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Everything posted by Jumjalum

  1. I like Minsc, he's the funniest NPC in the game and I love the VO it's just that I usually play a good party and he says that one line so often it really gets on my ****. I guess I could delete the sound file or something...don't know why I never tried that before.
  2. If you're looking for a 4X game (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate) get Civ 4, it's incredibly addictive and flexible.
  3. "Ah, we are all heroes...you and Boo and I. Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice!" This line being repeated like a stuck record is my number 1 pet hate about BG2 and reason enough to leave Minsc behind.
  4. For music of a similar style, 'The Power of One' soundtrack is a good one and fits great with Civ 4's early stages.
  5. The last two Monkey Island games weren't even MI games at all really, more MI themed light comedy adventure games. They were alright games I suppose, but nowhere near the level of writing or puzzles of the first ones. They also milked the cliches too much. /purist For my money the BG games have the best humour of any RPG I've played, which is pretty much limited to PC ones. I can't imagine the zillion eastern console RPGs would tickle my funny bone very much. I'm hoping Obs will put a few really stupid jokes in NWN2, they're usually a safe bet for me.
  6. I haven't played a Civ game properly since Civ 2 so I'm really enjoying the new one. I can tell immediately that it's a lot more fun than Civ 3 and I never really loved AC as much as most folk, too dense for my tastes. There's a total conversion coming out for Civ 4 of the whole AC+XP game (barring EA intervention) thats looking promising anyway. With the mod capabilities, the SP game and the great MP options I would say Civ 4 is the best PC game since World of Warcraft (for which you have to pay every month).
  7. I'm playing Civ 4 which is awesome, although it's keeping me up too late at night. I also just got the BF2 expansion which I'm still to touch, looking forward to playing with the Obs boyz.
  8. I'm going to wait until the dust has settled before I choose but there's a 80% chance it'll be a PS3 as long as it comes with a Blu-Ray player. I'll miss those western RPGs though.
  9. It still looks awesome but this movie is around 6 months old.
  10. Err I forgot about that one, is it worth playing?
  11. http://reconstruction.voyd.net/index.php?e...yword=remakes3d There's a mod in development for almost all the Ultimas, so far Lazarus is the only one to make it past the finishing line hence my surprise. Ultima mods are notorious for being abandoned since most of them are so ambitious.
  12. I don't suppose everyone here has DS but this just in from RPGDot...pigs are flying and snowballs have taken over hell! Just announced by Lazarus team leader Tiberius is the release and availability of Ultima 5 Lazarus. Here's the offocial announcement. At last, my friends, the time has come. After five and a half long years, Lazarus is complete. The first Ultima remake project to ever actually reach the finish line....weighing in at over 500 megabytes, with nearly 300 unique NPCs, and literally hundreds of hours of play value, Lazarus is HERE! The game is available for both PC and Mac, though currently only in English--French and German versions will be forthcoming. So make sure you've got your copy of Dungeon Siege patched up to date, download Lazarus, and enjoy! Then head on over to our FORUMS and let us know what you think! Ultima V: Lazarus (PC) BITTORRENT AT FILERUSH http://www.filerush.com/download.php?targe...zarus_setup.exe At present, only this bittorrent download is available. Direct downloads will be made available later in the day. If you are willing and able to provide an additional mirror for this download, please EMAIL ME and let me know!
  13. Part 2 of the report is up at the vault, this one's mainly about the toolset and I have to say it's awesome sounding. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=articles.detail&id=14
  14. Don't get me wrong, I agree it's not right, but from a heartless boardroom viewpoint there really is only one choice. Things aren't going well for Atari if reports are to be believed, given the choice between riding the coattails of the success of NWN1 or starting a new community over here, there's not much doubt what the best business plan is. Sorry for being a treachorous realist, I would love for Obs to have the NWN community here - the Bioboards suck.
  15. What does the NWVault report have to do with the Bioware forums, am I missing something? Anyway I agree it's frustrating to have our community neutered in this manner but Atari pull all the strings and it does make business sense. More people will buy NWN2 if they think it's a Bioware product, Obs will just have to make sure they have a nice logo animation at the beginning.
  16. I can't play till I get the expansion and can't get the expansion in case I'm getting it for Xmas. Damn.
  17. I expect to see long queues outside Bill Gates' house anyday now.
  18. And I thought Fergie tempted you away with $$$. :D
  19. Eh, it's just marketing. He's responding to the lack of a killer 360 game what with them being good but not great (the software comment that is).
  20. OK, I'm sorted. I got him one of those tape recorders where you can make yourself sound like an alien or a robot so I'll show him how to make fart noises and hide it behind the couch.
  21. I got him sticklebricks last year, but I'll ask if he'd like some lego. If all else fails I'll get him a Happyland Goosefeather Farm, that'll look really great next to his pirate ship *grumble*.
  22. It's pretty much been confirmed that this will be the last X-Men film, and they're only going to give Gambit a walk on role...damn. I suppose this movie might be alright but Brett 'Rush Hour' Ratner is no Bryan Singer.
  23. Hehe, she was partial to a bit of Gabriel Knight back in the day, Psychonauts is a good choice though. I don't know if I can get the little 'un Lego Star Wars as it involves chopping things with swords which his parents don't really want to encourage. See the problem is his grandparents (my folks) have bought him a massive pirate ship so anything I get him is going to be pretty lame in comparison. I might as well just get him a big pile of sweeties.
  24. Well, it's his mum & dad's PC really but he likes playing on it. That ELC console looks very good just a little out of my price range at the moment so I may have to go with the trusty box. He has so many cool toys it's hard to keep up.
  25. I'm having a few problems finding a xmas present for my 3 and a half year old nephew so my sister suggested getting him a game for his PC. I can't think of any suitable games for his age group, has anyone any experience in this kind of thing? Is there a good website for mini-gamers?
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