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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Playing on a private server with some other people. So far it's just fun building incredibly tall towers and then adding other bits to it. If enough people are playing we could always have an Obsidianite server.
  2. My concern is there won't be enough crates/kittens/apes/melons/whatever the new meme for this is.
  3. So... how about that Star Wars MMO?
  4. So I'm playing and doing mostly terrible as Zerg. Add me: Langis.
  5. English version Loving everything I'm seeing. No idea what the hell is going on, but it just looks good.
  6. Nah, Krogan love is where the creepiness is at. One thing about the DLC that I just noticed, Liara seemed to have grown in some areas. Wonderarmor! Well Benezia was her mother. Liara was bound to fill out a little with those genes. Looks like she also got the one-tone-voice-acting gene too.
  7. Guess you haven't run into a random ammo box with 209 rockets in it. Happens all the time to me.
  8. Engie has anti armor and shield skills, perfect for highest difficulty. So... what? (then again, my first (and only) play was Engie on the highest difficulty, and darn did these skills come in handy) Warp kicks down Shields AND Barriers while dealing AoE damage. Drones are mostly worthless unless spammed (and then you have no tank or adept in your party). They also get some pretty bad weapons and don't exactly have the highest shields. I'm sure you can go through the game on hardest with them, like any other class, it's just a much bigger challenge.
  9. Vanguard is for normal difficulty, same for Adept. Infiltrator/Soldier/Sentinel is for anything over Normal. Infiltrator's a lot of fun if you focus on sniping, Solider is just boring and Sentinel I hear is just spamming shields (which sounds fun, actually). Never pick Engineer.
  10. ... what? Could you type that so us normal people can understand?
  11. Why does Volourn still manage to drag us into these dumb arguments?
  12. I just remembered he also did the music for KotOR (and a bunch of other games I liked). Jeremy Soule would be great! But I still say TA was his best work.
  13. Oh wow, that ironsight... that's just terrible, Obsidian. Ironsights shouldn't block out your view so much.
  14. I'm hoping for Harry Gregson Williams, but that might be a bit far fetched. Jeremy Soule was great back when he made the soundtrack for Total Annihilation, but he hasn't gotten any better, that's for sure. Alexander Brandon would have been great, but I'm not sure he's what a fantasy game needs. Any chance for Mark Griskey?
  15. ME2 pretty much ruined whatever ME1 started in terms of plot. Reapers were pretty much retconned into idiots and overall the story didn't move anywhere. As for the station, why anyone would ever be dumb enough to blow it up is beyond me (I mean, come on, you need it as proof that Reapers exist at least). ME1 lacked 2's polish but it had a few things more, mainly an actual antagonist.
  16. I don't know if ''The Blister'' is a random drop, but when I picked it up in Borderlands the game was pretty much over. It had x4 Poison damage, 6 shots and pretty much killed anything in one shot. Elemental weapons are ridiculous, revolvers as well, getting a combo of both is just great.
  17. I love the effects, it reminds me of RE5/Lost Planet where the effects had this colour correction/lighting to it. Maybe I'm not explaining it right, but basically it looks great.
  18. The graphics look great, actually. Better than Diablo 3, for sure. I think I might be dreaming, Obsidian isn't exactly known for this.
  19. HARLEY QUINN IS NOT JEANETTE!!! Pretty hawt, though. Gotta admit I prefer Jeannette to whatever she looked like in the first one. Two-Face is looking really good too.
  20. Started playing through Tiberian Sun again. Nostalgia has only made this more fun.
  21. Looks like her role in the DLC is crying and sudden mood swings.
  22. Oh thank god the Mythbusters are safe.
  23. I know, I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy here. It's not like there's a lot to say about the rest apart from "This is terrible".
  24. It's funnier if you're going through an archive of these pics.
  25. ... wait, isn't homosexuality worth the death sentence over there? EDIT: Read a bit further on. This is just dumb.
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