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Everything posted by Blank

  1. Hey.
  2. You can buy stuff.
  3. You'll always be a grandmaster assassin in our hearts, Hiro.
  4. Blank


    Brutus was an honorable man.
  5. Adding to the back-story of our hero: his parents were killed by the evil government's forces, who were in search of something he has, or can obtain. The thing contributes to a superweapon of some sort. He was not at home when the evil forces arrived because he was at Kashi station shopping for power converters.
  6. Only once in my life did I have a recurring dream, when as a child, after every set of dreams I had, the last one ended with me on one side of a football-field sized field, with brick walls around it, and a light opening on the right corner of the other end in which my family would walk through. I would struggle as hard as I could to yell for them to wait, and I would try in vain to run and catch up, but they would continue going, and I would move slower and slower until everything faded into blackness. Eventually this dream ceased to take place. The field resembled one very similar to the one at the church we attended when I was younger. In the dream, everything was darker, and things were only illuminated by the bright white light coming from the corridor on the other side of the field.
  7. I know you were all worried about me today when the forums went down, but don't worry, I'm okay.
  8. I saw Cant's post on page 1 and I thought to myself: necropost.
  9. Blank


    I think an ensemble cast would work better than focusing primarily on the same character each episode. I think they should just remake Firefly and we'll all pretend it was just a bad dream.
  10. Congratulations. You just won the most off-topic post of the week.
  11. Blank


    Makes sense to me. Abused children, such as the girl in this story, tend to have trouble developing likability the way their peers do.
  12. Did you hide under the covers and pretend she wasn't there?
  13. Thanks. Those were good ideas, and the last part is very insightful.
  14. I am the type of guy, and I'm sure several of you can relate, that is content with the ordinary. I've even prided myself on not having a desire to do one thing or another because I can find equal enjoyment in so many things. This has helped me in many stages of my life. People always like when you enjoy what they enjoy, and when you want to do what they want to do. Unfortunately, I recently discovered, while talking with my girlfriend, that I perform poorly at being the one who initiates the fun, adventurous, and exciting things for us to do. Of course, she did not outright tell me I sorely lack the initiative, but I got the picture, and I will surely be making this a big priority in the near future. I have decided to tap into the notorious collective knowledge, genius, eccentricity, and general insanity in the members that this board has accumulated. I've come up with a bunch of ideas on my own, which I will surely be putting into practice in the short term, but for extra assistance I am consulting you, fellow board members. Though my primary source of relationship advice certainly does not come from the internet, I think some of you can offer cool insight and tips. What are some entertaining, fun, adventurous, or exciting things or activities that you have done with your significant other? Please list and share.
  15. Yo, dawg. You poop funny as a pass-time.

  16. The Ultimate Lurkerâ„¢

  17. Blank


    I would add that when one's hair decides to style itself in a cattywompus manner, one may wear a hat.
  18. That is indeed a grave tragedy. You have our sympathies.
  19. Very well, Your life, as a bus, is moving. At certain stops, you attempt to get off, as in life you would attempt one thing or another, but for various reasons, you remain in a similar place, yet it is still a moving place. Thus we conclude that you aren't stagnated in your life and your decisions, but you persist to remain in a "home" area that occasionally you try to ditch. This dream does not signify a good or bad thing, just an observation about where you are. If you were frantic to leave the bus, we might infer something else.
  20. Blank


    Mmm, too true. Too true.
  21. Remember when Alan cheated on you after proposing to you in the nebula clouds of Kyushu? And I flew over to save you when you were sobbing in disbelief at the Bretonian spaceport? Then I took you to the bar near the landing pad and after a few drinks we decided you could do much better than him. Oh Don Jags, we'll always have the bar at the Bretonian spaceport landing pad!

  22. How can you not remember? It was back when you proposed to DonJags in the nebula clouds of Kyushu! Oh Alan, you and he will always have Kyushu!

  23. Blank


    I agree with your post, but I feel Firefly was unjustly treated, because if the standards for television you describe went across the spectrum, many shows that "make it" should have been canceled long ago. And who does not appreciate the effort it takes to create flop sweat?
  24. That's because true manly men control their aggression. Weak men aggress flippantly.
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