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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. I don't see how this is surprising. Cannibalism in animals (or at the very least dinosaurs) is far from uncommon. Also, who cares, who cares if they eat each other, it's not like animals have a conscience or anything.
  2. China, you are disappoint.
  3. The new Prince of Persia wasn't too bad. But then it's a game launched at the same time as the movie that's based on the game. PoP has gone through waaaaay too many reboots.
  4. I suggest an interactive comic (ala ME Paint Adventures), as long as someone wants to do the art/basic plot.
  5. We were playing a short demo, so it's a bit more linear. The final game won't be nearly as straightforward. Can you explain a bit more what you mean about stiff animation transitions? Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Although since he said it was a pre-alpha build, I'm pretty sure the little quirk in the animation will be fixed. At least I hope so. Did I mention how gorgeous the rest of the game looks?
  6. So suddenly an employee mentions that it's going to be awful, and then everyone notices it looks awful? Not to gloat, but it doesn't take a genius to predict this game is going to fail. Beating WoW when it already has roughly 6 years of extra content added to it? Voicing every NPC in the game while ignoring the fact that all they'll say "Go kill 10 space rats"? Not to mention the game looks like a technical mess, with awful graphics and art direction everywhere.
  7. "Valve's approach to Dota 2 is unusual in that the gameplay itself is remaining almost entirely untouched." Heroes of Newerth already did this. League of Legends took a step sideways. Dunno about Demigod. This sounds like a terrible project whose only point is to rip off an overrated Warcraft 3 mod.
  8. I played 1942 and Vietnam, but never really found it any good. Bad Company 2 is pretty damn good though, had a lot of fun playing that.
  9. Doesn't SC2 have cheats like any other Blizzard RTS that anyone can use? I'm assuming players abusing achievements or something were banned, which would probably be worth removing some achievements and not allowing players to get achievements for a while.
  10. First thing I noticed during the gameplay - incredibly stiff animation transitions. You guys did this with Alpha Protocol as well, and here it's even worse. I don't know if this is being fixed, or a known issue, but it's the only glaring flaw in the presentation and everything else is gorgeous. EDIT: Why have a breadcrumb trail if everything is so linear?
  11. I'm jusr going to try and max out ever skill and attribute. It worked in Fallout 3, might as well do it here.
  12. I chuckled because terran can kick zerg's ass pretty easily.
  13. Walk away.
  14. Andy Serkis is enough to at least rent it.
  15. Then you should play Terran. No thank you, already played through the campaign twice and I never want to play a terran match ever again. Ironically the only recent win I've had is when I switched to protoss accidently. Playing terran or protoss is like building a birdhouse with a decent hammer. Playing zerg is building a birdhouse with your hands while your apartment is on fire and you have to constantly stop to drop water on it.
  16. Watch HD and Husky videos on youtube. Watched a few basic zerg strategies, but the guy is just insanely fast and there's a ton of stuff to manage which is what I try to avoid. I played with a friend who's actually decent to see what was wrong. Turns out I build units but don't do anything with them for a while.
  17. Halo 3 was more fun than Half-life 2. For me. *throws up flame shield*
  18. So apparentely zerg are underpowered. Not because their units are worse (they kinda are) but because the mechanics are just too damn APM-heavy. Managing queens, using the nydus worms and pretty much no early game options and awful late game options... Ugh, might be exaggeration but the zerg really feel weak compared to Toss or Terran who can easily put a wall up and have some time to breathe and think.
  19. So I'm on a 20 match losing streak on Starcraft 2, no matter which race I play. And I'm in the bronze league. Anybody feel like lending a hand?
  20. Average age in the audience: 13? That's how you should enjoy DNF - turn off your brain.
  21. So... when is this coming out again? In any case I'm buying retail. No way I'm downloading that whole game.
  22. I don't really believe in anything, seeing as believing ultimately means nothing.
  23. Am I the only one who notices how bad the game looks? I mean, I'm still buying it because I'm not there for the sights, but damn, FO3 has not aged well.
  24. Speaking of which, anyone else played that game? I downloaded the demo and it was really damn good.
  25. Am I the only one who thinks Lair of the Shadow Broker should have been ME2's main plot (add in something about the Shadow Broker working with Reapers or something)? The whole collectors thing just feels weak.
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