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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Ah. Mis-interpreted the front page episode announcement. If I actually remembered episode titles that might've given me a clue, eh? :D Sorry for the confusion.
  2. I think with some slight changes in meter, it'd make great lyrics for a song. Reading it I have this odd vision for a music video; it's very visually evocotive for me.
  3. Nightmare on Elm St. was where I first saw him. That left...an impression. :D
  4. I wish they'd release things like that faster. I'm still waiting on a couple other series, as well. :D
  5. Rose are red violets are blue I think I can write a poem too. Although I fear it's likely true That my actual poety skills are poo. Still to my inner self I rally Fear not to rise and sally! I shall walk through this uncertain valley And thus escape doubt's frightful galley.
  6. Does that only apply to Visas or in one direction only? I've been top Light and still altered the others to Dark successfully before. I don't think I ever tried the other way around however.
  7. July 14 here in the States, I believe.
  8. There's probably one in the character-creation portrait menu pack that I made (under the Graphic Models section from the link Hassat posted), but I'm not sure if that would serve your needs or not.
  9. I'm relieved to know he's healthy again, but that video... :D
  10. John and Paul have both had some catchy/good tunes but overall I preferred the 'sound' they created through their creative bickering together, particularly in the later years of the Beatles.
  11. Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. It dates pretty darn well, still a classic, and that mountain of mashed potatoes still makes me laugh. Think I'll watch Jaws again too.
  12. Me three. The article made me laugh. So did Craigboy2's picture. I had to save that one. :D
  13. Atton, Disciple. Then BaoDur. Then Visas. I tried once to use T3 for while (past the intro), and he was actually pretty fun to use, but as cute as his little bewoop beeps are, having a tin can for a companion is still kinda dull. He's hysterical when he falls in battle tho. :D
  14. I like the different hilts idea. One of those 'minor' touches that can yet feel more immersive.
  15. Depp gets cuter all the time. Except in Chocolate Factory. I didn't find him too sexy in that one... :D
  16. Strawberry yogurt. I could eat a ton of this stuff sometimes.
  17. The Midi-chlorians within me are saying that despite the effort to save it, this thread has reached the end of it's usefuless.
  18. Chocolate chip macadamia nut cookies. Mmmm.
  19. The nights have finally cooled and I can now sleep longer than 3 hours at a stretch. I am pleased. The Gilroy Garlic Festival is coming up soon...I've sworn I'd attend one before we moved back up north; this is the year. If I can find a parking spot, that is.
  20. Also would it suit Gromnir if we all pretended this was a dream vee-hickle thread and not just a dream car one? kinda defeats the original intent of the thread, no? Bikes are welcome too. To make the topic a little more interesting, lets just make it "your dream vehicle". Anything goes, but nothing too crazy. Bold emphasis mine. I don't have a picture of my ideal dream leer jet at hand, however. Whatever Trump has would probably be fine.
  21. Heh, I liked the battle stuff in Starship Troopers; entertaining. I watched Capote again and I have to say I liked it even better the 2nd time. Still drags a little in spots but great stuff.
  22. Thread pruned in an effort to keep it open. Let's keep the debates civil and minus the insults.
  23. That doesn't neccesarily mean Kavar recognized her as Arren Kae - only that he recognized her as someone from the wars.
  24. In terms of the movie, I found Yoda's retreat from Palpatine a bit contrived. I know this is because Palpatine has to survive and Yoda has to go into hiding, but they could have dealt with it better than Yoda being pushed back/falling and then giving up. Also, from my innocent layman's point of view, the movies, at least, really seemed to imply that the concentration level of the midichlorians was a factor in power levels. Perhaps not everything, but still a factor. Do these 'canon' books or other official sources actually say they are not? Just curious.
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