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Everything posted by WILL THE ALMIGHTY

  1. Ugh, faces still look terrible.
  2. No Brandon? This is blasphemy! Deus Ex in name only!
  3. It's golden, not brown, golden! It's all just one color though. I hate that. They easily could have made it more colouful.
  4. Deus Ex 3 looks great, I just don't like how it's all brown. Definitely going to check it out though.
  5. If they gave XP for every kill it'd be worth it, otherwise it's just for the masochist. Still did it with an infiltrator though.
  6. Not to mention Bethesda sounds like a great producer. Can't be worse than Sega, that's for sure.
  7. Damnit, people, stop giving me the urge to play Deus Ex again!
  8. The Last Guardian and Darksiders 2. I know, Darksiders was stupid and generic but I love it anyway.
  9. Not to lay a guilt trip or anything, but if you are thinking about getting it, why not pay full price? My reasoning here is that you are a member of the Obsidian community, you take part in these forums on a regular basis. If you enjoy that, then why not support the company that hosts these forums? I can see you not buying the game if it just doesn't interest you. But if it looks like a title you will get something out of, why not give it your full support? I wait for price drops mostly to see how the reception turns out. It happened with Bioshock - let the hype/backlash die down and see what happens.
  10. Can't decide whether or not to get Alpha Protocol. I might wait for the price to drop.
  11. I guess we can start with this, just choose a nickname and type "/join #Obsidian". If enough people join or like the idea I can get something better or more appropriate. http://chat.stratics.com/sponsoredchat.html
  12. I don't really know how to set up an IRC. I think I'd need a server? Or can I just set up an Obs channel on some basic IRC server?
  13. Most communities usually have an IRC, or at least some other chat client. Anyone else think this would be a good idea for this forum?
  14. I think so. Even then, this is done in real life as well, it's just that the scope and RDS here aren't aligned correctly.
  15. Hey, I like westerns too, it's just that the slow atmospheric narrative lends itself better to movies than games. It's probably the best Western game for the next ten years, nailing the setting and style perfectly, but that doesn't mean I like it.
  16. Looks like it takes a few liberties with the setting, but hey, it looks really cool. As long as we can accept it won't be Deus Ex 1 all over again (this will never happen), it should be fine. EDIT: If Alexander Brandon isn't doing the soundtrack, this will NOT be fine.
  17. Red Dead Redemption. What a terribly boring game. I've spent more time listening to cutscenes (where sometimes I get to hold down X if I'm lucky) than I've spent doing missions, and even then it's all the same firefight over and over again with no challenge. The world is very well done and believable, but honestly, realism is and has always been boring to me.
  18. Why would anyone do this? Pick up Two Worlds 2, I mean.
  19. Ironically, I've encountered exactly 5 minor bugs in a playthrough of KotOR 2 and nothing major. However, the first KotOR constantly crashes and has a terrible PC UI and supports arbitrary resolutions that force me to play it in a window.
  20. Darksiders. This is fun, really fun. Even the puzzles aren't too bad.
  21. I really wish we'd hear more about AP's development from this guy.
  22. Of course. Just.... walk... you know, like walking? At the very start of the game I was walking, now I have to run constantly for no apparent reason whatsoever. We know this, no need to repeat yourself and double post. If someone has an answer, they'll tell you. In the meantime, take a deep breath and go take a break, you sound a lot more pissed off than you should be.
  23. Doubt it, this is a single-player game. They usually don't get patches on consoles unless they have very dramatic game breaking bugs.
  24. Oops, missed that part. Still, calm down. There has to be a toggle somewhere, otherwise just use crouch I guess?
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