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Everything posted by Atheosis

  1. I don't know that I'd call the DnD Forgotten Realms and thus Baldur's Gate setting "bland", though as you rightly point out, different strokes for different folks. Whether one actually liked the FR setting, one thing it had going for it was a massive amount of pre-existing depth going for it that the creators of BG didn't have to create when they were designing BG1/2. All they had to do was create their game within that pre-existing toybox, which perhaps might have meant that its developers could spend more time on the story and less on creating the environment where the story would take place. Just a thought. I wouldn't call a huge catalog of fantasy cliches "pre-existing depth". I actually kind of find it amusing that in one go a game design company made a more interesting world than the most popular D&D world of all time.
  2. Huh, to me it felt like the least bland high fantasy setting I've seen in forever. Forgotten Realms, and by extension Baldur's Gate is super duper band on the other hand. Everyone has their tastes I suppose.
  3. Here's mine for +50% exp req if using IE mod 4.10 (windows): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/32777109/Games/Pillars%20of%20Eternity/Assembly-CSharp.dll Awesome, thanks! Now I just need to go download the IE mod...
  4. Someone should just upload a +50% xp required mod to nexus. I don't feel like messing with files and hex code myself.
  5. Unfortunately you can only do the first batch of bounties that way, and since bounties give nice unique items forcing yourself not to do them sucks.
  6. No. To elaborate, based on what you are saying in your OP, this just isn't the game for you. You're looking for something more along the lines of Diablo, where the combat is in the forefront and the story is an afterthought. And really, it's not even a "no", it's an "I can't". A person's enjoyment of lack thereof is entirely their thing, and no one can "help" either way.
  7. You say that he was in Chain Mail, and survived fine, and that Plate Armour would've reduced his DPS. Fair enough. And then you say that that reduction would be for nothing, just for a few extra points of DR that he doesn't really need. The issue with the No Armour/Full Armour dichotomy of the system is exactly that. If you did fine with Chain Mail, you would probably have done fine with Clothing, and the trade-off is not worth it. The difference between Chain Mail and Full Plate is not worth it. And the difference between Cloth and Chain Mail is not worth it. Say what? If my two hand fighter did well with DR in the teens he would've done fine with no DR? That has literally no logical basis. He did fine as in he was able to take a beating, get his endurance fairly low and then recover himself or get some healing. With no armor he would've been dropped over and over again. The point is that I found the balance between DPS and DR that felt right. Your notion that cloth would've worked on him because chain mail worked on him makes absolutely no sense. Then it essentially comes down to you failing at tanking; no-one but your tank should be consistently subjected to a meaningful amount of damage, and dead enemies do no damage, which is why DPS is always prioritized heavily over long-term survivability. Enemies do full damage whether they're at 90% or 5% Endurance. Put a good bullet between their eyes and it's over forever, and the best way to do that is to unload on them. What magical means do you use to make entire encounters focus their damage on one character? Because I'm certainly not familiar with any mechanics that support that.
  8. To avoid people getting to the end of the game on easy and then turning on PotD just to get the achievement, I assume. Who cares? If you can beat the final boss on PotD you could beat anything else.
  9. Yeah, how dare he to provide feedback and criticism after obviously enjoying the game. The nerve! Not the point at all. It was the lack of any positivity despite playing the game a 164 hours that was the issue, not the criticisms. The OP acknowledged as much. People are really anxious to share all their issues with the game and reticent to share praise. It's really not cool.
  10. I definitely think you should be able to to switch to PotD and back whenever you want. I have no idea why they don't allow it.
  11. Plays game for 164 hours, and only wants to complain...gamers these days...
  12. Compared to what it would be if I were unconscious? I think not. He's using a 2-handed sword and hitting for 30-ish damage without sneak attack. I don't mind the wait. I'm not saying it's a bad strat, I'm just pointing out that it has its drawbacks. Generally I found that my rogue did quite well in light armor if I was smart about how he and who he engaged and I waited until my heavier armored melee characters engaged first. I also mixed blunderbuss and melee on him depending on the situation.
  13. You say that he was in Chain Mail, and survived fine, and that Plate Armour would've reduced his DPS. Fair enough. And then you say that that reduction would be for nothing, just for a few extra points of DR that he doesn't really need. The issue with the No Armour/Full Armour dichotomy of the system is exactly that. If you did fine with Chain Mail, you would probably have done fine with Clothing, and the trade-off is not worth it. The difference between Chain Mail and Full Plate is not worth it. And the difference between Cloth and Chain Mail is not worth it. Say what? If my two hand fighter did well with DR in the teens he would've done fine with no DR? That has literally no logical basis. He did fine as in he was able to take a beating, get his endurance fairly low and then recover himself or get some healing. With no armor he would've been dropped over and over again. The point is that I found the balance between DPS and DR that felt right. Your notion that cloth would've worked on him because chain mail worked on him makes absolutely no sense.
  14. Your DPS is pathetic compared to what it would be whether you realize it or not.
  15. I can't really say I agree with the notion that only no armor or heavy armor are viable choices. I used chain mail on my two hander fighter and he was survivable enough in the front ranks while also leading my party in damage done by a fair margin. If I had put him in plate he would've done considerably less DPS and for what? A few extra points of DR when he didn't really need it? Also if you don't put your melee rogue in some kind of armor he/she will go down faster than you can say unarmored rogue. Generally I do think the speed penalties on lighter armor should be lower relative to plate though. The way I think they should be: Robes: 10% delay Padded: 15% delay Hide: 20% delay Leather: 25% delay Scale: 30% delay Breast plate: 35% delay Chain: 40% delay Brigandine: 45% delay Plate: 50% delay
  16. The better question is what didn't you do? Level 9 happens just doing the main storyline I believe, so I have to wonder if you did any side quests at all.
  17. Roflmao...have you ever used any software designed by WotC?
  18. 4E is already old. It was a good edition for computer games because of how much it borrowed from MMORPGs, but the current edition is more like old D&D (thankfully).
  19. I cared more than I usually do with games, so I think it's a you thing honestly.
  20. Huh, I think they are much better than BG companions in terms of their conception and writing. Them not being funny matters not a whit to me.
  21. Huh, and Wasteland 2 is also Unity, so that's odd. Unity does not come with a stock standard save game feature, which means that everyone generally has to roll their own. So not every Unity save game will necessarily be the same. As hard as it is to mod this game, I hope it does not perpetuate the myth that all Unity games are hard to mod. This issue is entirely on the developer's shoulders whether to embed game data in the code or to put it in easily-accessible text files. The fault is not with the Unity engine itself. You could make a native DirectX game that is just as hard to mod as PoE, or a Unity game that is driven entirely by text Lua scripts. Oh and to the OP, I agree. Complaining about balance in a single player game is annoying. So basically you are saying Obsidian dropped the ball on the modding front? That's disappointing.
  22. You don't have to find any loops in the system because you will out-level everything if you do some side quests and bounties.
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