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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. I hate that, I actually need to buy a game on steam to just add friends. It's silly and I don't see the point.
  2. Dead Space is pretty damn far from System Shock. Definitely doesn't feel the same. And you all know a System Shock 3 would be dumbed down and stupid. Or wind up like XCOM and be completely different from the first two.
  3. If anyone wants to play just add me: "WILLTHEALMIGHTY". I don't have any of the good equipment so far, but I'm an okay shooter.
  4. You missed the "You're the troll!" bit.
  5. Almost got to the end of the campaign on easy, damn this game is insanely hard.
  6. Already got it, it's pretty fun. Some of my friends are getting tons of crashes though.
  7. That's exactly where I am - City Watch/thieve's warehouse. My spells work fine, if anything they're insanely powerful, but my companions will always struggle hitting the last enemy, which will wind up killing me somehow. I've been spoiled by real-time combat and for companions I simply used "Recommended" on their level ups, which might have left them useless, I'm not sure. It's also the fact that the story is just... uninteresting. Maybe I should skip to MotB? Also resting in between fights to reuse spells? I know it makes sense in a DnD setting, but to me it just sounds silly. The recommended level up stuff actually isn't too bad for the companions in NWN2 OC. Who are you taking with you and what is your PC? You're in probably the worst part of the game and if you can power through it, there is some neat stuff to come, the trial being one of the best parts and is definitely worth playing. I just got to Neverwinter and got demolished trying to get into Lesdon's (?) hideout. The rest of the game was pretty lackluster too, to be honest.
  8. That's exactly where I am - City Watch/thieve's warehouse. My spells work fine, if anything they're insanely powerful, but my companions will always struggle hitting the last enemy, which will wind up killing me somehow. I've been spoiled by real-time combat and for companions I simply used "Recommended" on their level ups, which might have left them useless, I'm not sure. It's also the fact that the story is just... uninteresting. Maybe I should skip to MotB? Also resting in between fights to reuse spells? I know it makes sense in a DnD setting, but to me it just sounds silly.
  9. I give up on Neverwinter Nights 2, the story is just so bland, the characters uninteresting and the combat is just plain boring. I'm playing on easy and still getting my ass kicked since none of my characters can ever hit the damn target.
  10. Nunu is amazing on Twisted Treeline. Less heroes means less silence/disables/stuns which means your ultimate will hardly ever miss. As for the art style, it's supposed to be exaggerated. I mean, when you've got a guy like this in your game, you're pretty much making fun of WoW. But hey, it's colourful, good looking and the characters have personality.
  11. Heroes of Newerth - Exact copy of DotA. I didn't really like it, the graphics looked good but everything was so gritty and the interface so clunky (everyone has the same color healthbar and different "glow" colors which doesn't help when playing) that it just wasn't as fun. Demigod is barely like DotA, less heroes and a very different pace. Haven't played it myself. League of Legends starts off a bit like DotA, but the pace is very different and it's got a lot of cool little features, a whole system of runes/summoner spells/masteries and it's completely free .
  12. They've tweaked it. Whether they fixed it or not in your opinion, I don't know. The big problem with it was the sliding, characters didn't have proper third person animations and the walking just looked weird.
  13. No cheap motels on the way? And again, sleeping in your car can't be *that* bad.
  14. My only question about New Vegas is if they've fixed Bethesda's pathetic attempt at a third person mode.
  15. Just watched that too. Somehow I feel like I haven't even seen it - it was just so forgettable. Well, the whiskey might have been to blame for it being a bit hazy, but still, what a waste of time.
  16. Get Luck at 10 and you start doing crazy stuff.
  17. Part of me wishes this had been first person, really.
  18. Weren't the smurfs Belgian? Why are they in New York?
  19. So I've been playing League of Legends for the past few months. It's a sort of free DotA game that expanded on the formula and it's just entered Season 1 (read: major update). They also just released a . No idea Riot had the team for this. Add me if you want to play: WILLTHEALMIGHTY
  20. Those screenshots have to be seriously early in the game's development. They have to.
  21. Perlman is just a nod to the first two, he's unnecessary. If we're going to have a narrator, might as well be Ron Perlman. Or maybe Lance Henrikson. Keith David would be pretty cool too, can't get enough of Keith David.
  22. FO3 had Liam Neeson (<3), and all the games so far had Ron Pearlman. Do we get any star actors for FO:NV?
  23. The Curse of Monkey Island is the best of the series. Skip NWN2 and play Mask of the Betrayer, the combat continues to suck, though. I would but uh... I was thinking of waiting a bit before playing the next one, money being the issue here. But I know the ending sucks, I just really need a good game to play.
  24. Finally got NWN2, just about out of the doomed hometown (which I have to admit was pretty predictable )... I hate the combat. I really do. I expected something like KotOR, which seems to be a simplified version of this game's combat, that would have been fine, but eh... maybe playing as a fighter is just boring? Should I try a mage? Oh well, I'm here for the story, I guess.
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