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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. It is payday. ....everyone has their screenshot obsession.
  2. I thought the Untouchables was entertaining. Certainly not a "serious" gangster movie...just action melodrama entertainment, if y'know what I mean. And Connery always rules, even if you can make fun of him at the same time. I mean, I laughed at his silly purple outfit and stuff during The Highlander, but he was still cool. :D
  3. Capote - very good film. History of Violence - not a very good film...although the ending showdown between Viggo and William Hurt was pretty damn funny, in a twisted humor kind of way. I think Viggo's chin could give Kirk Douglas' chin a run for it's money...yes I'm mean.
  4. What happens if you push the game resolution up to 1280? Does performance go way down? Just curious.
  5. Much as I love Dungeon Keeper1, I must agree that Molyneux has gone downhill ever since. He may be innovative, but he seems to have lost touch with what makes a good game, kind of like Lucas lost touch with...oh never mind.
  6. I used to like buying them to get some of the info tidbits you didn't find on your own playing, and/or some of the little interviews they sometimes had, or just because they used to sometimes be written with a lot of humor and in-depth, semi-personalized level write-ups that made them a fun read. Unlike now. I haven't bought one in ages...you can get all the spoilers you want on the internet these days for free, and most 'official' guides aren't worth the paper they're printed on anymore.
  7. Was that directed at me? If so...it was what I thought of looking at your desktop picture of blue mountains. It's a popular American song called America the Beautiful that some people think should be the anthem instead of the other. I'm not one of them, but anyway, that's the reference...
  8. Never had a problem with the memory thing.
  9. Yeah, I finally started using adblock...it's pretty nifty. No tabs tho..I like keeping things seperate for some reason.
  10. Braveheart...another favorite. I like big battle mayhem.
  11. O beautiful for halcyon skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple skyblue mountain majesties Above the enameled plain!
  12. Kevin Spacey used to be cool. He's kind of...not...now tho...
  13. But I had the impression that once he collected enough solar energy in his body cells that he was essentially ageless and ever renewing or something. Course, they've changed all those superhero legend histories/explanations a few dozen times over the years...
  14. I remember that audition thread. My congrats on what seems to have turned out to be a great/fun project for you are also added. :cool:
  15. Can someone tell me what the appeal/mythos is about the Fight Club? I've watched that and I don't understand at all.
  16. Real Genuis, another 80's "classic"! And Elephant Man...yes, that'd have to be on mine too.
  17. All I see is a small blob of stars in a smudgy background...you should take a short avi clip so I can see the full effect. :D I liked the 'brainpopper" of Doom3, although they could've used more than the one animation for it. heheh
  18. Heh, Top 100 would be more my style, too. Then I'd add stuff like Fargo, Dead Again, Seven, Glory, Princess Bride, Adaptation, 1000 Pieces of Gold, Lonesome Dove, Magnificent Seven, Matrix1, Ladyhawke, Terminator1/2, Pretty in Pink (80's teen y'know), The Breakfast Club, Little Shop of Horrors (musical), Platoon, Forest Gump, High Noon, more westerns, more war films, more sci-fi, Star Trek movies, and on and on.
  19. Without knowing the context, I don't find that Fear shot very fearful... :D
  20. My hubby likes it...he's a big 'light' creature. He gets so happy now and so depressed over the change in the winter. All winter long, I get to hear about he hates the dark.
  21. I just blogged a little about that. I don't see the point of DST anymore. Does it really save energy these days? I think people here are just used to having it be light later for summer BBQ's...
  22. That sounds like a pretty weird Superman story. So when he retires, he gives up his powers and ages like normal? I mean, I remember in the movies when he wants to be human for love and gives up his powers...but what is the reason for him giving them up in this one? He could retire from saving the world and still retain his powers and not age. And he still looks like he's balding to me...or at least his hairline is receding. I guess that could be the artists style of drawing heads of hair tho.
  23. The fast food industry just sucks. I never worked at McD's or any of the big name places but I've worked at restraunts and yeah...you get all kinds of people...
  24. Firefox 98% of the time now...I just use IE when I want to check how a page looks in IE, or something. Firefox doesn't load any slower than IE for me now....but it did on very old PC's I had before. Long time ago used Netscape a lot before it become too "bloated" and I couldn't stand it anymore. I've never liked IE. And I can't even remember the last time Firefox crashed/froze on me. I'm sure it has...just not often enough to remember.
  25. No, I don't love the movies...just that little guy...
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