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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "the developers were up-front and clear that body count would be de-emphasized in PoE" HAHAHA! Yet, from the other side they talk about how PE is combat heavy and that many battles won't be avoidable. *yawn* "and that making all builds equal viable and giving all such builds equivalent potential for xp acquisition were primary goals." L0LZ "there should not be a surprise in 2014 when it weren't a surprise in 2012." It was no surprise but they said to give it a chance and don't judge the xp system until we tried the game. I tried the game. The xp system sucks. How come SRR has a better xp system than PE? There's no excuse for that. "ps:t were our favorite crpg. being our favorite does not mean that we cannot recognize flaws. one glaring flaw were the xp mechanic. wisdom, a stat which were the prime attribute o' no playable ps:t TNO class, were an xp Multiplier. not only were many quest rewards tied directly to a minimum wisdom score, but having a high wisdom resulted in potential more than 33% improvement in all xp gained in the game. playing as a high strength and low intelligence/wisdom fighter, as were a viable and enjoyable build in all othe ie games, resulted in a player not only missing a significant amount o' wisdom specific content, but it created an xp penalty for those players foolish enough not to boost wisdom. ps:t, as much as we loved the game and still frequent replay it as a high wisdom, high charisma player, were a classic example o' developer schadenfreude. you wanna play a vanilla fighter in ps:t? HA! joke is on you, 'cause not only does ps:t combat suck, but you is getting a functional xp penalty for playing as a traditional fighter build." It was a great mechanic. Take your whining of 'balance' and 'traditional fighters' then throw them in ttrash. Wasn't one of the popints of PST was not to go the 'traditional way'? Now, you whine you could not be a 'traditional' low wisdom' warrior? COME ON. Only loser min maxers cry when they can min a stat liek that. LMAO No wonder you are a new age apologizer.
  2. Interetsing choice. ME2 si a really good game but best? It might not even be top 5 BIO games. No NWN. BOOOOOOOOOO! Thank GOD KOTOR series didn't make it. FO3 over FO:NV. Not surprising but laughable nonetheless. FO2 should be on the list as well. Dunno how they can have ME3 on there but not ME1. COME ON.
  3. "While the combat in them was good, better than BG, BG2," IWD's combat was better than BG1 but not BG2. And, IWD2 combat was subpar despite the extra character options. IWD2 was also the only IE game I did not finish out of its sheer crappiness. Playing with kits in IWD1 is intriguing but Beamdogs and they haven't suckered me yet they won't now. I'd rather pay another $250 for a xp less PE than touch Beamndog's desperate trash. \ i also guess they got stuck remaking IWD because their bosses haven't been impressed enoguh to give them a BG3 to ruin.
  4. "what worrys me the most is the OE team being scarred of Dragen age 3 ...WHY whould you ever care about that>? that games not even a RPG!" Why lie? Quality aide and which game is better how is DA3 any less of a RPG than PE is? It isn't. Don't make stuff up. It's embarassing. Next you gonna claim IWD isn't a RPG or G isn't or Diablo isn't. They all are. "I wonder, how many of the people who are asking for preserving verisimilitude by keeping arrow stacks would also be in favor of archers not being able to shoot past characters (i.e. they can't shoot past the tank line)? Certainly none of them are asking for dual-wielding to be as useless in PoE as it is in real life.' I'm fine with their being a chance to hit a 'friendly' if they are in the line of fire. That's hardcore. And, how is duelweilding 'useless' in RL? That's laughable. And, how does that connect to the discussion being had, anyway?
  5. Plus, they need to fix that stupid knockdown noise. Worst ability sound effect I've ever heard in any game ever. L0L
  6. "Well, there are many cases IRL people getting mauled by bears because they don't realize that they're getting close to its cubs, even when they're holding a shotgun." And, in RL, there are cases where little kiddies can scare a bear off by simply punching it on the nose. (not that I reccommend trying it lol). I guarantee you more bears have died to humans then the other way around though it's not soemthing really brag worthy in moral terms. But, they aren't monstrous 'game overs' like you claimed they were.
  7. "We talk about computer games here." Uh... DnD computer games are popular. What do you think PE is a 'spiritual successor' to? Dnd games that are popular. LMAO "That's exactly the problem with resting in IE games. Why even bother imposing any limitations on spellcasting if all it takes is one keypress to get them back?" Exactly. Limitations on resting is a good and needs to be balanced to be fair and to give players a reasonable challenge. Any game that forces you to rest after every battle or two sucks. Plain and simple. Any game that allows you unlimited resting has a major flaw. Thankfully, in the IE games you didn't have to rest after every battle unless you absolutely sucked at the game. I tried to never rest in a dungeon and enver more than ocne per overland map otherwise I find it silly. Rule of thumb is you should never rest more than once in a 24 hour game time cycle.
  8. XP shouldn't be just about killing or competing quests, or objectives. It should be about rewarding the player for overcoming challenges by using character skills as well as roel-playing and stuff. ie. Dealing with the spider queen or beetles should be worthy of xp in the same way the ogre is whetehr it's through fighting or some other way of dealing with them. But, none of this you only get xp if a villager begs you to do it. That's just plain dumb and no intelligent DM would handle xp that way, NONE.
