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Everything posted by Atheosis

  1. That hasnt been doable in most games for a darn good while though. It almost always requires some modder to make a tool to set stuff up in an editable and recompile-able framework. Since this is an RPG forum, anyone here play Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magic Obscure? Remember the item editor for that? There wasnt one originally. You used a hex editor. I originally learned hex solely to make firearms early-game not awful in Black Mountain Mines But then, some guy made a UI for it that automatically allowed you to change item stats very quickly without having to sort through a metric ****-ton of hex code and it'd spit out a file right there for you using Java, I think. And then on top of that, a totally different dude made a freaking web editor. You could enter the crap on a website, and it'd pop out your file right then and there. Both of these required alot of effort from the modders, presumably. They werent easily editable, until they wanted them to be. EDIT: @Luckmann, yeah I agree with you there. The nuts-and-bolts fundamental stuff isnt accessible, which is a god damn shame because thats what'd let people do some really cool stuff. Divinity: Original Sin I do the modding in Notepad++. Civilization: Beyond Earth, I do the modding in Notepad++. With the Infinity Engine, I could do much of the modding in Excel. The nuts and bolts stuff is the most important stuff, but it's also the stuff where I can't see anyone possibly making an editor of any kind. Talents / Items? Maybe, at some point, if there's interest (and with the game in this state and with this level of modding, I doubt there will be). Hell, I can think of games where I can edit the savegame files themselves in Notepad++, come to think of it. What game? Wasteland 2 of course. Huh, and Wasteland 2 is also Unity, so that's odd.
  2. That hasnt been doable in most games for a darn good while though. It almost always requires some modder to make a tool to set stuff up in an editable and recompile-able framework. Since this is an RPG forum, anyone here play Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magic Obscure? Remember the item editor for that? There wasnt one originally. You used a hex editor. I originally learned hex solely to make firearms early-game not awful in Black Mountain Mines But then, some guy made a UI for it that automatically allowed you to change item stats very quickly without having to sort through a metric ****-ton of hex code and it'd spit out a file right there for you using Java, I think. And then on top of that, a totally different dude made a freaking web editor. You could enter the crap on a website, and it'd pop out your file right then and there. Both of these required alot of effort from the modders, presumably. They werent easily editable, until they wanted them to be. EDIT: @Luckmann, yeah I agree with you there. The nuts-and-bolts fundamental stuff isnt accessible, which is a god damn shame because thats what'd let people do some really cool stuff. I've modded a ton of games that could be directly modded via text editor or simply needed to be decompiled and then edited. This doesn't fall under either category.
  3. Yeeaaah.. no. Have you tried modding PoE? Man I wish values could just be edited in a text editor like some games. Would be so awesome. Item stats can, many ability stats can, tons of stuff can be modded. It just requires an expensive program to do it Or maybe Disunity can somehow, idk. Need to actualy be able to modify .unity3d files to make changes which links to the other crap. It's not that easy; you can't just use a text editor and you can't do it straight-up just because you've got Unity. To edit most game files you need to extract .cs-files from a .dll, edit them, and recompile it. And even then, editing the .cs-files is ****ing crazy unless you learn the language. I've done some simple modding like this in my life, but most of it was easy. Here, I couldn't even figure out how to change the Attribute bonuses properly. And don't get me started on editing Talents or Items. Touching them seems to break them and you end up having to hex-edit the files by hand. **** that ****. Modding PoE is a horrorshow compared to most other games that I can think of that has even basic modding support of any kind, including games that were never intended to even be modded, like the Infinity Engine games. Pretty much. I've modded quite a few games in my life but I'm probably never going to mod PoE.
  4. Yeeaaah.. no. Have you tried modding PoE? Man I wish values could just be edited in a text editor like some games. Would be so awesome. Item stats can, many ability stats can, tons of stuff can be modded. It just requires an expensive program to do it Or maybe Disunity can somehow, idk. Need to actualy be able to modify .unity3d files to make changes which links to the other crap. That's my point. I'm saying you can't just edit them in a text editor.
  5. Yeeaaah.. no. Have you tried modding PoE? Man I wish values could just be edited in a text editor like some games. Would be so awesome.
  6. The idea is to feel like you can play the game however you want and not be either uber-overpowered or gimped. It's different than competitive balance. I would say that some people probably take it too far, but the game does have some serious balance issues that actually affect the quality of the game overall (though it's still great). If those are improved the game gets better. That's the root of this balance talk.
  7. Honestly I don't like much humor in my fantasy.
  8. I haven't seen it be a significant issue, but they could always do trap lore XP for selected difficulty ranges. It really shouldn't exist at all. The traps and locks already reward you.
