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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Something like League of Legends would be fantastic.
  2. Maybe it was just bad? A bit like how the E3 demo of Halo 2 turned out to be a complete deadend for Bungie. All they had was a demo, and nothing close to a full game. The demo mission didn't even make it in the final game.
  3. ... what song at the end?
  4. Who was phone?
  5. The problem with slowmo in Fallout 3 is that it tends to not look particularly impressive. Now FEAR... that's a whole 'nother league.
  6. As long as you can get to the sniper, you should have an easier time.
  7. Alpha Protocol sold 1,5 million copies in ONE day. Where did you get this number from, because 1,5 million copies in a day is amazing. He was joking. Though in that message isn't obvious he clarified it after Tigranes' post. (sorry for my poor english) Eh eh, is correct. OT: I think we have two things in common: A) we share the fateful destiny of "survival" in Italy B) if I correctly interpret your photo, we're both battlestarholics You're doing it wrong, you need to add "R00FLES" and the end and mention that it's a fact.
  8. 25? Are you serious? You know a heat wave in Australia is basically twice that, right? @Gorth: 15 is when us Canadians man up and start wearing t-shirts.
  9. Alpha Protocol sold 1,5 million copies in ONE day. Where did you get this number from, because 1,5 million copies in a day is amazing.
  10. Well the AI is miles ahead of Bethesda's and Bioware's recent efforts, which mostly consist of suicidal maniacs.
  11. This is confusingly entertaining.
  12. I'd just remove any third person shooter aspect in the game, it'd be strictly stealth. It's an easy way to remove a large part of the problem, IE balancing two or three completely different playstyles, and gives the game more focus, something I think AP lacked.
  13. New guys, meet Volourn. It's like talking to a wall.
  14. So did I, I just wasn't on hard, or using veteran.
  15. Who would want to do such a stupid thing? My shotgunner says hy. Your shotgunner is also probably dead.
  16. Who would want to do such a stupid thing?
  17. How do you beat Brayko if you have created a stealth/no combat character? How is that possible? You probably have some points into gadgets or toughness by that point.
  18. The problem with Brayko's boss fight is it was unavoidable and insanely difficult with most builds. Otherwise it was a really awesome boss fight.
  19. That's the most effective playstyle anyone could have in AP. Seriously, these four sentences are pretty much all four of my playthroughs. Did you even play the game? There's tons of intel, which actually matters, constant infiltrating and stealth.
  20. ... so we've established Deus Ex 3 had a bland and clich
  21. Personally I'm not a fan of GUI elements in-game mode as for example in case of Spinter Cell, I'd play black and white game most of the time. We had black and white TV till early 80's and I'd rather not see that return It made very little difference since the game was gritty and nearly everything was gray in the first place.
  22. This is a good thing in my book. I guess you could explain it away with cybernetic augmentation, but still seems like unnecessary hand-holding in a game where stealth is just one alternative. I don't se how it's handhelding as it's basic GUI aid. Same way as health meter, armor meter, damage location, compass, friend / enemy targeting color, minimap, item quickslots ect ect. It was done really well in Splinter Cell Conviction, where if you were hidden in the shadows enough the screen would turn black and white. I'm not saying this effect is a good idea in Deus Ex, but there are ways to tell the player he's hidden enough with simple screen effects.
  23. Ever seen his Twilight 2 review? It's almost as long as the movie itself, that's how much there is to rant about.
  24. He's funny, but like Yahtzee, his opinions are just that, opinions. Opinions are opinions. With shocking discoveries like this we might soon find out that water is wet. I think you missed my point. Also everyone's already made that joke.
  25. He's funny, but like Yahtzee, his opinions are just that, opinions.
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