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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I suppose with the sales taxes and such, the US merchants could probably still shelf-price it at .99 and then round it up or down after tax is added.
  2. No yawn...but it was cute.
  3. Well, while I do sometimes dwell on faults, it's usually not the physical ones, heh. I was trying to be humorous that time...'bored again'...'Geek glasses'... Case of being comfy enough to make fun of oneself. I actually like my freckles. I have 4 larger ones, a few smaller ones; I once drew lines w/a marker connecting them all like a constellation - and I wasn't drunk. Yes I'm that weird.
  4. Underworld: Evolution. I suppose it was ok to watch while eating dinner...but...
  5. From someone who still plays Dungeon Keeper1 & Casear3, my personal answer is no, of course not. But CrashGirl sounded interested in graphical style, thus I ventured my opinion. As to Warcraft reference...I didn't say they were pastel colored...just the drawing style reminded me of WC. You can have a simliar style w/out the same color scheme.
  6. The neighbors are already making lots of noise, and it's only 9pm here.
  7. Saw the small trailer version, which was ok, just small. Downloading the big version now while I eat pizza. :D Edit: Well I've seen the hi-res trailer and other screenshots. Stylistically, I'd say this game has the scenery of Oblivion but the character style is a kind of cross between Warcraft and Guild Wars. It looked like they even have a monk-like model that reminded me a lot of the male monk from GW.
  8. I know nothing about this series, but it reminds me of Warcraft, which has always had a bit of a cartoony appearance in characters. Probably just a style thing. The trees and grass and such all look close to being on par w/Oblivion to me. Hard to tell w/out running around the game tho. The official site has a trailer..I haven't looked at it yet, it's big for the high-resolution one..
  9. These are supposedly the 'recommended' settings (not the minimums) from a while back. (page is not in English). Could be different now tho. Athlon 64 3000+/P4 2,8 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Geforce 6800 GT/Radeon X800 Pro
  10. Hahaha....does the game really say that? That's hilarious. :D
  11. Those look really nice! Especially the fire rain one. *dashes off to research the game*
  12. This appears to be more in the realm of specific game ideas rather than development related. Moving to Computer & Console.
  13. Coffeecup was the only one I tried; I remembered it being free/shareware or something but these days it appears to be a trial/buy. I still use Notepad...but I don't do much scripting.
  14. thechant from Stronghold. Short, but played over and over it's great mood music. I need more monk chanting type cd's...
  15. I sent hubby to get the salami sandwich. And potato salad. He was going out anyway. :D But right this minute it's a can of soda. ahhh caffeine.
  16. I think shopkeepers would just price things at 5.95 instead. But yes, they'll probably resist the loss of those few pennies per sale. Haven't heard anything about the dollar bill. Edit: I wouldn't mind getting rid of all metal coins actually. Even quarters. We have maybe $600 in quarters and we never use them cause they're too heavy to carry around. Maybe plastic coins? I wonder how Americans would react to plastic change.
  17. Read this article about the possible future death of the American penny. Mostly, it's kind of an amusing read, especially the little stories about those who saved a million pennies. Plus the amusement of the 'save the penny' crowd in the US. *shakes head* I think some worry about inflation w/out the penny but I don't really see that happening. I know some countries have gotten rid of the bottom value coins, and from my limited knowledge, it hasn't seemed to harm them at all. I know I sure hate getting pennies in my change. If it costs more than a cent to make a penny, why bother. Get rid of them, I say. :D edit: Original link stopped working, changed it.
  18. I think they're all pretty decent and fairly interchangeable in terms of combat if you level them up properly for the purpose you want them to have (melee/ranged/force). But I still have to go with Disciple and Atton, of course.
  19. I seem to remember a discussion once about how a single saber was more Jedi-like, in terms of roleplaying. Which is probably true, but it's just not as pretty in screenshots - no crossover motions and such. :D Two is definitely an advantage w/the extra crystals you can put in etc.
  20. Ahhh...that's a classic. I really miss westerns like those.
  21. There's a lot of great suggestions on this question here. Feel free to join in there.
  22. I think pixies freezer is stuffed full of bags of pizza rolls. The banana wasn't enough. I want a salami sandwich, but that means leaving the house.
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