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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Baked Crunchy Cheeto's...thought I'd try them. They're not very good.
  2. I really need to get a refund on this detector. :cool:
  3. "A pic thread for all of you sweaty nerds out there...to post yours in." I've always liked those blk & white shots of yours.
  4. Is he really? Or is this one of those instances where my humor detector is malfunctioning. Speak for yourself. :ph34r: :D
  5. For a bunch of sweaty nerds, y'all aren't bad lookin'. :D
  6. It is possible they're just benign cysts...they often show up seemingly overnight, in weird places, including the neck/shoulder area. If there's no pain/they're not sore, they feel kinda squishy like they're little balls under the skin you can move & moosh around w/your finger, it's a maybe. My dad had this one on the top of his shoulder, very close to the neck, that kept growing comically taller for a while...doctors didn't remove it for years cause it wasn't dangerous (they did eventually, cause it annoyed him when he wore shirts). I had a small one pop up on my wrist once, and years later it just disappeared on its own. Anyway...obviously with the diabetes and just in general, get 'em checked out, but just saying...little lumps aren't always a sign of something to be worried about, beyond cosmetic concerns. Luck.
  7. And for those who'd actually like a photograph in a 'photo' thread... Click it if you want to see the page that has it a little bigger.
  8. lol, no, I wasn't referencing anything like that....but thanks for the link, that was amusing.
  9. Sometimes men have a more difficult time expressing emotions in words, but that doesn't mean they're emotionally lacking. And I've met lots of guys who were a lot more emotional & emotionally expressive than I ever am.
  10. M - Pop Musik Pop pop pop....pop musik New Order - Blue Monday classic... Red Rockers - China I can't believe I actually bought their record.. Romeo Void - Never say Never I might like you better if we slept together! I might like you better if we slept together! But there's something in your eyes that says Maybe, that's Never! Never, say Never!
  11. Memory of a friend and I seeing "Do you Really Want to Hurt me?" on MTV and both of us snapping a glance at the other, saying "WTF?" and then bursting out in laughter. Man I haven't seen most of those in ages. There's even a Hasselhoff one...I haven't looked at it. Edit: haha! and Don Johnson of Miami Vice...I remember that one.
  12. http://www.worksafevideos.com/music_videos/
  13. It had good battle scenes. I loved the short cgi bit with the wedge of the goodly army driving into the vast oogy army.
  14. I don't like and don't go to the dentist often either and when I do they always want to 'flay the gums' to clean below the gumline, or whatever. Sometimes I let them, sometimes I don't. Cavities I always have them do tho, even if I'm not in any actual pain. Wisdom teeth...if they're impacting or close to doing so, have it done. If they're not...well, you can probably put it off a little while, as long as you have them checked frequently. Some dentists want to pull them on principle as soon as they notice them rather than when absolutely neccesary.
  15. I must agree with Shadowstrider...again. lol Tho Frodo in the books was much better...the movies tho...badly done imo.
  16. I know that feeling... :D Checkin' out on-line poker.
  17. And thus it goes back to "it all depends on what kind of game/focus you're making." :D
  18. Kittah. Surprised? Didn't think so.
  19. Ok, I admit it, I teared up a little when Gandalf fell & the group was rolling around on the rocks sobbing. But Frodo...no.
  20. I must agree with Shadowstrider. :D
  21. I tend to think of Agility covering the Speed aspect - at least partially - since how well one dodges is often determined by how quick/nimble/flexible you are...but if you're talking about something that affects how fast you can walk/run or how fast you can cast spells/strike with your weapon, I prefer those as skill/training-based improvements/spells etc. rather than attributes.
  22. Pretty much the usual ones, like mentioned, whatever their names. They allow for a good flexibility of builds. I'd probably like a Luck one too...I had great fun w/the Luck stat in the M&M rpg series. And yeah, typically Luck is used to increase chances very slightly all across the board - usually combat related, but could be used for any random-chance calculations, like magical-loot-finding or trap avoidance etc.
  23. Wasn't sure if I should make a new post or necro-post this one... The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (aka Stephen King). I remember reading that as a teen in my highschool's library - the original bookcover with it's authoritarian figure and shambling walkers made a lasting impression on me - and then seeing it years later as part of a King 4-in-1 book. Weird. I like the story tho.
  24. Uh...hmm....what I would consider real crying - maybe 5 or 6 months ago. I did tear up slightly when Tom Everett Scott failed to take the WPT title - he's such a cutie.
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