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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I have 9 games installed on my PC at the moment and I switch back and forth between them all...which means I make very little progress in stuff like Oblivion. Games don't affect your attention span, oh no. :D (that's a joke...)
  2. This is a bit off-topic, but has anyone else had problems with their DVD-rom RW drive not even noticing that some game CD-roms are inserted? ie, the drive spins the disc a while then falls silent, no error message, no nothing...just doesn't see the disc. If I re-insert it several times it'll eventually notice. It's not the disc itself, cause I can put in the plain vanilla CD-rom drive in the older PC and it runs just fine. Sometimes I think DVD drives are a bit more...picky.
  3. It's been a couple years since the 58K modem days but I remember websurfing with images turned off as more and more people loaded up huge images without thought. Pain in the arse.
  4. Posts like these make me glad I'm on broadband. Failing compression, you could have made them attachments... I've been trying to get some decent skirmish castle siege shots of Crusader but no luck so far.
  5. Well, according to that picture, it actually does fill up the entire width of your screenshot. Your screen seems oddly tall compared to it's width, however.
  6. Silver (or white, it's pretty much white...)...orange/copper, and blue.
  7. Some drama/character study called Winter Passing. Funny, it was one of those films where you're so bored you're about to fall asleep and yet you don't get up to go do something else. Or maybe it was just cause my back hurt and the couch was comfy. At any rate...it's a really weird, slow, plodding film with a main character that I just couldn't relate to at all. Ed Harris is always fun to watch tho.
  8. I find all such movies a little superficial... :ph34r:
  9. I find the longer you have money to throw around, the more likely it is you'll end up doing so....it's not that you don't still think of yourself as cheap or practical, it's just that the higher the dollar value becomes before you start thinking 'that's too expensive to waste money on.'
  10. Patrick Stewart - a far cry from Shakespeare...(plus now when I think of him I think of that King's face in Oblivion...scary). The trailers make the movie look like fun eye-candy, I might check it out. I liked the first one, didn't like the 2nd much.
  11. I remember coming home from school and watching the Transformers for a while. Every episode was exactly the same... Does 'live action Transformers movie' translate into 'mostly blue screen' movie? Hard to picture actors playing robots who can change into a vehicle. heh
  12. Stronghold Crusader...love building castles. If only those blasted trees would stop growing so fast.
  13. You can never have too many gatehouses!
  14. To stop myself from turning this into an Oblivion pic thread, most of mine will now go here. The one of the Khajiit smiling is for LoneWolf.
  15. Maybe because they've always been funny-looking? I thought it'd be whitish with visible dark stripes or something, but no...I'll probably go back and change her to mundane tiger color.
  16. I wanted a white kitty-thief...the face looks fine, but put her in the 'sunlight' and she needs Sublock9000....
  17. What do you think of it? I bought that when it came out, hoping for a DungeonKeeper type fix...it wasn't even close. Interesting game, needed more refinement tho, so it's not on my replay list... I was playing Oblivion until my PC freaked out in one spot and crashed. So I think I'll play some Stronghold:Crusader for a while....
  18. Since (PC) games these days have a save-almost-anytime/reload-anytime feature, dead should be dead and either require spells/temples whatever, since if you don't like something and want to do it better, well, just reload. If you haven't saved in 3 hours or don't want to take up inventory/skill space with res. spells etc. that's your fault. I do, however, like it when the dead can be automatically 'carried' around till you trek to a temple, ala the Might & Magic series method. That's for the more detailed RPG's. Action-RPG's are totally different and I don't really care how they do it in those. Edit - actually, in M&M, party members did fall unconcious, but they could also take more damage (radial dmg from spells say) while in that state as a fight continued around them, and then die even so. I kinda liked that aspect. But being unconcious forever w/no chance of dying...eh...worked in Kotor2 but it's not very interesting.
  19. I bought an Audigy2ZS not too long ago, I really like it, sounds even better than the SBLive I had for years. I don't really notice a performance hit in games, but guess that depends on your rig and how observant you are, heh. During one computer build, it came with onboard sound (some kind of realtek) and tried it for a while. While ok for general usage, I thought it sounded muffled, like there was 10 feet of foam rubber around the speakers, and went back to the SBLive. I definitely notice a difference in games. Footsteps, echoes, effects, all sound better/richer and at lower volumes, treble is less screechy, monsters sound scarier, all that. As mentioned, if you have the speakers (or even a good pair of headphones) I'd get a seperate card. I'll agree that many cards are overkill for the average person tho - doesn't cost much for a basic one these days. Just my 2cents.
  20. The National Zoo of Extinct Wonders Presents The Gweat & Terrible OZ...
  21. Ok, I did the starter town and first main quest. Feels more like Sacred to me...and by that I mean, it feels awkward control and viewpoint wise, even tho it's a familiar 3/4 top-down perspective. Visually not that impressive IMO, but not horrible either. Dont like the limited camera controls, can't evn rotate your view, this is 2006 not 1996. Gameplay - eh, not enough to really tell, but certainly the typical action-rpg with skill points/skill trees etc. It would appear that you do not have pre-defined character classes ala Diablo but rather choose masteries as you lvl up and that defines what you are. From that it seems like maybe you could kinda dual class, if you picked one Mastery the first time and another the 2nd oppurtunity, but maybe that would gimp a character too much. I'm not that impressed with the little bit I've seen so far.
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