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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Alas, no...the closest I get to wildlife beyond squirrels, ducks, and stray cats is in the zoo where bored animals sit behind cages and the biggest challenge is to minimize the cage-wire lines, like this one from years ago.
  2. I love jumping spiders...I was going to post a pic of one the other day but couldn't find a good one. They're soooo cute. :D So are these.
  3. Well giving it more time I like Stronghold2 better than initial impressions. They use a lot of the same music, so that helps as far as I'm concerned. Some of the clunkiness remains but most things I'm starting to get used to. I definitely like the castle structure options a lot more, as well as the more detailed and abundant little worker animations. The better realisim of melee units not being able to bash down castle walls is frustrating when you're used to them being able to do so, yet adds to the strategic aspect of the game so overall that's good I guess. Not as addictive as the originals but not too bad.
  4. Apparently the Lord's Lady likes to take baths with the windows open. I felt like I was watching the Sims take showers, and it was rather disturbing.
  5. Why am I not surpirsed Hades liked that one?
  6. Yes, gay marriage should be legally sanctioned with all the same legal benefits and such of hetrosexual marriage. It is unfair and unjust for a goverment to recognize one and not the other just because the gay couple doesn't produce 2-parent, genetic, biological off-spring. Heck more and more hetro couples choose to either not have children or adopt exclusively. I suppose if there were only 200 people left on the planet, procreation might take some precedence as far as legal rights encouragement-to-mate goes, but that's a whole nother story. Adoption: Being adopted myself, I can only say that if the parent/s have the means (income) and seem a good parent risk when investigated, I think it's far better to give a child a home, with a sense of belonging and family, than to let that child stay in an adoption center, get older, and have no one want to adopt them cause they're not a cute baby anymore. So yes there too - parenting skill is not determined by sexual orientation.
  7. "Get to the top of the Keep within this hilltop tower-fortified castle with laddermen and your peasants, archers, nd spearmen who can't even kill a bear one on one!" Uh...ok. "Charrrrrge!" ........... I suck.
  8. I disregarded some lukewarm reviews and bought Stronghold2, thinking for $20 hey maybe it'd at least be fun to free-build castles in 3D. Let's say so far I'm not very impressed. Mostly a very clunky interface...sometimes you click stuff on the menu and it doesn't even respond. The worst tho is that peasants turn to crime & desert their job randomly, no matter how 'happy' they are overall, and it's easier to just delete their empty work building and build a new one for a 'new' peasant than to wait for the original to be caught by the guards, spend time in the stockade and go back to work. Just stupid. But it is prettier. Somewhat.
  9. Hehe that panda one is adorable. The ladybugs...I dunno...just thought it was funny. :D
  10. I must agree. They also aren't furry, thus that opens up to me realm of non-fuzzy creature pics....
  11. Totally irrelevant, but that's is pretty much how I feel about the movie/TV industry.
  12. Eldar gets the Motivational Speech of the Month award. :D Can't speak for what others think of themselves, but I'm aware that if I put my mind to it, I can write fairly well. I'm usually too lazy to put my mind to it however, and fully admit it (the laziness), which is why I stopped. I'm an all or nothing sort - compulsively obsessive or ignore completely, and it's too exhausting (and probably grounds for divorce...hah) to be that way for months while writing in order to finish. Maybe I'll pick it up again someday....I've been saying that for years now tho. heh But if I ever do publish, even if it's not until I'm 80, I'll certainly buy a round for all the writers here, even if I'm not the first to do so.
  13. One of the things that drove me personally crazy during my own feeble novel attempts was having to keep notes of dozens of characters while writing so I wouldn't make errors like forget a made-up language word meant this instead of that, or a character's birthday or hair color. And yeah, you do fall in love...or sometimes even hate...with your characters as you go along. Sounds like you're having a blast, and that's the most important thing - if contracts and money eventually follows, that's the icing. Send us all autographed copies when you're rich and famous! :D
  14. webuser: i love you sternest: O! Evil you. Why am I not surprised... ...I actually have just as much fun typing random keystrokes and seeing what it spells with it. webuser: pwoeripsfodih sternest: Foppish weirdo.
  15. @ StillLife If you don't understand why people like certain games, that's fine...I don't understand why some people like brie or fish eggs. But I don't tell them what they 'should' like instead, or that they don't understand the art of culinary pleasure... The same people who like Diabloish games can also often be fans of things like Baldurs Gate types and table-gaming, I've met many who love all three, because they find all three fun in different ways, whatever those ways are for them. I am quite positive that any of those people I've met - some of them who've been table-top gaming before video games were even really around - would be very offended by the notion that they don't understand that 'gameplay should move on,' or whatever, simply because they happen to (still) enjoy one particular game/genre. There are many very old (non-video) games that are all very simple and repetive games rules-wise that are still hugely popular and widely played. Just because time marches on people aren't going to stop liking or wanting certain genres/stuff, assuming they still personally enjoy them. To quote from Star Trek's Shore Leave (groan away...) perhaps sometimes, for some of us, "The more complex the mind (or work/living environment), the greater the need for the simplicity of play."
  16. 3rd person combat in Oblivion isn't stupid, you just lose the guided aim cursor and have to sometimes guess where you're swinging because your 'back' can block your forward view a bit. It's not hard...just something to get used to. I use it a lot because, with the enemies being able to hit you from farther away than you think should be so visually (a big game cheat IMO), 3rd is less misleading to me for judging strike distance. As long as you don't pull back the view too much, it works fine.
  17. **Billy Crystal voice** "Have fun storming the castle!"
  18. Like this one? http://www.mi.uib.no/~ingeke/anagram/index_eng.html But then your response list can be miles long with many of them making no lingual sense.
  19. webuser: I am bored sternest: Die rambo webuser: LadyCrimson sternest: Randomly sic ------- webuser: myself sternest: that's boring, say something more webuser: happy sternest: I can't anagram something short
  20. Advice: avoid caps-lock in your post and people may take you a bit more seriously... :D As to your question, my response is the same as the others...no, there's no such language conversion patch.
  21. The music from both Strongholds...I'd forgotten how good it is...if you like flutes, mandolins/lutes and drums and things, that is. :cool:
  22. Lions and tigers are just big kittah's...
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