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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I prefer taskbar clutter to desktop clutter. I like being able to click on things while webbrowsing/using programs without having to get back to the desktop screen first, even if it cuts off a tiny bit of bottom space. The beat-up old shoe belongs to me, the soon-to-be-disgruntled kitty is one of mine.
  2. I really like this quote but it's hard to get it all on there and not look 'word-heavy.' <_<
  3. Erm...no book/movie has yet changed my life in any drastic way, like changing careers/habits etc. But one that did influence some of my philosophy about living/humanity when I was 13 or so is The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan W. Watts. I've pretty much stuck with a lot the things he writes in there ever since. Except the actual reglious/God beliefs that I remember were towards the end of the book. I remember underlining and re-reading and my tattered copy is still in a box somewhere...
  4. Oh goody, I was wondering what happened to the other one. Probably got derailed. Har. I never play games that are good screenshot material these days, tho. Tank full of fish...how exciting.
  5. I love Metor. Always have, even before the patches. Fire/Ice for me, I solo'd a lot, and not just 'boss runs', I needed/wanted 2 elements, even if they were weaker power-wise. Paladin's were great fun, except I could never build one quite right. :D
  6. Heh...yeah...anyone can make sigs. Just need a graphic editor.
  7. I get "distressed" whenever I stare at my husband's shortcut-heavy desktop...gah. Tho in threads like these, clean desktops don't provide much entertainment for the curious snoopers. I like that side bar thing, I'd probably use that.
  8. Yeah yeah, spell c/wookiee with 2 e's...y'know, I noticed there are are quite a few more google image entries under 'wookiE' than 'wookiEE' - it's what happens when erratic film directors try to make a name cute & charming by a using a play on an already known word that only has 1 'e'.
  9. More like the Olympics psyching them out. I sometimes think figure skaters fall/mess up more often in the Olympics than any other competiton. Even Scott Hamilton didn't skate with his usual verve when he won his gold. If he hadn't placed so high on his compulsory figures (tracing designs in the ice - remember those? heh) it would've been a closer race for him, IIRC. Tho yeah...I think they fell/missed their jumps a little more often than usual this time even so. Once there were some skaters who could consistently do quad combo's it's just nuts. For their sakes I hope no one ever manages a 5-revolution jump combo. :D In terms of the new scoring system...like one of our announcers said, it's sometimes better to do a quad and fall on your butt, as long as you finish the rotations, than to not include one....
  10. I'm playing Fish Tycoon - a fish tank breeding sim. Yeah I know, sounds boring. Surpisingly, it's not...tho it's not the "involved play for hours at a time" kind of game. :D Quite absorbing even so, IMO...game-time passes whether your PC is on or not...you can do anything else on your puter while it's playing, even play another game, hahaha. Don't turn it on for a while, all your fish die...tho you can turn 'time' off if you think you won't check it a while. Just a fun, simple little sim and your own virtual fishtank. Heh
  11. Those are behind the big picture.
  12. I don't know how people can stand 'busy' desktops. I used to have lots of shortcuts but I found I never actually used them much. I guess I don't have enough things I want to access any faster than opening Explorer (always open/in the taskbar) or via whatever program I have open. Don't have much installed either, in fact I need to uninstall a few games. My desktop is usually filled with the PSP window anyway...sometimes it's up for days.
  13. Someday I'll get rid of that My Computer icon, too.
  14. Lucas makes everyone a bad actor. The Professional/Leon was awesome, I love that film.
  15. SawII - the first one was a lot better, even w/Glover's over-acting. :D Some fun 'traps' in the 2nd...the group peril dynamic reminded me a lot of Cube.
  16. Probably not what jorian had in mind but...
  17. He doesn't want one... he said so. :D
  18. Wasn't there a thread like this not long ago? Well, I typed out a long list on that one, I don't feel like repeating myself. So the cliffs: P4 3ghz, geforce 6200AGP/128, 2 GB RAM, SB Audigy 2ZS, and all the other things that complete the package known as a PC, plus a 2nd really old put-put machine I use for certain things. We bake from scratch.
  19. I like the sleeves. Seems more...complete, to me.
  20. Myles...he looked like a superhero to me... :ph34r:
  21. I think I'm the most jaded movie-goer here. :D Except, apparently, for the fact that I loved Darkman. Maybe it's my twisted sense of humor. Darkman2, however, did very much suck (wasn't directed by Rami, either).
  22. Gold! And Hellboy was terrible. With a few good comic (as in funny) moments tho.
  23. Oh...if you don't want to replay the whole game just to see the ending, you can download saved games from this site: http://www.tombraiders.net/stella/savegame.html#tr6save It's where I went when I encountered the game-stopping lvl12 train bug in Last Revelation
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