  9. "IE inventory was tedious" No, it wasn't. "But I would prefer as the inventory an infinite grid, but limited with the encumbrance (determined by STR) limit. It is fine if it is accesible only out of combat." Agreed. That's the better way to go.
  10. "Developers tend to do the later not because they believe that missing a lot is boring they do it because the majority hates systems that go like this: Miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, crit dead, reload..." If this were true DnD and all its copy cats wouldn't be so popular. Hilarious!
  11. They are not normal beetles. If you think they should act like normal beetles you miss the point. Real beetles don't attack humans becuase in RL humans are way bigger and can squash them by simply stepping on them. That can't be done with these beetles so why would they 'fear' humanoids as much? "For example, you don't meet a lot of bears in the woods, but it's usually game over for you if you meet one unprepared." O RLY, In RL, Human-bear encounters aren't as one sided as you might think considering the usual size difference. \That said, I agree, that most animals shouldn't be insta hostile when they see you either. That's silly. They should have a 'range of hostility' ala BG bears.
  12. "Therefor in modern days it is much more likely too not finish a game especially with steam highly successful sales strategy.' ERROR! People not finishing games is NOT a new phenomen. It's been true forever.
  13. "Gamers do not care about movies." L0L
  14. " nowadays have games that basically cater primarily for male gamers " HAHAHAHA! If you don't see what is fundamentally wrong in this statement not to mention the HUGE double standard hypocrisy when used in conjunction with that precious article it usually is.
  15. "boys and women." wut!?!
  16. "you could just as well be a little girl from Thailand for all I know." Do we all really need to know your perverted fantasies about me? Geez.. TMI
  17. Have you read my posts? You should know that's not true. L0L
  18. I'm not teasing anyone. I don't mind her being sexist. Everyone is sexist (after I'm only attracted to women so, by definition, it means I'm sexist). But, just admit it. What i am wearing or not wearing is not your business. Period. "So it's sexual harrassment now asking men if they will wear a bra or not?" \Let me ask you this: Would you find it acceptable if a male poster asked a female poster if she was wearing bras and panties? Come on. We ALL know that poster who, AT MINIMUM, be shouted down and called a sexist pervert, AT WORST, he'd be outright banned. On the internet, you shouldn't eb talking about posters' unmentionables. That's why they are called unmentionables.
  19. What's irrelevant is the gender of a game developer. I don't give a crap. It means nothing to me. It should mean nothing to you if you believed in true equality but I get it. You are a feminist and don't believe in true equality.
  20. Get your sexual fantasies satisifed elsewhere and stop the sexual harassment asking what people wear as undergarments. Besides, I'm ugly, so you don't want those nightmares.
  21. Yes, it does. It says so right in the word itself: FEMINISM. I believe in true equality. Feminists do not.
  22. Plenty of successful women who have contributed to video games. Good on them. Good thing i don't give a crap what gender a de is. Why does Bruce? Sexism. That's why. I do wonder how someone like Bruce would have reaction if someone had made a thread entitled 'The contribution men make towards gaming development' No doubt he would be hating on it.
  23. "Its your personal choice if you choose to play a certain game, there are many reasons that people don't play games. Lillyhime is not saying " no one should play this game because there isn't a female protagonist". She is simply saying she won't play the game. This does not make her a sexist in any way. In life if you are unhappy with the decisions a certain development makes around a game then vote with your wallet by not buying the game. Once again this is her personal view that she is entitled to it without being accused of being a sexist" I agree many reasons people have not to play games and one of those reasons can be sexism. If I say I won't play a game because it's made by a woman that would be sexist. Saying you won't play a game because it is a male (or female) protag is sexist. This is undisputable. Even sexists have personal views. if I were to say a woman should only be the kitchen (which i don't beleive) that would be sexist and even though it is a personal view I would be called out on it. Stop trying to pretend what she said isn't sexist 'cause it is. "Not hiring someone based on gender is sexist, not buying a game because it have male only main character to play is not sexism" They're both sexist. Making a choice based on gender is sexist. Period. That's a definition of sexism - being biased in favor or against something/someone based on gender. How is this so complicated to figure out in 2014?
  24. "If you don't want to buy and play Tomb Rider because the main character is a woman, then it is your choice." Sure. It is my choice. But, I'd be sexist if that was my reason for not wearing. Just like it's an employer's choice not to hire soemone ebcause they are female, right? Ofc oruse, in thatc ase,w e have laws to stop that choice. We all have choices to make. To be sexist or not to be sexist. "it's me in the game playing a role," You aren't a TRUE role-player then. Role-playing is about being someone who isn't you ala acting. I role-play female characters , I role-play orcs, I role-play tdwarves, I role-play magic users even though I'm none of those in real life. "You are really pushing it here." I'm pushing the truth. If you refuse soemthing because of a specific gender you are a sexist. Period. \Again, if I refuse to play TB because it has a female protag only it is my choice but it is a sexist choice to make. It's not complicated, people. Sexism is sexism.
  25. "They need to 'incentivize' combat, an activity 80% of the game engine and character builds are about. It's like building a flight simulator where take off, landing and the bit inbetween is a bit of a drag." So, you don't believe xp should be rewarded for quests right? Since the gameplay is based on comepting quests there's no need incentivize it.
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