Man refuses to drive 'No God' bus
I was surfing around the news site and this caught my eye. What are your opinions on the subject?
I have two things:
1) If I ever go to England, I will not patronize First Bus, after reading this statement, "As an organisation we don't endorse any of the products or sentiments advertised on our buses. The content of this advert has been approved by the Advertising Standards Agency and therefore it is capable of being posted on static sites or anywhere else."
In my opinion, if you put an advertisement on your bus, you are endorsing that advertisement. People are responsible for allowing someone else to use their property as a platform to send a message. If you want to pretend, "Oh, well, the advertisement is on my property and thus we propagate the message, but that's not our fault, because we as an organisation leave it up to others to filter what goes on and off our property to be propagated." Seriously people, be aware of what is getting painted onto your buses, and don't give that cop out response if something you don't want to propagate ends up on there.
2) I appreciate that the Bus Driver cared about what the message implied, even though the message is true on the literal level, because using just 'probability', of course there is not much to support the existence God. Science, math, and statistics never could prove God and they never have claimed to. That said, I think the driver noticed the implications of the advertisement, and I'd say it's an intellectually irresponsible campaign on the part of whichever atheist decided to make it, because it assumes the premise that things that are probable are the only things that matter. In reality, things that are not probable matter quite a bit. It's more of a sadly un-witty bumper sticker than anything.
Feel free to agree, disagree, or lurk.