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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. This all makes me think of Michael Jackson.
  2. Our house in Googleearth just looks like a grey blob with a blue blob behind it. Extremely unexciting.
  3. I'm not playing anything right now...I'm burnt out on the games for the moment.
  4. I'm not into dogs much, but I like this guy. Protect the innocent.
  5. I know people who put their toothbrushes in glasses of disinfectant when they're done. Dust mites are crawling all over your eyelashes right now...isn't that cool?
  6. I don't get it...is that an example of smart or stupid AI? Because as I understand it, the AI was dense enough to stand still for a really long time, apparently doing nothing while you were attacking? I don't think I'd count retreating after standing around picking my nose watching my forces be decimated as smart. Edit: never mind, I get it I think...your "Yes.." confused me, I thought that was "yes there can be smart AI" when I suspect you meant "yes most AI is stupid but the AI in this game is even worse than usual?..."
  7. But the fungus itself is kind of pretty. :D
  8. Ewww, rye bread. I guess he's made his decision already, but I would have voted for the 2nd one. The 1st one is too generic face-wise, the 2nd's face is more interesting in a creepy way.
  9. "You must download a plugin to view this video." I don't have to see it, anyway...in another 30-40 years I'll probably be her.
  10. That alone are words that will make me buy a game just to check it out. heh I like strategy games, but I'm kind of a turtle gamer and many strategy games are too hurried in pace for my liking. Is there such a thing as smart game AI? Even AI that seems pretty good at first surprise ends up being predictable and easy after you sense the patterns.
  11. Not that anyone cares, but I cleaned up/altered my directories, hence most pictures I posted in this thread are now missing. Here's a new one:
  12. No, realisitcally, there's probably not much difference, but somehow I find them to feel more individual. At least the ones I played. It's probably helped a lot by the sprite character/npc drawings for me. I've been noticing in Stronghold2 how every army unit feels generic looks-wise, even with different 'costumes' - because they have the same polygon structures and in 3D you really notice it - whereas in Stronghold1, somehow they all looked vastly different, creating a more game-unique feeling environment. I dunno...
  13. re:Total War - hmm, looking at other screenshots, looks like the battles would be awesomely fun...might be a bit too hc-strategy for me tho. I might give it a whirl. re:Setzer's pic - hehe, I remember that spot in the game.
  14. I agree with Dark Raven on the 3D thing, but not only for characters...many look really great scenic wise, but I'm getting a little tired of seeing the same trees, rocks, building pattern textures, etc. that all 3D games seem to use, it makes all 3D games look the same and thus kinda boring. At least Oblivion made decent character hands. :D As to the original post - if you really didn't like MW, I personally don't think you'll find all that much to change your mind in Oblivion. If you sort of liked MW but wished there were some things changed, you might find Oblivion more to your liking. I haven't played Oblivion anywhere close to the hours of some others here, but IMO it's pretty and has a tigher, smaller 'world' and is more immersive than MW because of it, but gameplay wise, it's still much the same, even w/better quests.
  15. Musopt, what game is that? It looks like a Braveheart game or something.
  16. Interesting. I've always liked 40-50 pages because I find people tend to be intimidated by really long threads and it's easier to make new ones. But the really long ones I've seen haven't caused me any loading issues. I suppose some laggy boards are because they have hundreds of too-long threads rather than just a few now and then? Anyway, thanks for the info. P.S. I find these boards to be the fastest-loading forums ever, consistently, btw. I figured it was their server power...
  17. I guess that was my question...of course it's up to the board administration, heh, but I was just curious if there was an actual tech reason to avoid huge threads. Sounds like there is, at least with some software.
  18. Is there some rule about a thread being too many pages or something? It's only 24 pages on my settings. heheh And I'm still playing the Strongholds...all of them. Edit: I ask cause since I believe only the viewed page is loaded at one time, length of the entire thread doesn't impact loading for people? Does it affect the server somehow? I've seen threads 300+ pages long on some forums.
  19. Attched cuteness...I get tired of clogging up my own servers w/tons of tiny pictures... :D
  20. I'm still getting used to XPPro. I won't be switching anytime soon...and by that I mean years. But it's nice of Hades to be a guinea pig for the rest of us. If he can find the change for a DVD that is. Look under the couch yet? "
  21. omg the dancing kitty one is hilarious...
  22. webuser: Jennifer Aniston sternest: Fine in torn jeans.
  23. @ Launch - not on digital, and my cheap scanner is terrible with slides.
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