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Everything posted by Climhazzard

  1. I think turning wheel works pretty good with swift strike builds, but it's a passive way to play monks, you just turn on swift strikes and let them auto attack while building up additional wounds to power up their auto attacks. I much prefer torments reach builds myself.
  2. FoA = Love.. I generally have 8 intelligence on my monks though, sometimes 10, so that torments reach has decent range. The thing I like about force of anguish is that it costs wounds, and that in any situation where force of anguish is needed, the monk will have enough wounds to use it, and to even use it repeatedly. The thing I don't like about force of anguish is that it is a fortitude roll so the prone portion of the attack will sometimes miss. As long as I can use it repeatedly though that doesn't matter. If i am fighting 2 tough opponents I can blow away a 3rd opponent as many times as I need to in order to kill the first 2 opponents. If I'm not getting enough wounds to do that, then the opponents aren't tough enough to warrant blowing them away in the first place. The other thing I like about force of anguish is how fun it is to blow away your opponents, lol. I would take it over stunning blows for anything.
  3. There are two unique sabers in game that have 0.5 crit damage modifier, which no maces have, so if you consider that then sabers are probably better. You do have to find them though, and one of them, the Purgatory saber, can easily be missed on a full playthrough.
  4. Priest has 10 less base accuracy than fighter, rogue, monk, and ranger, which means his ability only puts him on par with their base accuracy. It is 20 vs 30 base accuracy. Ranger and rogue have modal abilities that increase their accuracy so theirs is the highest if you consider those, some classes can temporarily buff their accuracy higher though, such as the cipher, who's base accuracy is 25 and has two spells that add +20 to accuracy.
  5. Made it to the last bottom at level 11 on my first playthrough, current run I made it down there at level 9, both were on hard. Level 5 is high enough to start, you can probably get to floor 5 or so. There are master staircase entrances you can use to travel out and back once you discover them, so don't worry about not being able to reach the end on your first try.
  6. I also use Kana as an offtank, his talents are something like weapon focus: adventurer, hold the line, superior deflection, sword/shield style.
  7. Hmm that seems like it would be really good for my monk, I remember seeing them but I can't find them in my inventory... sad, lol.
  8. Haha thanks for your replies, I did find out that it destroys your enchants which is pretty annoying, but the loot I found wasn't needed for any of my characters so I just reloaded the area and passed on it. Nice to know what is in there though.
  9. Oh it works, I tested it. Basically I just set the game in slow mode then timed how long it took to do 10 attacks, then leveled up and took the trait and did it again. It definitely works for fists, and it's nice since it cancels out the penalty for using vulnerable attack. If you really want to be reassured you can just check it yourself the same way.
  10. Okay so on the third level of the endless paths, on the upper left area of the map, there is a little statue, and just above it appears to be a hidden area of the map. If you look closely you can even see what looks like a moveable wall. My question is, how do i get into that area? Is it quest related? What is back there? If it's quest related then where do I get the quest?
  11. Haven't tried this on PotD so I don't really know anything, but from watching your vid you're really lacking in crowd control use.
  12. It's two weapon style, for fist monks I recommend using two weapon style, peasant weapon focus, and vulnerable attack.
  13. Mental binding is a pretty great skill, I'd take it over a lot of the higher level options, sort of up to how you want to use her though.
  14. Some one posted this recently... http://i.imgur.com/5LhXCjJ.png And there is a version for sabers https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SHdaQ8yNSvJhxcqFeP9ykXdua_EsjSAb9ypzPA8Oink/edit#gid=1848365110 I don't know who did the work, therefore I don't know how accurate it is, nor can i credit them for it, it doesn't take into account talents or weapon specific mods, but it's a good base line. Dual wielding sabers is a pretty safe bet for good damage, battle axes and maces probably work pretty good too, as well as two handing an estoc. Some builds may use specific unique weapons, like a reach barbarian using the tall grass pike.
  15. I was wrong .. Got to actually test it .. Transcendent Suffering adds set amount of damage but NOT to base damage .. Monk fist base damage always remains 10-15 ( .. Lvl 10 monk with 20 might (30% damage bonus) (10*1.3 + 8 )- (15*1.3+8 ) aka 21 - 27.5 NOT (10+8 )*1.3 - (15+8 )*1.3 aka 23.4 - 29.9 Huge disappointment Monk fists have the same attack speed as fast speed weapons, but do slightly better damage than average speed weapons (except for sabers), they may not be as OP as you were imagining, but they're still good. Monk fists are situational. They hold up fine against low DR targets, but fall super hard against armored opponents. Your 21-27 damage will actually hit for 6-12 after 15 DR. Given the sheer amount of monsters in fights on PotD, that's gonna take a while. Find below the number of hits you'll need, obviously discounting misses, grazes, and the odd crit. Forest Lurker 8 DR 327 HP : 13-19 damage per hit, 18-26 hits Forest Troll 5 DR 237 HP : 16-22 damage per hit, 11-15 hits Pwgra 15 DR 134 HP : 6-12 damage per hit, 12-23 hits And these, are very low class monsters which you'll fight at levels 3-5, not at level 10. The biggest pack I encountered on the Woodend Plains with my L5 Monk was 7 Pwgras, 3 Forest Trolls. That's a grand total of 117-206 hits (with a L10 monk, certainly not with a L5) worth of HP + DR, discounting the natural regen of trolls, and the barkskin from pwgras. This mode's difficulty is so high that every character has to pull their weigh, and tbh monks don't imo :| Try vulnerable attack.
  16. Just get bulwark of the elements, it gives you a huge advantage against shades/shadows which do ice damage.
  17. I actually think human works very well with monk, unless their health is falling out of control, if you are dumping intelligence though human probably isn't a good choice. 3 weapon slots can be handy for some specs, like on Kana I give him adventurer spec and sort of make him a jack of all trades, one set is a warbow, another is the estoc, and the last is a endurance drain flail/shield. But eventually you'd want to focus on one playstyle, like one hand/shield, two hand, or marksman.
  18. Charmed does, according to the description, it says "speed accuracy and all defenses are reduced by 25".
  19. I was messing around with level 11 adventurer Paladins last night to experiment with their builds, you have to take lay on hands before you can take deprive the unworthy, unfortunately.
  20. I noticed this same problem with liberating exhortation, turned out to not be half as good as it is in the description.
  21. 10-15 is not "slightly better" than 11-16 of most 1 handed normal speed weapons .. It is "slightly less" .. All additive damage bonuses operate on that base .. Afterwards you add a pinch of Transcendental Suffering on top and assuming your level is big enough, and not a lot of damage modifiers are in play - that just might edge the weapons on damage front .. How significant is the attack speed difference ? Unclear for me atm .. The damage rating for fists on my level 12 monk with 18 might is 20-27, with superb maces (average speed weapons) it's 19-27, the fists are "slightly better", with superb sabers it's 22-32, with superb stilettos it's 15-22. Fists have the same attack speed as the stilettos though, from my own testing fast speed weapons are approximately 46% faster than average speed weapons. Monk fists have better dps than plain superb weapons hands down, it's not until you consider extra effects like +crit damage or endurance drain that fists start lacking.
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