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Everything posted by Quantics

  1. +1 Disengagement kills.
  2. Karkarov: YES !
  3. Sometimes I don't know whether Sensuki is trolling us big time with all his "that's how it was in the IE games" Anyway, Rumsteak, I agree 100% with all your suggestions!
  4. ... just take the hint already !
  5. Indeed, but also don't forget adding contrast to the character models. At the moment they blend with the environment too much. I think it also really contributes to making combat illegible.
  6. Bad animations is worse than no animations IMO.
  7. Sorry I hadn't realised that. I would stretch the log to the max by default in that case. I must say I don't understand Obsidian's HUD decisions. They're really overcomplicating things. I know it's never going to, happen, but in my mind nothing beats the simplicity of something like this :
  8. Mmh, maybe the OP is actually Adam Brennecke then
  9. @OP You sir should watch yesterday's Twitch play through here
  10. I’d rather invest my time in feedback that’s actually going to be taken into account, rather than going on ideological crusades about aspects of the game which are already set in stone in the devs' mind. I appreciate you don't function that way. You have very strong opinions about RPGs, and currently lots of time on your hands to voice them. It's not my case. I'm only a casual player, and I am happy to contribute where I've been asked to. But to be honest, I don't even know what we're arguing about. Even you said you would adapt your suggestions based on JS's feedback, didn't you?
  11. I own a 2011 15" Macbook Pro but with a dedicated GPU (HD 6750) and 16GB ram. The game runs very smoothly for me (even though the fans are running really loud) I suspect you will be fine with your computer.
  12. I stopped watching halfway through. The guy was annoying and skipped over the dialogues way too fast. Plus I figured I would prefer discovering all the areas myself when the game is out.
  13. You're entirely missing the point here Sensuki. The devs might not necessarily WANT to change certain things despite the fact that YOU/WE might strongly disagree with them. And I think it's entirely fair. They're developing the game, they're calling the shots. Now that does not mean that you, Sensuki, are not entitled to make suggestions and mods about whatever you want (I know you will anyway ) However, personally, I would rather like to give feedback were obsidian wants it, instead of wasting my time with suggestions that will not even be considered.
  14. Why the huge space between the log and the rest though? It looks kind of odd, no?
  15. In early KS update videos, trees and grass were animated. However it seems that those animations have since been removed. I suspect it's because they were very rudimentary/basic, and as a result looked very unnatural (see for instance the bushes just 'rotating' in the video above) I suspect that they didn't have the finances and manpower to improve those animations so they just removed them altogether.
  16. That already opens up quite a lot of nice possibilities, methinks.
  17. The characters are still looking too pale/transparent That's by far my biggest gripe with the graphics.
  18. You sir, have not used the search function before posting http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69203-mac-client-wont-launch-from-steam/ Let us know if the workaround does not work for you.
  19. The amount of spells per se is not a big issue IMO. What is confusing is that it is really hard to tell spells from each other. If you could come up with a way to color-code the spell icons by category (e.g. defensive/offensive/buffs) it would make a big difference I think.
  20. Speaking of Twitter, I find obsidian is not making an amazing job at promoting the game. They should be posting updates on there way more often. Not that I care hugely about social networks, but I really wish the game does well commercially.
  21. Psst, there's a new PoE trailer out :
  22. Sensuki (and others), in your opinion what are the bad things about Infinity Engine games that PoE could/should do better? I'm genuinely asking. Many of your posts are about how 'this or this should be the same as in the IE games', but surely there are are some aspects of the game mechanics that you don't like there as well.
  23. TL;DR pages 1-7 Hard is too easy. Easy is too hard.
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