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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. There's plenty of different looking stuff. Only played 2-3 hours and changed Katarina's looks multiple times. The single most important thing about this game is that the combat is fun. It's very fun. And once you actually play the game instead of talk about it, that's the thing that rises to the surface.
  2. The game is hardly out (and not out for many people in US, etc) yet, so you guys will be the earliest bearers of this bug - I haven't tried co-op yet but let's hope there will be a quick fix to this.
  3. Every character has a healing ability that costs focus, and all you need to get focus is to beat someone up or block. How is that 'difficult'? It's literally impossible to get into a situation where you're stuck on low HP and have to go back to town for potions.
  4. Hardcore. Normal is a walkover. I'm also thinking I haven't figured out something about that boss, too busy running away. Went away for now and am fighting back at Raven's Rill, died twice but should be doable.
  5. Wow. Level 5 Kat & Anjali in the fighting the big . Insanely hard. In fact, pretty much impossible to defeat.
  6. Quick question - does anyone know what determines the first companion you get? Playing as Katarina and got , but am wondering if that's set in stone or not. Also hoping we can ditch companions later if we want to, if they're forced it would suck. Very fun so far, and difficult on Hardcore. Have this weird graphics bug where I get a big bar of black pixels on the top right from time to time, but not a huge deal at the moment.
  7. Finally got mine going, going to play Katarina on Hardcore. Still in Demo area but great fun. 1) Game does not run as smoothly as the demo did. I suspect it's related to the demo's bugs with higher graphics settings & blurry textures - the game definitely does look better, I think, and you can definitely tell across settings, though I set most things on Low. 2) Katarina definitely plays very differently from Lucas or Anjali. Feels more like a sniper where you pick your targets, as opposed to Lucas where you can mostly swing about in the fray.
  8. Coming soon. Meanwhile, use [s p o i l e r] tags.
  9. 10 hours and still counting for the bloody Steam download. Now it's having a laugh by doing the last 100mb at 30kbps. And based on past Steam experiences, it'll do a backflip, try to redownload files, crash itself, then slap me in the face twice before I get to play. Screw you, Steam. Your hideous malware makes my legit games worse than pirated copies.
  10. Yep. Still downloading after 6 hours because (a) NZ internet sucks, (b) Steam download speeds suck more.
  11. This is fairly well known, but Koreans, and to a lesser extent, Japanese (and I assume a few other places) have this irrational and weird love-in for Spam. In the Korean case American troops brought it over at the end of WWII and gave it out, well, pretty much like they did chocolates to kids - and then it somehow took the place as an expensive luxury snack/meal option - a view that persisted as late as the 90's, though perhaps not so much anymore. I remember having my share of thinly sliced spam when I was a little kid, it used to be a special treat to have spam & rice (because you know, anything that fatty and salty can't not taste nice to a kid). Then one day I opened a can to cook it myself and realised just how disgusting it is.
  12. I'm late to the party here, but can anyone better informed tell me what the hell happened with:
  13. New AOD update, shows AI schedules and stuff like that.
  14. It's happening more and more these days where the physical copy is just there for appearances - I believe Shogun 2 was one of the recent examples. I suppose the one bright side of the silliness is that you get the latest files, too, not a 2-week old Gold version.
  15. Argh, on the other hand, my download site just gave me a CD-Key and I need to download the whole thing from Steam... which is about 10 times slower than everywhere else.
  16. To me, the Steam site says 18th, while everywhere says the 17th. The regional bull was meant to end, but Steam loves nonsense like that. Anyway, I believe there's some legal mumbo jumbo that make it difficult for some online retailers to offer the same prices across the board. I'm hoping they'll be sensible and unlock it 00:00 on the 17th, but I've gone through game releases before, I know that may not happen.
  17. 22 = US date, 18 = EU date. Australia should follow the EU date... though the EU date is 17th in many other places, so maybe tomorrow morning if you're lucky. That's when I'm getting my download key, hoping Steam won't block it.
  18. Obviously don't have the game yet, but I'd agree that it's worth reading the help topics in the demo. I mean, yeah, usually it's not worth wasting time to read that stuff, but in DS3's case (a) the game doesn't explain them very well otherwise, which isn't very good, but (b) knowing about them opens up so many new possibilities in character building & tactics, which is good.
  19. Ah, that's right - the AUD is unbelievably strong against the USD at the moment. You're lucky to have somehow escaped Steam's region-pricing then.
  20. Nathaniel's bullet points specify the things that they are definitely changing. And then there will be a bunch of things they are looking at changing, but don't want to say yet becuase they're not sure if it'll happen 100%. I'd hope key remapping makes it in the first patch or so, I don't mind but it would solve problems for a lot of people.
  21. If you're in Australia taht price will be 79.99AUD, not USD, most likely. Steam region-locks the prices so you'll probably get the 80$ price for DS3 too. I recommend game.co.uk, 27 quid (50-5550AUD roughly); I'm in New Zealand and I'll be able to download it tomorrow morning. I'm sure there are similar deals out there. Never ever trust release dates or predictions by any of the brick and mortar stores in New Zealand. I don't know whether it's their own incompetence or the disadvantages of being such a small and remote market, but unless it's Call of Duty or something, games will never, EVER come on time. Stopped buying anything from them 5 years ago but every time I check it's the same - their release dates are always wrong, they never tell you anything until you ask them, and then they dont' know anything. Useless.
  22. I... think he was agreeing with you.
  23. Moved to the appropriate thread.
  24. 20 hours until I get my key. Fanboi rage!
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