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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Very Best of 60's Gold disc 3 :D But now old friends are acting strange They shake their heads, they say I
  2. I have one...Little Nikita, a late-80's movie with Sidney Poiter & River Phoenix. It's totally predictable & tries to cross-appeal to kids/adults etc. - usually reviewed badly but I still like it. The appeal of River and Sidney carries it through for me.
  3. "Khaaaaaannnnnnnnnn!!!" Wrath of Khan, The Undiscovered Country & First Contact were my favorites. The Voyage Home was a fun comedic romp of a movie but not traditional ST imo. Anyway, Paramount really killed their golden goose with over-exposure (too many spin offs too quickly) more than anything else. Movies I've seen lately: Re-watched Glory & Gettysberg. The Outlaw Josey Wales is next. :cool:
  4. The new picture-scroller feature of Frappr I find quite annoying. :D
  5. People will generally list stuff from their generational influence as favorites. It's a rather human thing to do, not just something from 'this board.' There's a lot of very old stuff I admire for media/format impact, mostly from my parents influence, but they don't spring to mind immediately because I haven't seen them in years and years and typically it's the more recent that pops into your head when you're answering some random forum poll. Plus a lot of stuff that you thought was great when you first saw it - especially if you saw it when you were a kid/early teen - doesn't 'age' very well in the memory, no matter how 'classic' it may be considered to be. I Love Lucy was huge and influential but....
  6. I liked the Cube a lot. The sequels were terrible, but the original seemed fresh and cool at the time...I actually like the lower budget feel of it better than the slicker higher-budget of the sequels. I think a lot of people didn't like The Transporter but I did. Can't think of a film that majority say they hate that I loved at the moment tho..usually it's the other way around.
  7. I'll probably post a few snapshots here and there too. I did, a little. I don't like the over-sharpened look tho. Actually the main problem is the crap quality of the glass I'm using. Often gives things a bit more of a grain even when it's in focus, especially with large flat light-color areas like the bread. Either that or it's just my eyes...
  8. http://www.gimp.org/ I haven't actually used it myself since I already have PaintShopPro, and it's a little more work to install than the typical Window's program, but friends I know think it's great. Pretty much does maybe 80-90% of what Photoshop/pre-Corel PaintShopPro can do that the average user would want to do.
  9. First Contact was so much better. The last one pretty much killed the entire ST movie franchise.
  10. Hendrick in the 10,000 meter speed skate was fun to watch...man you need serious stamina for that event. Poor guys look like they're dyin' by the end. heh Wish they televised more speed skating during non-Olympic times, I'd watch it. Maybe if we had 500 stations...
  11. I agree...some mistakes/falls are part of any sport but it wasn't much fun watching the Olympic Ice Follies. Difficult it may be to play these sports, but it still looks bad from the stands. I might have said it already, if so sorry, but even Scott Hamilton said once that it was better for them complete a spin and then fall, then to not do the spin at all. There's too much pressure on the poor athletes I guess. I feel bad for them, really.
  12. "Very Best of 60's Gold," disc 1. *sings and dances*
  13. Thanks pixie, I knew I could count on you. :D
  14. I'm not even convinced it's a photo. Well ok, maybe it started as a photo, but...definitely graphically edited...and not a true black & white, nope.
  15. Soap operas? <_< Ok, here's mine, no order: Star Trek (TNG might be better but the original will forever be in my TV heart) Star Trek:TNG Giligans Island Twilight Zone (original) Nip/Tuck CSI:Las Vegas Family Ties Little House on the Prairie (yeah, yuk it up, guys...) D ick Van Dyke show (walnuts!) (edit..word filter...) The Flintstones There's more but you said 10 so...The original Smother's Brothers show would be on there but it was only on for a year.
  16. After Googling that reference I'm not sure if that's a compliment or a pointed criticism. Meh....every amateur photographer has taken liquid-drop type pictures. It's like a requirement or something. Certainly not original or controversial. But it is fun. And I love macro type stuff.
  17. Yeah, I wasn't sure at first if it was the new scoring system...I think someone already brought that up a while back...but I'm pretty sure it is now. On the one hand, it's nice that they can fall and still score well - since with all sports, one run isn't really enough to prove you're the 'best' - you're just the best/luckiest that day - but on the other hand, it appears to be making for less potential consistency in favor of extra high-tech marks. Who knows tho...
  18. Piece of bread. It loses something when it's not high-res. Oh well.
  19. I like the color, but I have doubts as to whether or not it's anything but a marketing gimmick...or a one-scene only type of deal.
  20. I like the doggy pic. and mkreku apparently shares my fetish for...shaved cats.
  21. I think more skaters fell on their behinds this time around then in all the past Olympics combined. Fine, it's an exaggeration, but it's still been very frequent. At least, what they show on the network. The US isn't doing too bad medal wise but I think almost half of is from snowboarding. Heh.
  22. Light, mostly because of the fave-npc interaction/options. Darkside was very fun tho. But the npc's aren't as much fun to stare at. Except Bao Dur.
  23. See, now these are like, art, compared to what I churn out in 10-15 minute sessions. Great stuff there guys/gals.
  24. Still learning a lot of stuff...been doing a lot of the common experiments to learn. I don't expect to add to this thread very often but it's where I'll put any photo's I feel like sharing. Comments and constructive criticism welcome but not required. Milk and oil are fun. There's a few more along this vein here.
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