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Everything posted by Jumjalum

  1. Seems they've added a bunch of stuff, including a SP campaign. From a quick glance at the forums they're still adding and tweaking things. For $10 I think I'll just get it myself. "
  2. Laser Squad Nemesis, from the Gollops (X-Com) was touted as the greatest TB strategy of them all, the only problem is you have to pay if you want to play it online and it's quite a few years old now but it is still being continually updated. You can download a demo though, I'll have to give it a go myself sometime. http://www.lasersquadnemesis.com/Sub/RegularSub/index.htm
  3. Some things are best left unseen, but if ye truly wish to disturb this hideous beast ye may find it here. http://www.fileplanet.com/41673/40000/fileinfo/Daikatana
  4. Jagged Alliance 2 is very popular around here, and if you haven't played the Fallout series you really should.
  5. *rimshot*
  6. Do any of them have weapons?
  7. All Saints and Take That reforming in the same year?! I'm in heaven!
  8. DoD: Source is actually a lot of fun, although it's way too fast for a WW2 game and the weapons need looked at (it's too easy to run around spraying bullets with the assault class, the US rifle is a lot harder to use than the Axis one). A few more maps, including a couple of the dynamic ones where the spawns move back and forward, and a bit more love and it could be a classic.
  9. I guess Santa had one christmas list too many.
  10. Civ 4 plays a lot better on Epic speed, it gives each unit time to be useful rather than being obselete by the time you've got a decent number on the battlefield.
  11. Hey! Sorry I've been working and playing DoD:Source too much and our civ game has kinda been left behind. Sounds like a good plan about playing anytime we're on, if the five of us actually end up online at the same time. "
  12. I don't mind either, does it have to be a Saturday that we begin?
  13. Sounds like he's just laying on the PR to get the Diablo crowd in to me. It's in complete contradiction with just about everything they've released about the game so far.
  14. I concur.
  15. Me too, I don't mind what the settings are so long as we know in time to practice a little. I would prefer a globe map to a static one though.
  16. In that case, I may have to ally with someone just to fight the barbarians. Random races sounds better imo, they're all pretty good if you know what to do.
  17. Random races sounds like fun, as long as I get Ghandi. ...can't even spell it, I mean Gandhi.
  18. In I'm. Err, I mean I'm in. Can we negotiate the time a little some weeks so I can go out and get pissed?
  19. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=magic/magiconline
  20. They could do what they did with MtG which was to charge you for each deck of cards you buy, pretty expensive though especially if you already own the RL versions.
  21. How can you forget Medieval 2 Deraldin?
  22. This wins the 'unexpected news of the year' award. I hope they can manage to make a decent stab at balancing 7 races and it doesn't turn into a paper-scissors-rock matchup where you've already lost at the start of the game.
  23. Sensible Klondike Uproar?
  24. Vista is the new Windows, it used to be codenamed Longhorn. What's an SKU?
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