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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Someone I know is playing it on a Athlon XP 2600, 1Gig ram, nVidia 6200 and he said it's running fine....on 800x600. Still ok on 1024 too. He also said the opening is reminicant of Daggerfall plot-wise, and that the beginning tutorial/character creation was a really long process or something. I think I shall wait a bit longer. I did like the first one ok, but once I got bored of the game I never wanted to touch it again (never bought the MW expansions)...I'm thinking, perhaps, that the new one will be too much like picking up the old one and I'll be bored off the bat. I'll be interested in what people have to say as time goes on.
  2. Di's not that bad looking - it's that toothy smile that's freaky, mostly. Like some kind of psycho Prince Charming. And yeah, I agree about the battlecries. Di's not the only one with annoying cries. lol
  3. I'm not quite as into hardcore serious RPG's as most people here, but I'm also suffering from game boredom. Whatever it is that I like in my games (I'm not quite sure I have that figured out myself, even after all these years), it hasn't been in many of the newer games I've tried. So I keep going back to the old ones which still let me lose track of time somewhat. I might buy the new Morrowind. The 1st was boring after a while but it was pretty to run around in. Can you still stack pillows and make houses? heh
  4. Dk2 made all the minions kind of weak...unless you use the editor, of course. " DK1 was a lot more fun overall, IMO.
  5. Only when they can't run away, harhar! (10 to 1 and they're still afraid...) Actually, black knights, warlocks, vampires, few trolls & maybe bile demons...that's about all I like to use.
  6. Below the box where you type in your message and the post icons there's a "Browse' and an 'Add this attachment' button. use the Browse button to locate the picture on your hard drive that you want to attach, then hit the Add button, repeat if desired, then when you're all done, hit the add reply button like normal.
  7. Since you can take screenshots, I assume that you want somethng more dressed up than the actual screenshot itself. And if not, well...just take more screenshots... :D The Gimp graphic editor is free (google it)...assuming your pc will run it, try that. Nice screens, btw. And sorry, I'm too lazy and artistically unskilled to make neat-o wallpapers from pieces of pretty screenshots.
  8. I've never used Di as a force user. I'd lvl him up to 10 or 12 for feats and then turned him to Jedi for the saber. Oh sure, I gave him force lightning, I gave everyone force lightning...it's the only spell melee NPC's will use on their own just about. Anyway, he kicked arse in melee. Worked for me. Not like NPC's have to work very hard to kick arse in Kotor2 anyway... Edit: And yeah, most people don't like his personality or his voice. I like his voice tho...not his battlecries so much (they have comedic value tho...), his regular convo voice. He grew on me, to the point he's now equal w/Atton as my faves.
  9. That red guy's body/muscle proportions, especially in the forearms/hands & feet vs head, kind of creep me out... :D
  10. Diet Mt. Dew, water, chocolate milk (hot). Alcoholic - hmm, no faves. Just anything that doesn't taste like...well...alcohol...
  11. Well, your soundcard software may already have some kind of recorder in it, which is all wavepad is (besides a soundfile editor). I have never been able to play the Kotor soundfiles without Miles (miles works for me...), no matter the method suggested...some people can just rename the files and it works, others have other ways...unfortunately there's no guarantee they'll work for you and your system/set up. I'm surprised Miles doesn't work...perhaps there's some user error going on. Did you play them thru Miles as is, not after changing them to mp3 or whatever etc?
  12. None of them are loyal since the fact the exile is some kind of weird hole in the force which bends/molds people to her/his will. :D
  13. Well, Star Trek was originally a "Wagon Train to the Stars." haha "True" sci-fi in entertainment is really rare. More often it's actually fantasy with spaceships.
  14. Ooh, pretty, do you think the other Myst's are worth getting? I loved the 1st, and Riven was ok...haven't bought any of the others they made.
  15. SG1 used to be great...it's now ok to mediocore, on average, but still worth watching. Any show on that long is bound to go up and down quite a bit. Atlantis...eh...it's ok. Babolyn5, I tried to watch and for me it's like Firefly, I found it either really dull or really annoying, or both, to watch. I really haven't seen very many 'good' sci-fi series over the years...there just aren't that many made, compared to dramas or mystery or cop shows. Things like ST, SG1, and Galactica are rarities.
  16. If you're interested in the 'cut scene' voices, a lot of people have already put together those files....battlecookie's sig links has some he did, and this page on tubertarian.com has a lot of others. I've also put together a few of the regular ingame speeches and misc stuff from the game on my page, nothing special or organized tho, heh. If you're interested in just grabbing some of the cries and sounds for your own use and nothing else is working for you, you can always download something like wavepad and record the sounds directly while playing the game - turn down the volume on everything but the voices etc. - then edit the resulting file for the bits you want.
  17. I like how the game puts little 'stars' around the head when they're hit with something.
  18. I haven't watched this current season (I don't tend to watch series as they air very often), but I can tell you who I'd like them to kill off...Kim Bauer. God I hated her. I was so happy when last season didn't have her at all. Is she back? Ick.
  19. Er...my numbers aren't like school grade numbers. If it's an 8/10 or more, it's a 'must at least check it out for yourself'. The junk or 'only a few select people might like this' is 0-3.5 or so. Everything else falls inbetween.
  20. Jarhead...I had to buy it because they've been rented out for days. It was nothing like I was expecting...not the best war movie in the world but plenty to like, good quality filmmaking/acting. 6.5/10
  21. Haha....that was kind of amusing. He sounds no different reading off those cards than he does in his movies...oh wait... :D Still luv Chuck tho...he's always a good sport.
  22. Not the game, but the editor. You can't make the perfect Pet Dungeon without the editor....*evil laugh* Note: perfection still under achievement. Needs more 'constant hero invasion' points' - 3 aren't enough fun - and portals and stuff.
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