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About Talonfire

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  1. Er, there's a poorly illustrated Robin Hood hat and a countdown timer. King's Quest then. Which reminds me, I should play Mask of Eternity once. And I don't care how departed it is from the original games. Good luck with that unless you never upgraded to either Vista or Windows 7. I recently bought a copy of MoE with the same intent, but apparently it's impossible to get working on newer operating systems.
  2. Well I did appreciate the shorter dungeons. I'll give Awakening that much.
  3. I doubt there will be much of an impact. Chances are your choice at the end of Mass Effect 2 will only come into play during the epilogue of 3. I doubt Cerberus will come after Shepard if you went with the Paragon ending since Martin Sheen believes that Shepard is the only one who can stop the Reapers.
  4. How the heck would a Tali romance work anyway? I mean seriously.
  5. I really wish BioWare would focus their effort on more interesting things. BioWare "romances" are cringe worthy most of the time. Well, at least they're optional.
  6. I agree, he's like a walking Fallout encyclopedia. Anyone that dedicated deserves a cameo.
  7. As long as Mark Morgan doesn't compose something like "City of the Dead" again I'll be content if that rumor is true.
  8. Bethesda is very capable of creating a decent first person RPG. Daggerfall and Morrowind are good examples. Unfortunately they opted for more of an action game approach with Oblivion and Fallout 3. I think one of the big problems Bethesda has always struggled with is that they are incapable of creating games with good and diverse detail because they try to cram in too much content, and most (if not all) of it ends up coming out mediocre at best. Even Morrowind (which I consider Bethesda's best game) came across as bland and lifeless most of the time with uninspired quests, interactions and dungeons. Oblivion and Fallout 3 are no different. The writing in Fallout 3 is an obvious improvement over Oblivion at the very least, but it's also little more than a mashing together of previous plots in the series. Even with the "advantage" of using other people's work Bethesda still managed to litter the game with plot holes, inconsistencies, and illogical design decisions. I'm not even going to mention the oft horrendous dialogue. Fallout 3 is okay for what it is, but it's a horrible sequel and I can't help but feel that Bethesda is incompetent every time I play it due to its banal world and quest design, and uncreative, lackluster writing.
  9. So have I, but not in a BioWare game. Not for a major character anyway. NWN 1 character voice sets."ATTACK! I saaaaa~d ATTACK!" Major characters, not minor voice sets for the PC. There's always a few bad extras here and there.
  10. Obviously I do, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to occasionally voice my opinion about his performance. It's not like I go around complaining about it all the time, after all. I don't hate him; I don't even know him. So have I, but not in a BioWare game. Not for a major character anyway.
  11. Voice acting doesn't make a game. I liked some aspects of Mass Effect, but the PC voice work was not one of them. Well you can, but it's not a good idea to do so unless you like viewing message history logs every several minutes. I'm pretty sure I've skipped exposition several times before; of course it's been a while since I played the game.
  12. That's not the point. If you're going to force a PC voice down our throats at least use a decent voice actor; not the Hayden Christensen of voice actors.
  13. The Ultimate Lurkerâ„¢

  14. I'm concerned about the dialogue if they use the Fallout 3 engine. The Fallout 3 engine has an eighty character limit in lines of dialogue doesn't it? That's pretty low.
  15. Mass Effect isn't a good example of an action RPG because you spend most of your time watching Shepard talk to random NPCs after picking something on the dialogue wheel. I think only like 25% of the game was combat. A little off topic, but I can't believe I've had this account for all these years and never actually posted until yesterday. I'm the ultimate lurker.
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