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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. the logic you used makes no sense. Barring an enemy being ressurected, you NEVER kill the same enemy twice. It's also why weaker enemies are worth less xp than tougher monsters and why a kobold is worth more if you face him at level 1 than if you face him at level 10. Capiche? In your scenario above, you kill the enemies only once. If you sneak past them multiple times you should get less xp each time 9if any at all) because you already learned/proved you can sneak past them.
  2. Repost: ate to the party ti seems and have yet to read whole threa dbut plan to. Anyways, i find giving xp only for quest completion almost as bad as giving xp only for combat. I think , even though it does take a little more work design wise, you should reward xp for combat, non combat, skill useage, quest completion, exploration, and role-playing. That ensures all styles are covered. A noteable game BL - which is a terrific game overall - had quest based xp awards only - and it just made (admittedly alreayd subpar combat) combat even less fun. It just felt like a chore and by end of game I would just run past all enemies because there just seemed no purpose in fighting them any longer making it a waste of time. I agree you shouldn't get any xp for combating versus wussy foes 9villagers and the like) not should you get the same amount of xp for using dialogue than killing someone afterwrads but you should get basic xp though. Plus, there's other ways to punish people for killing creatures neededless. Plus, for old schoolers, this is how most 'old school games' did it. Dumbing down for it to be quest only xp is soemthing ME2 did. Are Codexers admitting to be next gen fans?
  3. Late to the party ti seems and have yet to read whole threa dbut plan to. Anyways, i find giving xp only for quest completion almost as bad as giving xp only for combat. I think , even though it does take a little more work design wise, you should reward xp for combat, non combat, skill useage, quest completion, exploration, and role-playing. That ensures all styles are covered. A noteable game BL - which is a terrific game overall - had quest based xp awards only - and it just made (admittedly alreayd subpar combat) combat even less fun. It just felt like a chore and by end of game I would just run past all enemies because there just seemed no purpose in fighting them any longer making it a waste of time. I agree you shouldn't get any xp for combating versus wussy foes 9villagers and the like) not should you get the same amount of xp for using dialogue than killing someone afterwrads but you should get basic xp though. Plus, there's other ways to punish people for killing creatures neededless. Plus, for old schoolers, this is how most 'old school games' did it. Dumbing down for it to be quest only xp is soemthing ME2 did. Are Codexers admitting to be next gen fans?
  4. This talk of DA is funny since it had nearly as large a monster variety as BG did. Bobby Hull is good at hockey, developing, and posting. Anyways, I too hope there's a good avriety. I'm hoping for a good mix of 'ol dependables, rare but recognizbles, and unique/PE only type monsters. A mix of stuff is always good.
  5. Eh. I'm no lawyer but ti doesn't take much to figure that promising x in exchange for money and reneging on x is tantamount to fraud. And, like I said, there's also prior KS hsitory backing it up as well. If I bothered I'd find the link to that. Then KS's own warning when you go to create your KS campaign also reminds you of your legal obligations. Of coruse, most people aren't going to track down a lawyer for a lousy $100 but there is a way to deal with that enmasse. But if you are giving bigger amounts (like $10k) you aren't gonna justa ccept that as a 'loss'. Afterall, Cant could start a KS and ask for a reasonable amount for whatever, get the money b/c he's a cool ddue and run off. Law would say not so fast, dude, that's fraud and theft. Time to pay up. Just sayin'.
  6. Not quite. They have a legal obligation to follow through on their KS promises. You simply can'tt ake someone's money and promise x and return and not deliver. That's fraud. No matter how you weasel. It's also part of the KS sign up rules. It's not a donation. A donation is soemthing you give with no expecations of return. When you give money to a KS campaign like this you are paying for stuff. That's why there are different tiers - to entice you to pony up. Afterall, how many people upped the money they give solely to have access to an expansion tier? Probably quite a few. One KS fellow alreayd got into trouble and lost a summary judgement when he forfeited and order to pay up. but, he had multiple non KS debts as well, and filed for bankruptcy so he has no money whatsoever. Once the KS is officially over and completed (and they already passed their initial goal so that is a foregone conclusion) they have to do their upmost best to follow through on their legal obligations or face the wrath of the legal system. That said, this is a professional company with their professional reputation and life on the line. I don't see them taking the money and running. Thi isn't some rinky dinky operation. That's why I ponied up money. I don't expect them to screw things up to sucha horrible degree. There is a reason why fraud laws exist.
  7. If it wasn't for the horrid graphics and the fact its Cleve this might be interesting enough to throw some dollars at. Plus, he's being sneaky. It doesn't even need to be fully funded fro him to keep donations. Therefore, the quoted 250k is meaningless.
