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Everything posted by Serdan

  1. Huge problem with this is my raid 0 SSDs are not my windows drive. PoE saves games to my windows drive. Shouldn't really be relevant. The saves are ~3mb. Loading such a small amount of data into RAM, even from old HDDs, will take a fraction of a second. The load times must necessarily be due to the loading of game resources.
  2. Just in case you didn't know: http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/14/? It hasn't yet been updated to the newest version though and it isn't compatible with IE Mod.
  3. Don't you touch mah CIPHER!!! Seriously though, it's hilarious. I lolled at Mind Lance (~40 pierce damage in a line) AKA Drake Be Gone.
  4. We talking about OP stuff? What about the Cipher's huuuge AoE charm? Or pretty much any other Cipher power.
  5. If that was the case the limerick wouldn't have been removed. The bigots have been much, much louder and generated much more outrage than us social justice advocates could ever manage. It is rather fascinating how the GG brigade can generate outrage out of pretty much nothing. Someone thinks that some ingame content is harmful? Oh, that must certainly be an attempt to undermine free speech and institute censorship once more. Verily, it'll be the end western civilisation if we take any pains to accommodate oppressed minorities! Just look at that hellhole Sweden. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing.
  6. 1. That image is a spoiler. 2. 'Marking' is an excellent property. 3. The speed multiplier awesome too. 4. The uniques in BG/BG2 aren't really all that interesting comparatively. They mostly just have extra damage of various types and bonus THAC0. Some of them have per rest abilities and/or immunities, neither of which I need on a weapon. There are a few ridiculously powerful weapons such as Crom Faeyr, but they are kinda cheesy. I do think it's a shame that you can't add a Lash to that blade, but I'll still be using it.
  7. Wut? There are plenty of unique items with little stories in the description and everything. Could you elaborate on what you think is missing? You're either dishonest or delusional.
  8. You mean... Unity? Obs made a lot of modifications to the engine. Torment is using that modified version of Unity.
  9. I'd very much like what you're suggesting, but I think a simpler solution would be to give the NPCs abilities that can move your tank (push and whatnot). The reason I mention this is because it's something that should be possible for modders to do, so we won't necessarily have to hope for Obs to improve the AI.
  10. False. A debuff/cc/summoner chanter is perfectly viable with low might.
  11. Something I'm curious about: Is there any point in taking prisoners?
  12. No, it's not the realism. More work clearly went into Wespenfresser's images. LLaney can't spend as much time on a single portrait as Wespen obviously did, I fully recognize that, but I do think the current portraits lack some detail. I'd also like more variation in expressions. Most of the current portraits either have a faint smile or look disinterested. EDIT: I don't want to come across the wrong way here: I do like the portraits. It's good artwork and I appreciate the effort that has clearly been put into it.
  13. LLaney, I do like the current portraits, but they seem a bit bland/rushed. Check out how gorgeous these are: http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/art/Fanart-Custom-Portrait-Wild-Orlan-522039636?q=gallery%3AWespenfresser&qo=2 http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/art/Fanart-Custom-Portrait-Death-Godlike-522039835?q=gallery%3AWespenfresser&qo=1 http://wespenfresser.deviantart.com/art/Fanart-Custom-Portrait-Aumaua-521996593?q=gallery%3AWespenfresser&qo=3 Would it be possible to get something more like that or is it too much work?
  14. Install IE Mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/1/? Then see point 20 here: http://rien-ici.com/iemod/console/ It's not ideal, but it should solve your problem without having to start over.
  15. Get Edér and hire another adventurer from the inn (I'd recommend paladin). Mild spoiler: If you follow the road you can also pick up another 2 companions without getting into too much trouble.
  16. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising). Go see his twitter then if you believe he's completely normal and that's all framed. SHE What the is wrong with you? Do you enjoy being wrong-minded or are you just so lacking in empathy that you cannot fathom how damaging it is to trans* people to be repeatedly labelled with the wrong gender? Are you completely and utterly incapable of giving a sh!t about others? Cant EDIT: Do not bypass the language filter, please.
  17. Link? fixed: http://i.imgur.com/2k5C7dV.jpg it might seem to be silly jokes, but it's all like that, and not jokingly Even if I bought into the way it's been framed it is obviously hyperbole to call her a sociopathic monster (and dehumanising).
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