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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I don't have a lot of refined sugar or carb intake to reduce (my Dew is diet), beyond a few chocolates now and then. That isn't the issue for me. There may be a diet related thing I'm not aware of (maybe a mild allergy undetected for years) but eh...caffeine does me no real harm, either, so what the hey...who cares. :D
  2. Catching up... I don't like coffee either. I also use the Dew for my caffeine fix. I've quit caffeine entirely for 4-6 months, twice. Even after that much time, I still felt more laggy and tired w/out it, so now I say, why bother quitting? I think some people are more wired to benefit from it somehow. My consumption goes up and down...obsessive task periods, I drink a lot...the rest of the time, not so much. It affects me in terms of lessing feeling tired and concentration but it doesn't make me 'hyper', no matter how much I drink. The only thing insane quantities of caffeine does to me is incrase the heartrate, so I don't do that very often. heh
  3. Agreed. I liked the first one quite a bit, occasionally re-read it. it does not, however, stand the test of time (couple decades) as well as some; the more I re-read it the more the writing feels stiff and forced, but I'd still recommend it to those who haven't read it. Tried to read the others ages ago, got through the 2nd one, couldn't stand the 3rd, stopped trying. I think this is a common thing w/this series.
  4. Caeasr4? Tiltled Mill? Hmm...the Egypt one was ok, but didn't enthrall me. I'd really love a C4, I hope they make it good - people have been asking for that for years. heh A new Firefly game, vampires or not, is also something to look forward to in my book. I was just talking elsewhere about how there's so few good new strategy/sim games. Maybe we'll get lucky. And thanks again to the denizens of this forum for giving me notice to the new developments that I never look up/keep up with anymore. :D
  5. I can get very cranky without caffeine. It controls me. My life is in shambles.
  6. I think it's just the typical male out-of-control hormonally-charged sex-drive. :D God bless them.
  7. @sega-soldier - LOL now that's truth.
  8. The only drug games have made me use a lot more of is caffeine.
  9. When the rain ends...which it hasn't this year yet, much to the seemingly endless fascination of local news weathermen. I get so tired of listening to them blather on about 'record rainfall!' "It feels like Dec. not April!" when it's just...y'know...rain. It's not like we're flooding or anything.
  10. Alas, I don't live in one of those areas, although once in a blue moon we drive up to such places for a weekend. I'll keep that in mind for next time.
  11. (Some) parents will forever believe that regulation of all things they think are 'bad' will save their children from misery, emotional trauma, and loss of innocence for a little bit longer. I think feeding your children diets of fat and sugar and the parents never being home because they have important careers are more harmful than playing a violent video game. "
  12. Hmm...I guess Eldar has a point. Never really thought of it. It's a just a blog where I occasionally toss up a picture, not an art gallery, and I'm a chatty top-of-head writer so I tend to start off writing and then post the links. I considered early on not writing anything at all and just posting the pictures, but my garrulous nature wouldn't let me...heh. I'll think about it tho, it probably would have more impact photographically that way, perhaps.
  13. Sometimes I get a little annoyed that the things I really like to take pictures of are so...well...cliche. Oh well, gotta do what you like to do, right? Raindrops on leaves are one of my favorite things - I find it a challenge to shoot them in a way that shows off reflections or odd shapes or just the fact they look cool against a plant background. Someday soon I'll get that huge zoom lens or whatever and start hunting the wildlife with my camera again. That'll give me something different to focus on, hah.
  14. This review claims it's actually closer to seven hours to 'romp' through the game.
  15. I'd rather pay more taxes on a spread out/yearly basis than be ripped off by insurance companies (or medical companies ripping off insurance companies and therefore increasing insurance rates in that way). If we'd had covering insurance, the sleep clinic would have charged us $2000 for hubby's CPAP, but since we didn't, they said "Oh ok, we'll give it to you for $1000 then." WTF is that?
  16. I guess I'm not a power gamer because Atton always made a fine Jedi for me. I barely even had to cast heal for him. That Twilek bar fight was the only thing that can be hard for him, but the third time I got to that point I had him wiping the floor with them, without using any of the 'tricks.' (I turned him to Jedi before triggering that bit and used shields and stuff). But I think that's more from the ease of the game then anything else...
  17. America....too many bloody people. Oh wait, that's why I hate the world...hmm..let's see...ok, I got one... ...basic medical care isn't free or at least very cheap like in some other places. Medical insurance is a big fat scam and badly needs overhauling etc.
  18. I'd like Warlocks more if it wasn't for that Wind spell, heh. Usually they're just vampire fodder for me. Ever make any levels in the past? If you have any in storage I'm always open to a map I don't actually have memorized/made myself. haha!
  19. Turkey bacon's ok on a sandwich. Real bacon can't be beat tho...too bad it's so horrible for you. Sounds like a fun event tho - go for it, don't worry about it...like someone else said, it's a voluntary fun student thing.
  20. If there's a graveyard, I always seem to end up with 30-50 vampires.... ^_^
  21. A Sound of Thunder - bad time-travel alter-evolutionary-history sci-fi movie w/a lot of cgi, apparently based on a Ray Bradbury story. Watchable, but nothing special. Fun to poke fun at while you're watching tho.
  22. Yes, I have DeeperDungeons. -------------- It's payday Part2. (man it wasn't easy to make this fuzzy little thing, since I can't take fraps avi's of DK...) Edit: Also - Traps aren't friendly to imps.
  23. Lightside they look the same with a bit more rosy cheeks. Darkside...not that I've seen. I've done darksides of a couple Kotor2 npc's and one of the female Asian exiles, but that's it. The KotorFanMedia forums might be a place to ask for such things...they have a lot of reference material, or a few people that are sometimes willing to do it. That's a lot of faces tho.
  24. I almost mentioned that Connery film, but I couldn't remember it's name. I would've said something like "that movie where he ran around in orange jock strap rags." :D Definitely a hilarious moment in his career...
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