I would like to love everyone with what God has given me. I don't always agree with the decisions people make, personal, social, economical. In fact, there are things I believe people do that are outright sinful. Yet, Christ loved me when I was outright sinful, and my life has been changed by that love. So I want to show that love to others. If I will disagree with another person, I will express that disagreement through a lovingkindess inspired by God, for I believe people can see more about who God is, i.e. good and holy, through loving and caring about others, e.g. assisting them with their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. If God is the ultimate definition of good and moral uprightness, then showing that person my love and care will help them to see the ultimate good and moral uprightness. My own opinions be damned. God is my authority and I hope to make Him look good.