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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Albatross - 23 Henry Leland - 20 (-1) Such a boring character. He's not even close to a decent antagonist, barely anything remarkable about him. Konstantin Brayko- 17 Omen Deng- 27 SIE- 28 Scarlet Lake- 28 (+1) What can I say, I have a thing for redheads. With . Sis- 27 Steven Heck - 21
  2. It's made with Gamebryo, polish the likes of ME2 is unattainable.
  3. To be honest though, Syriana was cited as an influence during the 'Mitsoda days'. Not much of that kind of feel is in the final product. It's definitely not as dark or serious as Syriana, that's for sure.
  4. Here's a source if anyone really cares: http://kotaku.com/5583405/blizzard-scraps-...ne=true&s=i
  5. Those might as well be alpha screenshots, with placeholders and models from the previous game.
  6. I would position myself as cranky grognard. Oh we have a few of those too, must've forgotten for a moment. PS: Our Trolls > Bio's Trolls R00FLES!
  7. Obsidianites are just apolegetic elitists. Bioware has those people who demand weird romance options, delusional fanboys, fanfic writers and probably a few grouchy old vets from when Bioware wasn't reusing the same formula. And ME2's plot really was terrible. The amount of plot holes is staggering and there isn't any decent antagonist to speak of, which really leaves this void and makes the story a bit dull. I don't think that 6 part plot analysis focuses on the major problems, instead going into definitions about plot/story/whatever, I prefer Shamus Young's plot analysis simply because it points out just how terrible the whole story is. And Shepherd will always annoy me much, much more than Mike ever will.
  8. Like Lord of the Flies really just being Feargus Urquhart in disguise? Man, would that **** with my head. That's nightmare fuel right there. Maybe Volourn is actually Avellone, too.
  9. Honestly, this isn't entirely Sega's fault, the dev team basically came out and admitted that AP had a rocky development. This was not a game destined to perform well. Not to mention it really isn't all that great. There's plenty of bugs, it looks dated and pretty much everything but the dialogue system (including the story, IMO) was either bad or just plain unremarkable. It barely got any press, had insane delays and probably went through 3 or 4 different versions of the story or levels. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game, but it was no masterpiece. I do hate the fact they focus so much on review scores, which is always ridiculous. Weak sales justify not making a sequel, not a handful of opinions. PS: Sega is awful. They are doomed. Making another game with them is asking to sink with the ship. PPS: Why do we even need a sequel again? Sequels are way too common in the industry these days.
  10. I'm still open to this if it's first name only.
  11. At the very best we'll get tons of Alan Smithee. Although I have to admit that if they only displayed people's first name, it'd be fine. Much harder to stalk/scam/etc... people.
  12. I like using my real name online, I really do, but those forums are prone to a LOT of scams and account hacking, so this just sounds like an awful idea. PS: I might even change my forum name here to my real name if I could, but even then I don't think anyone replies to my posts. Ha.
  13. Then pick a major city. I vote for London.
  14. What was the last game with any drug use by the player? GTA4? And I mean real drugs, not things like "Jet" in FO3.
  15. Wasn't Borderlands based on UE3? Or Mirror's Edge? Those games had pretty massive levels.
  16. This is fine, AP can stand on its own. It's a bit like Bioshock or Deus Ex, it doesn't need a sequel. I like how the announcement wasn't business-speak, the sort of thing Activision or other big publishers constantly use.
  17. Still playing Torchlight with the amazon rogue pirate lady. I'm at the dwarven city, no idea how many floors I've got left until the final boss.
  18. I once met a deathclaw and a robobrain plus some raiders at the Super Duper Mart on my first quest. It was actually my first encounter. Good thing they were too busy fighting each other getting demolished by the Deathclaw to notice me.
  19. Got the same. Fortunately, you can just run past them IIRC. Ah. But.. the XP! What will I do without it?
  20. Got Torchlight, Beat Hazard and Audiosurf. Audiosurf honestly sucks in terms of analyzing music, and BH doesn't really do much other than more sound = more bullets from your ship, but at least they're good time wasters. Torchlight on the other hand is pretty fun, even if sometimes it looks like a complete knock-off of Diablo 3.
  21. I can't continue KotOR 1 on the PC because the game crashes completely any time a tarentatek dies onscreen. Turning the camera away works, but then I reach the room with two of them on Korriban... ugh.
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