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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh A-wimoweh, a-wimoweh...
  2. x 100 Watched first 8-10 minutes. Nice editing job and choices of music. Way too long for my internet attention span. :cool:
  3. Heh, putting that back into a 'net translator makes for an amusing read.
  4. Nice, thanks for that logo file. I'd be interested in seeing your backgrounds when they're finished, if you're willing to share. I'm trying to make my own but my graphical imagination is severely limited.
  5. I have a screen of most (but not all) from Kotor2 (there's really only a few variations w/different colors). Small version Larger version For other stuff: An old fan art reference thread - I've seen some good robe shots or character shots w/robes in there somewhere.
  6. Creative. Are there Lego cats? :D
  7. A friend tells me Spacey is one of the best things in it. Guess I'll have to go pay my $10 to see it once the crowds slim down. I hate crowds. I'm somewhat of the same mind about Luther as Hades - he should be a little less comically insane. On the other hand, I still enjoy the various versions of Luther performance-wise because they make me laugh, and I like to giggle.
  8. 40-man Raid dungeon. Yikes. Even if I didn't lag, the graphicl screen chaos would drive me insane.
  9. Your charater has some interesting tatoos. Are they random decoration or do they have any game-meaning?
  10. @alan - I agree, it did have too many plots/sub-plots for my liking as well. Albertson's had Batmen Begins widescreen for $7 so I'm in the middle of watching that. One of those films that I love visually moreso than the overall picture.
  11. And with that I think this thread has lost any constructiveness.
  12. I think this is more Kotor2 related than general SW and the topic could possibly lead to spoilers. Pulling out the moving van...
  13. With me, you'll never be quite sure when I'll be awake or asleep. Bwahaha.
  14. While I love bacon, I voted for the DVD. Actually, I'd prefer a book over a DVD (a book could also include those 8x10's), but I realize that would probably be a bit big/heavy for packaging.
  15. That's actually a little surprising to me. Is there a link for this book somewhere? I tried a Google on your thread title but only came up with the other Guides, none of which seem to be about Kotor in any way. Although the Chronology one might have some history stuff that relates.
  16. Did you actually try those downloads? Didn't that one thread say he got it to work even tho it was claimed the card wasn't supported? Altho, I'd still probably get a newer card.
  17. I'm kind of curious about the PC-enchanced 'features'. Most of them just seem like a natural thing to do when you port over to PC, like resolution and such, but site also mentions more monsters/fighting styles and AI settings. Since I don't have a console, I won't be able to compare if these things make much difference at all.
  18. omg, how could I forget space invaders? It's not really one that 'hooked' me on games, but I sure played it a lot. *bweeeee* *dereee* *whoooo*
  19. Yes, I've seen all the previous 4 more than once. The override didn't have insane timing but I guess...I just didn't buy it. I hope season 5 didn't have an inside CTU mole type character either, because I'm getting tired of those.
  20. That's what I mean...the whole over-ride device thing/perfection of timing needed to pull it all off wasn't convincing to me. I haven't seen season 5 yet...was it any better?
  21. Yup. And the 100 nuclear threats, which I found rather silly. :D
  22. Every time my hubby & see commercials for this film, we go "Whhhyyyyy??" And that was one funny review. :D I'm now running through the 4th season of 24. Still the weakest, but it's fun watching Chloe kick butt.
  23. I haven't walked out of many theaters either. But there a lot of movies I would have rated higher if they'd been edited down by 20 minutes or so. Sometimes less is more. Much as I enjoyed it, even the '78 Superman I think was a bit too long.
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