's extraordinary patch ethic.
  18. I was talking about Dark Sun - there are different kinds of issues at work with DA, which we've discussed in the other thread. Ironically, the Dark Sun games themselves still remain on my To Play list...
  19. Now at Stonebridge, Level 15. Quick thoughts: (1) Game definitely looks really good, has pretty much zero technical problems, and the combat is definitely simple but fun - does nothing particularly sophisticated but everything clicks into place. (2) It looks like the game is quite short, seeing as I'm level 15 already, though levelling may slow later on. I'm expecting between 13-15 hours, which is only barely acceptable given the replayability with C&C and different characters and co-op. "Real" playing hours would probably be longer, though, since I'm dying a fair bit on hardcore. (3) Speaking of hardcore, challenging. In a good way. Never hair-pulling 'what am I meant to do' hard, so you're not frustrated when you reload, you're raring to go because you know you can do it. (4) IMO Camera is completely fine, PC controls are bad but ocne you get used to it definitely playable. This changes a lot based on the individual, though. But certainly the camera never spins into weird places, gets stuck, etc. Definitely wish it was a bit more flexible to show off those vistas, at the present you pretty much feel like you'r enot even meant to see them. (5) Writing gets better, though I wouldn't say great, yet. Some interesting setups and political stuff, and voiceacting is generally OK. There are definitely choices - conseequences, we shall see.
  20. Darksun is interesting and something creative could be done with it - it would suit a 'revival' of sorts, though more for the setting than the games themselves. If only the D&D rights weren't so problematic at the moment.
  21. We have people that don't like the game and people that like the game, that's fine, but if you're going to start selectively quoting reviews just to pretend the world is how you see it, what's the point, really? I could quote all the positive bits in the review, but instead, maybe the reviewer's conclusion should speak for itself, rather than someone else carving up little bits & pieces of it:
  22. Keymapping is expected to be patched in soon.
  23. Just reached Stonebridge and.... it's beautiful. Really. Videos don't do it justice. Also would fit right in a 3D Arcanum.... *tears*
  24. In an Action RPG, combat is the bread and butter. In the end that's what you spend 90% of the time doing. All the gameplay mechanics you're talking about fall into either combat, or usability, so I'm not sure what you're drawing a line against here. I can't comment on the co-op aspects as I haven't tried it myself, but; (a) definitely agree keymapping should have been in at the start, at least Obs have said they'll put it in a patch soon; (b) armour does change appearance. I've seen every part of Katarina change appearance 2-3 times in playing 2-3 hours. Different tiers have different appearances, but you can't expect every piece to look different, its randomsied and there are thousands of variations. © tbh with the boss fights/healing it sounds like you haven't got the hang of it yet. I'm finding that I don't even bother picking up the healing orbs, and I'm hardly playing the most durable character in Katarina. You can use block or dodge, you can equip items that increase armour, block or stamina (HP), you can use your own healing ability (that you can upgrade with proficiencies and talents to make more effective), you can take advantage of your friend/companion's (e.g. Anjali's fire AOE), etc. The system in DS3 is that when you're low on HP, you don't run away somewhere and hide and wait for regen or pop a potion, you keep fighting and use that as a way to refill your focus/power & get some healing going (or hope for orb drops).
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