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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. http://crimsonkeep.com/downloads/movies/ev...dance-small.avi (3.2MB) That's about as shruken as I could make it as a quickie .avi w/out totally ruining it, it's long. It'll be pretty fuzzy at media players default 100% cause that's bigger than the actual resolution size I made it (and the original flash is already fuzzy), put it at 50% zoom if you want. Edit: the music in some media players might sputter a little, dunno why..MediaPlayer works fine tho Should be fixed.
  2. For those on slow connections, it's just this comedian doing various dancing routines to their popular tunes. I made a hard copy for myself...hehe...I really liked it. (especially the Brady Bunch reference)
  3. World Poker Tour proves poker can be a fun visual medium...if they made that an Olympic sport I'd watch....but as anyone who's watched a friend play a game knows, it's never fun to watch someone else play a video game.
  4. omg that was funny...and sadly, quite true.
  5. My Arcanum is collecting dust on a shelf. I installed it, played it for three hours, uninstalled it.
  6. I suppose avoiding combat as much as possible in order to beat a game while still lvl 1 doesn't count? (aka Might & Magic's) lol..that was fun running through some of the most heavily populated enemey areas invisible, trying to complete quests w/out being seen/detected. I agree tho...games should at least have an option to play/win the game with a non-combat method. It would make things more interesting.
  7. Yeah, I saw that 1-eye kitten story. Sad, fascinating and disgusting all at the same time. More kittah.
  8. I liked Might & Magic 6 and 7 too, finished those a few times each. And Wiz. 8, liked that one, but to me it was similar enough to the M &M series (but prettier) that I petered out on it before I finished. I bought it maybe half a year ago for $20...it's no longer on sale eh? And it ran on my XPPro just fine. I'm one of the few who didn't like PS:Torment, but I think I was just burnt out on that rpg style/look after countless hours of BG and IWD. As fun and pretty as Oblivion can be, I don't think Tarna would like it all that much, but that's just a guess. I'll also second The Summoner, if you can still find it. It's a quirky strange little game, with a clunky interface but I was surprised how much I ended up enjoying it. Like many, I haven't been very pleased overall with the current crop of crpg's...most fall into the been there done that category and you lose steam pretty fast, even if you kinda like it at first.
  9. I do believe I shall endeavour to never make tarna mad at me...
  10. You can probably find a list of such book locations somewhere on the web by now...save time that way. Really, there's so many useless books that if there are .00000001% that do something, and they're not a part of a quest or in special chests etc, not worth the time. My memory is fuzzy but I seem to recall there a few like that in MW too, but they were parts of quests..like in the process of doing the quest you'd run across them. Dunno tho.
  11. That dog pic Silver posted is hilarious. Meercat, in couch potato pose.
  12. More Ram might help a ilttle. And far as I know, no, you can't disble that smoke. I still lag a little (FPS goes way down anyway) when standing right over 'smoke', with 3ghz 2GB Ram...that's at 1600x1200 tho.
  13. Hubby's a 'network consultant' - meaning he does a little of everything in that field, or whatever needs doing at the time. He works about 20-30 hours a week.
  14. So many professional animal pictures all kinda look the same...like they belong on a gift shop postcard/calender with a Hallmark quote. Too stock-footage, no personality to them, imo. Not that they're not cute. Just bland. :D
  15. I'm the same way as Bokishi and Setzer, only it doesn't bother me in the sense that I want to do everything so go crazy deciding what to do, I just think it's a little too open-ended...which on the one hand is nice, but on the other, makes me not care one whit about the plot, since I'm free to ignore it at will. Oblivion is a great game because it doesn't lock you into some kind of linear progression, but at the same time, it makes the plot seem almost pointless. Oblivion is like a big RPG sandbox-mode environment...again, cool and fun, but if you prefer game-induced structure, it's not really there. It's pretty much like MW to me...very pretty for the day and fun to muck around in and play with skills, but it's nothing you haven't seen or done before, and yeah, you really have to learn to focus on one quest at a time and not get sidetracked by others until you finish the first. You won't miss anything if you don't read all the books, btw. There's probably a few book quests here and there, but most of the books are just world story/atmosphere. And a lot of them are recycled from Morrowind (maybe even further, dunno, heh). P.S. I'd like to repeat that I don't dislike Oblivion...I just don't think it's all that special beyond the eye-candy.
  16. Tripods ftw. And...awwww!!! why are small furry things so darn cute.
  17. Meh...every time I'm lazy and link to something instead of upload it to my own servers...fixed. And why do people always hold poor kittens by one hand when taking a picture? Damn, urge for new kitten growing....
  18. ok...back to Crusader now..
  19. I photoshopped this one the other day. I googled this one just now.
  20. Stronghold:Crusader is eating my brain alive. Five to 8 AI opponents means hours winning one map....I just love it.
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