  9. I'm not too picky. I just want more of the same goodness. 30-40 hours of content is what I'm hoping for.
  10. Yeah I could see that with the way the game's difficulty is so spiky. At the same time these kinds of games have never really catered to really casual players.
  11. And I thought I was slow at 90 hours lol.
  12. Shod-in-faith boots comes to mind, and I think I've seen a couple others.
  13. Ouch. That bad? I think the Divinity games have a very quirky, unfettered style - when the devs at Larian think something could be fun, they just do it, and the same goes for the composer of all the music in those games, I feel. While they rarely seem to bother with overall consistency or setting a certain 'mood' and sticking with it, somehow all the elements always seem to come together to make an entertaining, if unusual game, and unusual music as well. But I do realize this approach may not be everyone's cup of tea. Yeah it was that bad. I hated the music in that game, mainly due to the constant looping. It was like Chinese water torture for my ears.
  14. I don't know how anyone could argue that those values aren't totally out of whack. Caed Nua in general just totally messes up the xp curve in this game.
  15. On the contrary, the suggestion I started this post with (and continue to defend) is one that would allow the player to have plenty of extra exp without overleveling. That's the whole point. You missed my point entirely. There is no overleveling content in this game, because it is not some linear corridor console crap. Every player should be able to reach max level before the end of the campaign and enjoy having a fully evolved character during the last arc of the game. The way most people seem to see it is that "oh no, only super hardcores get to max level", which I don't agree with. PoE is too progression heavy, unlike BG games which had retarded progression for most classes to the point where it didn't really matter for non-caster classes (2e just sucked that way) once you've reached a certain soft cap. Your entire mindset about this is alien to me and I sincerely hope Obsidian will never adjust the exp curve to BG levels. A completionist should be rewarded with better gear, better disposition with NPCs and general recognitions of their deeds NOT exp. I'm ok with lowering exp gains by lets say 10% from traps and locks or a bit more if they nerf bounties, because there are too many quests during Act1 and 2 and too little later in the game, but anything more than that is pure madness. Now if we are looking at difficulty later in the game, that isn't due to higher exp it's due to little to no AI, dump path finding and retarded stat distribution between acc, deflection and endurance. No. the way most of see it is that a player shouldn't hit the cap hours before the end of the game while leaving much of the side content untouched. Hitting the cap does not require completionism of any sort.
  16. The music is perfect. I had to mute the music in D:OS by comparison.
  17. What's kind of annoying me at this point is the way some people want to turn the game having clear flaws into the game outright sucking. I played it. I beat it. And I had a blast doing so. The challenge is off. It needs to be fixed. That doesn't mean the game isn't great.
  18. Magic missile has always been overpowered, in both crpgs and pen and paper D&D. I can't say I miss it honestly.
  19. This is literally one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on an internet forum, and that's saying something.
  20. Considering how well it worked out for them it would be surprising if they didn't do another one.
  21. I'm gonna call BS. Sorry. Unless you avoided all the side-encounters that were more challenging and/or overleveled like crazy, you didn't left click your way through the game on Hard. Why i should lie? i'm not even a good player, so it's even worse. Btw, i skipped whole Endless Path and Twin Elms. And forcing you to do Endless Path to have challenge while the other 80% of the game is easy, it is not a solution. I find claims like the one you made rather hard to believe as well. Only auto-attacking just doesn't seem like it would work in many fights. If you don't counter plague of insects with spells for instance one casting of it will usually kill your squishies for instance. I just let go Eder and my chanter (heavily armored) tanking the world then select all others 4 members and click on every enemy one by one. Plague of insects can't be tanked. It's aoe. Also shadows, shades, spectres, etc will just teleport to your back line and start wailing on your casters. And I didn't even mention dominate and charm attacks. Again, I just don't see how you could get through hard only auto-attacking in all but two fights, sorry. And it's not like Matt or I are arguing it isn't too easy much of the time, it's just that claims like your smack of hyperbole and that's not helpful.
  22. I'm gonna call BS. Sorry. Unless you avoided all the side-encounters that were more challenging and/or overleveled like crazy, you didn't left click your way through the game on Hard. Why i should lie? i'm not even a good player, so it's even worse. Btw, i skipped whole Endless Path and Twin Elms. And forcing you to do Endless Path to have challenge while the other 80% of the game is easy, it is not a solution. I find claims like the one you made rather hard to believe as well. Only auto-attacking just doesn't seem like it would work in many fights. If you don't counter plague of insects with spells for instance one casting of it will usually kill your squishies for instance.
  23. Lots of stuff is optional. That doesn't mean that the rewards they give aren't overly generous. If you want to do lots of optional stuff in this game you level too quickly (hitting the cap with tons of stuff untouched). It is a problem.
  24. Huh, nearly every type of real life weapon is accounted for so I don't see how anyone could conclude there is a lack of weapon variety.
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