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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't work, which is why I can come here and annoy everyone at all hours of the day and night. :cool: Hasn't changed since last year, or the year before, or the year before...
  2. Someone I know elsewhere posted this link and I thought it was hilarious. As he said, don't read the posts, just look at the pictures. Some are really funny... http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=264472
  3. My 10th grade history teacher showed that movie in class over the course of a few days. Sure it's bloated and mostly a big 'multiple star vehicle' film that was so popular for a while, but I still liked it enough to buy it as an adult many years later. Haha! I loved that movie when I was a kid...I had such a crush on Michael York for a while. Classic.
  4. I'll add my voice to the "IWD(1) is a fun game" crowd. Not perfect, and not like BG, but still very fun. It's focus is more on the action tho, even if there is a story. I typically can only play strategy and/or city-sim games over and over again for a decade or more.
  5. No, not the HUI...the 'shoot this man out the window for 3 seconds', lose HUI control, dialog cutscene, another controlable character action sequence for a few seconds, dialog cutscene, repeat and repeat. I did make it out into the courtyard, but by then I was so sick of those dialog cutscenes interrupting the action I quit. heh
  6. Maybe my NOLF install was broken...I couldn't skip anything. I tried. The interface really annoyed/frustrated me.
  7. If you ever try No One Lives Forever, I'm told you have to get past the first intro stuff before it becomes enjoyable. Me, I couldn't wait that long and stopped playing, so I can't confirm that. I hated those beginning levels, the forced camera angles and story scenes that....well...you'd have to play it.
  8. As a cat-owner expert, I can safely say that just like with humans, it depends a lot on what you feed the furry loved ones. A lot of commerical cat foods create very pungent wastes and often, the kitty-trots. Plus, if dogs used 'boxes' that you only cleaned once a day or so, those boxes would smell pretty rank too, I'm sure.
  9. System Shock2 is the most fright-shock game I ever played. :ph34r:
  10. Yeah, HL1, mid-late 1998. http://www.avault.com/REVIEWS/review_temp.asp?game=half The 'story/atmosphere' gushing is on page 2 of that review. And this one isn't so into the 'story' angle but does title their article with the word revolutionary. hehe http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/halflife/review.html Most of the reviews I'd read at the time were in magazines, not the net.
  11. I remember that too...you're not crazy. In fact, that's why I bought the first Half-Life...(I don't typically buy shooters)...cause all the reviews in magazines made it sound like a FPS with a brain and lots of story-atmosphere, or something.
  12. Their commercials are funny. You really like that
  13. You guys post links to some weird stories, and that one's one of the tops.
  14. That sure would buy a lot of pizza, Dew, and video games.
  15. Mount the camera over the peephole. If you can see out the peephole, so can a camera. If there's enough light outside your front door to at least get a grainy picture, that is.
  16. The graphics in SH:Crusader don't seem to support my screenshot vision so this is the best I could do for a siege picture. You can see a few guys on fire, and the laddermen on the right who managed to get against my wall...the macemen in the middle got up those ladders and onto my walls, which made for fun mayhem. But I still 'won', of course. Computer AI is always very short of the "I" part, even when you give them the advantage. :cool:
  17. Guess I'm the only one who thinks the HDR/Bloom makes it seem like you're viewing the graphics through a vaseline coated soft-focus but well lit lens. :D
  18. The Davinci Code. W/reviews, I expected to dislike it, but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. Again, haven't raed the book, maybe that helps. It does start a bit slow, so if you're the type where the first 15 minutes affects how you feel about a movie, probably not for you. The ending and some of the 'surprises' were a bit weak and predictable even w/out the foreknowledge of having read the novel, but I thought it had decent pacing and suspense...not action/scary suspense, just the drama kind suspense. Thought it told it's story fairly well. Could've been 15 minutes or so shorter, and Tom Hanks seemed like he was on acting-auto-pilot but anyway, I liked it and didn't feel bored.
  19. It's not just the store pricetag that makes a lot of stuff expensive to me. I'ev spent a lot of money on stuff that was a good deal in the long run and a little money on stuff that felt like a ripoff.
  20. Cheap rickety parts in expensive yet disposable hardware, perhaps? Maybe we're unlucky, but I've also noticed it in DVD-theater players lately.
  21. I used to have a lot of pipedream goals and ambitions. Then I realized I had neither the personality or the drive to accomplish them, and now I'm just happy to be....well, happy, whatever it is I'm doing. It's the little things that make me content, and most of those I already have or have done. I wouldn't mind building a massive non-profit housepet shelter for pets & wild animals that does not ever put the animals 'to sleep' (there'd have to be a limit to new admissions of course, but I'd want that to number to be HUGE, not just a few hundred). But I don't think that's going to happen. :D
  22. If one has the seat reclined back enough to steer with one's feet, how does one see out the window?
  23. I knew there was a reason I didn't like RealPlayer. Personally I'd add QuickTime to that list...tho I haven't tried it in a little while.
  24. I remember reading a lot of good things about G. Fandango...but never bought it, not my type of game really. And I think I'm one of the few who doesn't generally mind that old games run faster. Guess I don't play games that are really affected much...even stuff like DK1, the extra speed doesn't bother me at all. The imps run a little faster and are harder to grab, that's it. I get used to it and then it seems normal. Doom1 was a little hard to control the view-swing but still fine. But I don't play any ancient side-scrollers or anything.
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