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Everything posted by SamOftheUels

  1. Hey dude, I haven't played Pillars 2 for awhile now - How exactly is Single Class Druid better than a multi?
  2. Quick question: If I want to make a holy slayer that focuses on melee, so Streetfighter Rogue - what's the best Paladin Sub to be able to maintain the bonus? I don't wanna take bleakwalker really, dun fancy being an arse. Darcozzi seems like it could work pretty good? Get a flame shield along with that healing. Is the armor buff for the goldpact knights a bit too much to ensure enough damages if playing with a party? Or is the armor buff just what you need...Thoughts?
  3. 'Bridgeburners 9th' - For anyone who has read the greatest fantasy series of all time in 'The Malazan Book of the Fallen'
  4. Veteran. I don't really like skipping fights, resetting fights - I'm a badass watcher, not a **** that needs to pull one mob or avoid others totally. There are many ways to make veteran a reasonable challenge. I also hate on PotD when enemies become damage sponges and you're just auto attack wailing on them waiting for **** to end.
  5. Title basically, and Venombloom? Anyone know, wanna know if I should bother hunting for the spider-silk robe or not.
  6. Noob question alert - what are people using to force the resize of the images to the required specs?
  7. I don't suppose there is a way to repair the adra and not annoy the Deadfire Company? Don't like the Valians, but don't like the idea of destroying the adra
  8. Thanks. I guess that's one way to deal with the Confused Affliction that Berserker's Frenzy causes; make it irrelevant by using a weapon which will cause you to put out friendly fire either way. You don't really have to care about neutralizing Confused at that point. Exactly mate, if my companions wanna travel with me, they gotta endure the odd lightning bolt or 2. I just love roleplaying Druid Fury for many reasons - you're like your own god - no Magran this, or Rmygrand that, no puny wizard archmage circle to consort with. I'm a storm god son, feel my wrath. Gods and mages alike can quake in my presence, for I have ascended.
  9. This is a damn sexy build. I've done pretty much the same thing but with Tempest - Fury/Zerker - But is slightly more ranged caster than melee, but can hop into melee with great effect with the same weps you've got going on here. You're is way more optimized in doing what it says it's going to do, mine is more for me, my playstyle, so different gear allowing me to cast different spells etc. I need to try this out. My Tempest is a powerhouse of Casting DPS with all that sexy Pen and action speed buffs etc
  10. Long Pain looks sexy, guns are cool. In terms of which class to pair it with..or maybe not? Does anyone have any opinions? If I'm going helwalker, then, Paladin seems like a good choice due to it's defensive options. Rogue has a more active defense? Not sure if it offers more DPS than Paladin, or at least enough to put up with much less defenses. Zerker? Zerker is Zerker right, it's just goood - but, could melt quickly. Thoughts?
  11. For what it's worth, I haven't found a class combo yet that deals more damage upon the completion of tutorial Island than the Tempest - Fury/Zerker. XD XD
  12. Off the top of my head, at work atm - Barbaric Blow damage bonus was decreased by 5% Berserker lost access to second upgrade to blood frenzy and both spirit frenzy upgrades
  13. Are priests really that bad at nuking? I can deffo see some areas where picking an ability isn't great. But the damage seemed pretty good to me. Though not at an overly high level thus far I'm playing a Barb/Margran Priest as a caster/dps with pistols mainly- Though to be fair I don't have experience with any other nuker/caster classes to compare them too. I assume then by what people are saying, as far as pure damage goes a barb/wizard is going to be superior? I do like putting caster classes with Barb for the action speed increases, cast speed and recovery. Plus extra stats, Guess I'll try out other barb/caster varients.
  14. Playing my Shaman - Ranged DPS No Class Barb - Ranged caster/pistols so no real need for Carnage or hits to crits, so don't need to suffer confusion of Zerker. Margran Priest for the damages. With the stat boots and action speed boosts of Barbs you're casting/shooting/recovering fast and you spells pack a punch. Margran because it gets the dps spells adn you can focus on getting +fire power level equip It's also a great/fun roleplaying builld. May not be the best at anything I described, but it's diverse, interesting and a blast to play.
  15. After hours of agonising restarts, I settled on DPS Shaman - and now with this patch, I feel even better about that XD No one really talks about Shaman doe, probably terrible, but I have fun with it.
  16. What's the Priest 3 ability for 'Zerker? Been thinking of making a Shaman, not much talk of it round these parts though
  17. I'm assuming Fury druid? How does this work with Grimoires, don't think you can cast spells from Grims while in Fury - which makes things seem super awks
  18. Also looks very interesting, been humming and harring hohw much Rogue is actually needed for this, it seemed obvious, but maybe not. In ay case. what kinda attribute spread are we looking at for this type of build??
  19. These are both some sweet options, I just tried Rogue/Monk, not sold on it completely- The chanter angle is seriously interesting, didn't even consider that, can make it work role play wise. Explosives is also something I missed, love that, need to research those more. I wonder how Pure Rogue Streetfighter would do - It does'nt really fit the regen theme that fighter can bring, but the level 8 and 9 spells are very 'pool Thanks for the input
  20. Urgh, just saw Deadpool 2...again. If you want wanted to Role Play the Merc, how would we build him? For anyone that doesn't know - Deadpool is an Assassin from the Marvel Universe that has a healing factor, basically immortal, martial artes training and weilds dual Katana and Pistols. He's a wisecracking anti-hero. Although not in the movies, he occasionally has a tool that enables him to teleport. I don;t know know enough about Fighter and it's subclasses - I guess the main combos worth considering are: Rogue/Monk - Shadowdancer: - Obvious why this might work, Assassin/Martial Arts Stylings, teleport esc mechanics, wounds. seems like it could be real flimsy, so don't know if the borderline immortal thing fits here. (Could use Priests ability to prevent death and pretend said priest is Thanos cursing him with immortality?) Rogue/Fighter - Swashbuckler. - Not too sure how much fighter brings here, but I know it does have passive Regen, pretty deadpool like. Blackjacket maybe? Deadpool does like to use a myraid of weapons. Rogue/Palain - Holy Knight? I mention this because of Lay on Hands and the Shieldbearer dynamic fitting with the immortality, those the roleplaying doesn't too well and Holy Knight?? Fighter/Paladin Crusader? Again Maybe for mechanics/martial techniques - but for personality rolepaly, maybe not. Fighter/Monk Brawler. Similar to above, Mechanically could work - won't be forced to roleplay like paladin versions. Monk/Paladin Votary? Again, mechanically could make this work with the martial stylings and immortality, but personality? Thoughts?
  21. Apologies for such a simple question, but I can get something seemingly simple to work no matter how much it makes sense in my head to set it up how I have. I just wanna cast certain buffs in a certain order at the start of a fight. A simple example of what's going wrong. 2 Buffs set up - Start of fight, dude proceeds to use all resources casting the first buff in the list multiple times. Why? How does one set this up properly?
  22. Build seems fun and very different to most that are floating about, what skills are you taking and when? At Level 2 - Do I get a level 1 cipher spells like Antipatheic Field, Soul Shock, or Lingering Echoes? Are you taking any early damage spells from Cipher, or just focusing on Passives? Do I want to increase my pets damage??
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