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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. For some reason it only looks decent in first person view. And with a ton of modded in effects like weather settings and etc...
  2. No sidequest, just flying through the main mission or do you skip all the dialouge? 7 hours.. phew, I think my quickest playthrough in ME was 20 hours. Pretty much. I did have longer "Completionist" runs that went on for about 24 hours where I did everything, but that's much shorter than other people's claims of 60 hours. Dragon Age was just incredibly boring so I skimmed through it. Deus Ex... well I was playing on easy.
  3. It was much, much shorter for me. Same with most games like Mass Effect (7 hours) or Dragon Age (14 hours at best).
  4. The visors are really bad, otherwise everything else has been available in bits and pieces for a while. Talk about overrated.
  5. So it's 25 developer hours and 10 real world hours, right? Deus Ex 1 was about 10 hours, no? This sounds alright to me.
  6. I don't think they will. Their biggest selling point with their games is how enormous and open they are. If they add PC voice they couldn't get as much content in, too many lines.
  7. Except Ezio had a reason for his ridicuously fancy suit - pretty much everyone dressed this silly in Italy at the time. Can't wait to see warrior armor. Hopefully the shoulderpads won't be twice the size of your head and spitting fire.
  8. Peter Molyneux would like to have a word with you.
  9. Good looking human faces? ELDER SCROLLS IN NAME ONLY
  10. TBH I can't stand internet "characters". His writing somehow annoys me enough that I put him on my ignore list. No offense, Gromnir. It just bugs me.
  11. Terrible excuse. She's still hideous and disproportioned while they're clearly trying to make her attractive. Whether they're allowed or not is not the point. It's Miranda all over again, except this time it's catering to lolita fans.
  12. It's not that they're big, it's that they look ridiculous on such a small (almost pre-teen) body. I know DA2 is heading more towards an anime style but the 12 year old albino elf with breasts that could knock out someone is a bit *too* anime. The face tattoos also look terrible, as usual. I'm willing to bet the animation'll be awkward as well, but that's a just a gut feeling.
  13. I don't like where this is going. The thread AND the franchise.
  14. That new girl is repulsive in about a hundred different ways. To me, anyways.
  15. I'm just waiting for someone to bring back Crimson Skies.
  16. For a second there I thought I was reading a discussion about WoW combat. Which is sad when I realise it was actually about Dragon Age. Gotta admit, DA:O's combat bored me to tears.
  17. It's like Dragon Age except it looks good and sounds fun.
  18. Hopefully the Team ICO collection remade for the PS3 and The Last Guardian. Add Deus Ex 3 to the list and if it turns out to be any good I won't need another game for the rest of my life.
  19. That's odd seeing as WaW was better than MW1 and MW2. And Blops is miles ahead of either of them. I'm starting to prefer Treyarch to IW.
  20. Looks okay I guess.
  21. I think this thread was about Mass Effect 3 at some point.
  22. I'm betting everything on EA winning.
  23. No offense but DX had some pretty glaring combat issues. Mostly how enemy soldiers would run around. Their AI in general wasn't too sharp, either. I mean, I liked it, but nearly every other shooter I've played has had better combat mechanics.
  24. Honestly I was looking forward to DA2 having Fable-like combat. Except you know, with some actual depth and difficulty. Something like what Dungeon Siege 3 seems to be doing (and it looks AMAZING). Too bad.
  25. What to you were the defining elements of Diablo? Surely not plot, characters, dialogue. The setting and the hack and slash. But mostly the setting. Few games have ever been as dark as Diablo 2, or as atmospheric.
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