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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. PM it to me! I'll add it to my growing collection of blackmail nostalgia folders...
  2. Damn, I knew I should have saved it. :D
  3. I found that fox picture here. He doesn't have a bigger version on the site tho.
  4. Was that Northish or Southish? I need to get to the beach again soon... ..and Hades, if I can post a fugly pic of me on the couch, you can post one. Didn't you post one on the old Frappr?
  5. You hardly have chubby cheeks. Your face isn't even round, unlike mine. :D
  6. Fish-eye lenses are an automatic cute score. I was bored, sorry...
  7. I hope he's not serious. And I'm eating a salad with chicken and broccoli and shrooms.
  8. I knew I'd get an answer like that. :D
  9. flash current? blocked from youtube? (I think they're all embedded links to there).
  10. I'd like a pic of the Big Green Dragon.
  11. Digital cameras are so much fun.
  12. IIRC, Dantoonie (Di), Nar Shadda (Atton-plot), Dxun, Korriban, Onderon/palace, endgame.
  13. The weather's been too nice to play anything. I guess you could say I'm playing my camera. But I did turn on Fish Tycoon again, so it's running the background all the time. :D
  14. What I look like depends a lot on the length of my hair, which changes constantly. I recently butchered it yet again so the most reecnt is towards the bottom. They're all from the last year and a half.
  15. I'm pretty sure he's not...he's married to some model, or was. But who knows. Or cares.
  16. Anastase & her daughter are both gorgeous. :D edit: damn typos
  17. Oh man...that recorded version nearly blasted my eardrums apart via the headphones i wear... :D And hey, that 80's hair was the epitome of seXXy. :D ...I used to think John Taylor of DuranDuran was a babe...
  18. SkyC had pretty visuals, but I thought the acting/directing was stiff and horrid, among other things. I couldn't even watch it all, I walked away. *shrug*
  19. :D I sorta thought most regulars here at least already knew what my mug looked like anyway...I'll post one later when I'm not half asleep.
  20. I tend to post images of myself semi-frequently in a few places, but they don't usually remain on-line long. :ph34r:
  21. The problem is that the dialog file isn't ordered in an easy to read 'script-like' format (See image attachment). Questions and responses are put in different blocks and stuff like that. Thus just trying to read it to reconstruct diagloue and all the possible options for dialog is a serious pain in the arse. I've reconstructed a few of Atton's and such in the past and meh...yeah, pain in the arse. There's a couple things: This mod supposedly contains a copy of the K2 dialog.tlk file. You can open the file with WordPad or something and scroll down till you start seeing readable text and start reading/deciphering. This page has some dialog editor tools that supposedly let you read the text in the file in some semblance of order, but I personally have never been able to get it to work (the DLGE won't even 'recognize' the file at all, for me) - I have no idea why. I've never been able to get any of those little changes to the .ini file to work either, I've always figured it some weird game-country-CD version thing. Far as I know there's no 'offical' available script beyond this program file. Anyway, if that all fails and no one else more knowledgable than myself has any suggestions/solutions, try a search on Kotor2+dialog.tlk, never know.
  22. @ ralf_snake - very cool, indeed. The closest I got to a SW costume is when my mother put my hair up in Lea side buns for 4th or 5th grade Halloween.... @jaguar - that guy's costume, the chest piece seems kind of weird. I liked the storm troopers he was standing next to in one pic tho. :D
  23. It just means I'm confused and have been awake too long, as always.
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