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Everything posted by Climhazzard

  1. So this happened today. It's sort of a normally never happens situation, because petrify, lol, and 10 wounds that I got from who knows what. (the log doesn't show much that I could see) But now I'll never be able to convince myself not to take turning wheel even though I usually try to spend all my wounds.... almost 50 burn damage, not even a crit.
  2. Not that I've seen. I don't think most of them even have melee weapons to swap to.
  3. Yeah but if you're engaged with one enemy and you want to get to the enemy backline, it might be tactically useful to just swap with one of the enemy ranged attackers. I teleport into enemy backlines quite a bit on my monk, but flaggalent;'s path seems like it's better for that purpose, I was just wondering if it might be possible for a rogue.
  4. Uploaded a couple more for the personal information on the sabers monk.
  5. Good to know! Does it work poorly or something? I can see it not being to useful to swap places with other engaged melee characters or squishy casters, but can't you swap places with enemies?
  6. Yeah, I do hit him intentionally, it's something like 25-50 damage per battle, doesn't really add up that fast. For the characters I use, Eder's health pretty much never goes down once I got him all geared up, Kana's health goes down at about the same rate as my monk since i'm not casting spells at him... Grieving mother, Durance, and Aloth all lose health at about seemingly the same rate, though by the numbers Aloth should be the first to force a rest. I'm human, so my strategies aren't really perfect, and a mistake tends to damage the health of a caster a lot more than the health of my monk, so yeah, it's usually poor Aloth who determines if I have to rest or not. If I know a big battle is ahead, and I've used up a lot of per/rest spells, I'll rest before it regardless of my health totals. Anyways, seems like the point got lost in the pointless arguing, going to have to bow out of this thread for now.
  7. I use 3 active skills, torment's reach, force of anguish, and flaggalent's path, the last being my favorite. I do spam torment's reach a lot, but only when the situation can be rectified by killing stuff faster. It's honestly more fun to knock a target across the map, then teleport to him, then spam torment's reach on him, but that takes a lot of wounds, lol.
  8. So you are trying to tell me that you rest when your health is still on 66 or 50%? Dont be pathetic please. Why dont you rest when wizard is at full health then? Then number is lower then monk total health so in your theory you should rest... If you really want to use percentages, a wizards total health remaining is lower than his total endurance when he hits 32% of his total health. A monks total health remaining is lower than his endurance when he hits 17% of his total health. Unless my monk gets knocked out every single fight I come across, I'm much more likely to end up resting when my wizard hits 32% of his total health, because my monk has to lose 1095 health for this to be the case, but my wizard only has to lose 282.
  9. Monk with 12 consititution. 1247 - (219x5) = 219 Wizard with 12 constitution 446 - (164x1.5)=200 A wizard that has been knocked out one time and then had their endurance reduced to 50%, has less total health than a monk that has been knocked out 5 times. If a "health pool" on any of my characters is lower than their total endurance I rest. Do you think it's more likely this is determined by the character that has to lose 1095 health for this to be the case, or the character that has to lose 282 health?
  10. No, you are still wrong. 1 knockout on wizard vs 5 knockouts on monk is 66% remaining health vs 16% remaining health... Were talking total health remaining here not percentage of health remaining, and I said 1.5 which sort of meant he'd have to take 150% of his endurance in damage.
  11. Yes it appears it only really applies to wizard and not cipher, and is still a slight exaggeration as the wizard would have to be knocked out closer to 1.5 times, I've edited it to make it a bit more valid.
  12. There's a really good guide on steam with some ranger builds you should check out. Not sure how much it'll help with Sagani though since she starts with peasant weapon focus, at least I think she does. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=416939844
  13. VeraBlade had 13 knockouts, pretty sure. Xola had 16, highest damage was 60.9.
  14. it certainly is a good strategy i have to admit. Just don't try it at level 3 unless your character is a pale elf with a focus on reflexes. At higher levels it works good regardless of character build.
  15. Pretty sure, from what I've read elsewhere, not my own experience, that it is a typo.
  16. These points seem to me like they are in direct conflict with each other.
  17. wow... are you serious? you need an own thread, to praise a class without any critique? that tells me a lot about the confidence in the monk class of those who defend it's mechanics... There's plenty of threads available to find arguments about monk mechanics already.
  18. My wizard should be thankful he has such a brave decoy available!
  19. The most noob friendly classes are likely the auto attack classes, like a fighter tank. Not the most interesting however. Anyways this is the monk appreciation thread, not the monks are for noobs thread, please keep that in mind.
  20. They basically have the highest health pool in the game, I think barbs do too. A monk could get knocked out 5 times in a row and still have nearly as much health as a wizard that got knocked out once. Not that my monk gets knocked out every fight, because that would be sort of a nuisance. Usually its my caster health pools that decide my rest usage. Level 12 monk with 12 constitution has 219 endurance and 1247 health. I very often use my wizard to cast fan of flames at my monk and her opponents (generate wounds and fry opponents), and still don't run low on health before the squishier party members.
  21. She is hardly the worst NPC companion, she just has the worst class to start with (ranger doesn't have much going for them) but at least she has all her stats in order and her talents are not useless. I would actually say Kana Rua is the worst companion now. He does not have great stats for tanking (which chanters would be good at) and (at least used to have) less chants than he is supposed to have as a chanter of his level and has taken an useless invocation (skeletons) compared to say, Phantom. Get him too late (I think at level 4) and he comes with Field Triange, which is practically useless outside doing "less than 10 rests" run. He does have an early level 2 chant when you get him, but that does not make up for the other areas he is lacking at. I guess i hadn't noticed that because I always get Kana at level 3, I nearly always use him as an offtank, seems to do fine on hard difficulty. Sure would be nice if he had phantom instead of skeletons, but later on you can just save your points for better summons anyways, or use the dragon slashing phrase. Sagani on the other hand, is a ranger that starts out using the hunting bow, not to good even if she has a decent stat allocation, suppose stunning shots are a decent option though. But if you want an npc companion that stuns while shooting, grieving mother using the warbow Borresaine can do the same thing, and have 10x more utility. Does stunning shots work with the talent that makes the arrows hit multiple targets? If that were the case it might be a good option.
  22. One of the endings if you argue properly is something like, not quoted word for word.... "Because of a stranger that attended the hearings the day that the duc had been assassinated, the townspeople came to believe that the duc was killed by a Leaden key assassin, not an animancer, and that the riot's effectively cleansed the Leaden key organization from defiance bay, earning the forgiveness of the gods, ending waidwen's legacy" It would definitely be cool to know the various ending outcomes and any variations in the hearings themselves. I gotta say that the first time I finished the game that animancers were basically purged from defiance bay, but as far as I know I used the same discussion options for both playthroughs so I'm not sure what went wrong the first time... /shrug.
  23. She's easily the worst npc companion, no idea how you make her awesome, lol.
  24. I love monks, but I'm not really a fan of Paladin's or rangers either one, they are much less active classes than the monk. I've actually finished 2 full playthroughs with monk and several unfinished so I'm thinking about trying something else too, very likely a cipher is next.
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