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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Editors make it all better. Well, mostly. But yeah...1st game was the classic. I just can't play it every day. LOL
  2. Maybe something else you have checked/another setting is conflicting. I have Windows Classic 'style' and everything unchecked (in that list) except for that one, and it works for me.
  3. Oh...the comic book guy. I've only seen him in a couple 'new' Superman comic compilation 'novels'. At least I think it was the same guy. What, are they killing him off or something?
  4. Too many corpses littering your hallways? Call Happy Imp Cleaners...the dungeon's best housekeepers.
  5. Not to say such readings aren't useful now and then...I looked up 'not breathing while sleeping' which is why hubby finally knows he has sleep apnea - but they can also turn people paranoid, or worse, into self-diagnosers that keeps them from actually going to a doctor. But I'm glad it worked out like that for you...always feels great when something you learn actually helps someone.
  6. Waste of time is subjective...to me it's a waste of time and resources to get a program if I'll never use it for anything but one thing that Windows can do anyway...but if you like the program and want all its features, that's great, maybe others will too....either the guy will do it XP way or try your program, or both, who cares? heh
  7. It appears to be gone...maybe too long inactive and they delete it?
  8. Hahaha!! That's why I stopped reading general healthcare books...read enough of them and soon you'll think you have every disease & abnormality ever discovered.
  9. It's not snappy...just options. Listing just a program as the solution doesn't tell him how to do it via XP.... Maybe he'd like to know how to do it in Windows alone, regardless...so I told him. :D
  10. I still use an ancient version of Winamp to play things on my computer... :"> I've tried using a few others over the years and they always feel too 'bloated' to me, for my purposes.
  11. It maybe a good program/mod/whatever you call it, but maybe he doesn't want yet another 3rd party program just for one simple visual function he wants.
  12. There are general practictioners and specialists who don't work out of hospitals (they're the ones some HMO insurance programs use) but they won't be cheap either. Some places will accept a payment plan of some kind if you tell them you have no insurance. The cost of the office visit/consult usually isn't too horrible, it's the tests and things. But I wouldn't mess around with it....if it's interfering with work and ability to function, see someone. Such things could be anything simple from some years long casual habit that's finally throwing things out of whack (posture/sitting habits, bad mattress etc) or something more severe - I'd probably start with a chiropractor too. If even that's not affordable, perhaps you could ask some doctors if there are any low-cost clinics around your area that could at least be a starting point.
  13. r-click my computer, click properties, click advanced/performance/visual effects - down at the bottom of the check list, check the "use drop shadows on windows and buttons" if it's already checked, dunno.
  14. *scratches head* Is Imdb's brief list wrong, then? They often can be, cause they don't seem to update those pre-production notes much. Edit: Not that I'm cheering for Hasselhoff to be in the movie. Or the movie itself, for that matter....
  15. That's a very interestingly shaped room, rosbjerg. I like that window shelf with the step raised floor & the ceiling slope of what I assume is a small closet door. The candle holders are cool too. :D I have a sub-woofer under my desk too...not as big/powerful, but I love the bass. Which reminds me, I should get some new PC speakers.
  16. WoT and the Computer/Console forum - average 25 or so is my guess. The entire forum, average around 20. Over the course of the years I feel a bit like the average age on game forums goes up a tad, as all the teen/20's gamers 'back then' age and are still gamers. Depends on the genre somewhat tho - RPG forums tend to be a bit 'older' in general, I find.
  17. A desk like that would make me want to sweep an arm around and knock things off just to watch the reaction.
  18. I don't know exact steps w/Photoshop but I imagine it's done using polar coordinate and swirl filters, or something like that - ones that come with PS or ones people download. There's probably several ways to get it done, some better than others, some more 'shortcut-y' and some more pro. This isn't exactly what you want, but it might give you a clue on one or two ways to do things. Tons of tutorials out there, google the swirl. http://www.thedesignworld.com/photoshop-tu...n-swirl-effect/ http://www.tutorialwiz.com/wallpaper2/
  19. All my games (and other things) go on a tall bookshelf on the wall to the left of the desk. My non-game cd-roms go in the desk drawers. And the kitty boxes are behind me to the left, in a big closet. Mmmm, smelliferous! @Kaftan - thicker curtains might make things less visible. :D
  20. I don't usually like games with this kind of backdrop (tech in fantasy) but I'm definitely interested. I'm sure I'll buy it when it comes out - D2 is ancient and it'd be nice to have a newer, similar type on-line game to play that's not a massive multiplayer free for all, if you know what I mean. Too bad it doesn't look like it'll be released for a long time yet. There's an unofficial site up now too, by the same people who did the diabloii.net site. It's a little chunky to load sometimes for me, but I assume it'll eventually be more user-oriented rather than 'official'. http://hellgate.loadedinc.com/
  21. So the Judge will save the donuts, and we'll all have a post-apocalyptic pastry party! We just need someone to save the milk cows.
  22. Let's see... @ Bok - awesome, I love glass and metal and such. @Kor - I'm under 5 feet and that tiny space under the stairs would drive me insane. @mkreku - the only thing I cleaned up on my desk were the other 3 Mt. Dew cans and a waterglass. I left the tealights in the dish and the dirt. I love my huge desk. I use one side for the PC and sit on the other side when I write bills.
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