  8. I probably won't take part of the beta even though I'll qualify. Beta testing is a job that people get paid for. Why should I do soemone else's job and have to pay for it? L0L
  9. I wouldn't share stuff with others anyways NDA or not. IT'S MINE. I PAID FOR IT. MUAHAHAHA!@
  10. "Well if you want to be like that... It say that you get a early beta key. You still have the key... So they will fulfil the agreement anyway. " Nice try. That likely wouldn't stand in a legal challenge. Everyone knows what 'early beta key' means. It means actual beta access. They'll have to find a fine line between honouring the 'contract' they have with pledgers and protecting 'game secrets'. But, that's almost always a danger with mass beta access.
  11. This forum is for suggestions. It's up to obsidian tod ecide ultimately who they want to hirea nd up to the potential employee tod ecide fi they want to work for Obsidian.
  12. "How would you feel if the dwarfs were completely bald and shaven?" I'd survive.
  13. Only include furries if they are sexy. The more the merrier just to see crybabies whine.
  14. I'm at $145 now. Likely will go to $165 on Tuesday before it ends. Might even incerase my pledge to $250 on paypal later on depending what info comes out down the road.
  15. He's awesome. But, I still best to have me as a 4mil stretch goal as 'mean guy who criticzes their bad decisions on staff' would make them MILLIONS. "n my mind i'd like to think he made some crazy speech ripping into the EA execs and the spineless wimps who gave into their demands so easily. Then he flips over his desk, drops his mic, gives everyone the peace sign and says "I'm out, bltch!"" l0l :D
  16. "We had a Drow underground city in BG 2," That was no city. "No underground city. I couldn't imagine a city like Baldurs Gate or Athkatla being underground. It would look out of place. " That silly talk. Some of the most beautiful cities in fantasy are dwarf based udnerground. Absolutely sexy. And, real drow cities are also superbly crafted. Human cities are boring in comaprison and elves deserve no cities because they are tree huggers. "Apart from the fact no game has managed to make it anything other than dark and dreary. " That's not true. DA's underground city was beautiful. Just as good lookinga s Athkatla or Baldur's Gate. It wa sjust less populated but that can be rectified. Dwarven cities are sexy.
  17. "What I want for 3.6 millions is: +2 companions Come on... that 2nd big city needs to have some companions there" I would not eb surprised that aprt of the new city stretch goal is 1 or 2 companions to eb found in the big city.
  18. So the dwarven female ranger isn't a companion? Awww.... And, all that hype for her lvoeable self gone. Double aww... :(
  19. "Mages should be week before entering 14 lvl (get ass kick from all wariors the same lvl) but mages at 26 lvl shoud kick fighters as. Magic is something common but exclusiv (not everybody can cast spells) this should be hard way for everywon to start of course. But if we put magic and sword (who everybody can swing better or weeker but everybody) at the same lvl and say 40 lvl fighter and 40 lvl mage has the same power, everybody will put magic aside and "Meges" whould extinct... " I disagree. A mage should always be more powerful than a warrior due to the actual nature of magic. I just don't think a warrior who swings a sword should be the equal in puire power to someone who uses mystical magical power. Of course, in contrast, if it's one on one in melee a warrior should be able to split the (low level) mage in two. This idea that that different classes should be equal is silly. It's magic. Let it be magical. Spamming spells makes it lose its lustre, imo.
  20. Unlimited low level spells is not cool. This means either low magic will completely be near useless aty higher levels or it will be overpowered. Vancian magic for the win.
  21. Potions don't suck. They just shouldn't be made as common as they are. At the end of most D&D games, for exmaple, I tend to have tens iif not hundreds of the strongest healing potions for example. One of two things should happen either make them more rare or make it so players need to them use them more. as I find myself always 'saving' them for 'harder' battles. Also, make them more expensive as well if you even have them sold. I don't mind there being sellers but it should be expensive.
  22. "ell many players would not get to the bottom of the mega-dungeon, so that wouldn't work" What kind of silly talk is that? I bet most players who like the game will reach the bottom of the dungeon. It would be a great idea. But, anyways, I second having it be an underground dwarven city. I loved the one in DA. Cool stuff.
  23. No. But, even true, it's betetr than **** start **** middle and **** end ala DS3, AP, and SOZ.
  24. Could they even force and NDA on anyone? Since the kickstarter has passed the goal and is now 'official'; they're legally obliged to give people what they paid for. You can't promise x for y amount of dollars and not deliver. If you 'pledged' toa certain tier that included beta barring unforseen circumstances they have to give you access to it or it could lead to legal trouble. I know someone will try to claim these werre 'donations' but it doesn't work that way. In a proper donation situation you don't expect anything return. In kicksrater, you do hence whey they promise rewards so people will up the money they spend. Just food for thought.
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