Warcraft 3 was a quality product, maybe the heros were too overpowered but the game was still more flat-out fun to play than most other releases. I don't know of any other game that has as much character as W3.
He does have a point. You can read a cheatcode and not use it but the way things move on the web it's hard to avoid hearing about how to get past a puzzle sometimes and once you've heard about it you can't forget it.
Nobody is forcing you to DL it. But for a lot of people, it's worth it, as the armor adds to their gaming experience.
Yeah, I know. But it's a worrying precedent when 2 skins sell for a buck each.
They're pretty cool, but nothing vital to the success of the game. The elven armor for the horse looks really sweet.
There's no way I'm paying for this, even if it does look really sweet. I take it there's no new quests or anything?
Eldar did you pick up the diary scrap and skeleton hand next to the glowing green bowl on the main floor of the house? You need that to continue but beware as a lot of people are having trouble with continuing this quest.
Remember those cool free plugins Bethesda released for Morrowind shortly after release? Well, we're not getting them for Oblivion. Armoured horses is out tomorrow but you have to pay 2 dollars to download it. I hate this trend of paying for dribs and drabs of a game.
I just beat it tonight, I didn't notice the quest in my log that pointed to the victims house. Guess that would have been a better place to look than spending ages in the inn. :D
Might try getting bitten by a vamp sometime just to do the vamp cure quests.
On another note I love the tomb raiding in this game. In Morrowind I was reluctant to even go in the dungeons cause they were so drab. In Oblivion I'm having a lot of fun sneaking in the dark picking off goblins with my bow, it's so atmospheric (it actually feels a lot like Thief which is high praise indeed).
Speaking of vampires, how do you meet the vampire hunter in Bruma? Everyone in town is talking about him but I've never seen him in Olavs, I even pickpocketed his room key door from Olav but that didn't do any good.
Rise of Nations was as much like a real-time civilization as it was like an RTS. Definitely a more thoughtful game than your average click fest with a heavy lean on researching technologies.
NWN is an alright game as long as you don't spend too much time with the OC. It is a little long in the tooth now though, and it was never as good as the best IE games (Baldur's Gate etc).
I'd like to play but I know my role-playing would be stiff and horrible, this is something I've learned from playing WoW. Maybe if I get drunk before I play I might stand a chance of not sucking.
I wanted the coin because everyone else wanted the coin. I didn't get the coin though, they'd sold out of coins.
(It's the DVD and the packaging I really wanted )
It's a smart move by Blizzard that they just don't release games if they aren't AAA standard. They can obviously afford to and it gives them pretty much the best reputation in the business. Still a little sad to see SC:G go down the tubes.
Well looks like we managed to screw up the order so we ended up with a PCI-E card. :">
I'm going to send it back and after reading about Oblivion I'm going to try and upgrade it to a 7800GS though. " Not for free, obviously.