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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hmm...actually more of a positive response than I was expecting. I'll keep this running a few days to see if more wish to add a vote. I should be done with my other self-web projects by then and will have the time to consider more closely how to build it.
  2. I have nothing to the discussion at hand...but I wanted to say...thanks for the chuckle. I'll add my forum-welcome and well wishes to the wagon, as well.
  3. Does the other machine use XP too or something else? Some system specs might help others think of possible answers.
  4. I'd definitely like more rpg games to mash bad guys (or good guys) with my super-sabers of doom. I'm in the camp of wishing for a Kotor3, but I'd also be happy enough just to have a new SW rpg, even if it wasn't called Kotor...
  5. I personally hope Georgie has retired from making SW movies; while I think the whole series is 'pretty fun' and still think the 1st is a classic, his self-indulgent style has rubbed my nerves raw by now. If someone else someday wanted to try creating a new trilogy with an entirely different set of characters, set in a different time period, that might be interesting. Then again, it might be...uh...crud.
  6. Yes, that...as well as anything else people might want to have, like their cool game screenshots or artistic endeavours or maybe even sound/avi files (they wouldn't be streaming tho), I might be able to rig that up. I can keep people from hotlinking images if that's of a concern, tho of course people can still download them. ---- @ Rosbjerg
  7. Would there be any real interest in this? My thought about set-up would be something like...I could create the gallery, then initial categories - ie, Ourselves, Games We're Playing, Our Pets, or whatever the heck people wanted (I could hold a poll on categories to be included, maybe) - people could upload to those categories and be able to edit/moderate their uploads and the comments under their own pictures if they want etc. Then as time went on, if users wanted a new upload category (because of a big new game release, say), they could request it and I'd add it; so it'd be an evolving community thing. The only problem is in order to make it "obsidian members only" I'd probably have to have people PM me from here on the forums so I could register them manually. Haven't thought that through yet. But obviously I don't want to do the work to make it/maintain it if no one would be interested...
  8. Smoking a cig and setting a bad example by posting about it. And then off to bed.
  9. *saves the House Head of Flying Doom*
  10. Do they mostly do it near the travel busstops? Could he have jumped off the travelin' boat at just the right time, or something weird and glitchy like that?
  11. reading this forum and re-making an image gallery, which is taking me a lot longer than I thought it would. :angry:
  12. Oh man, I laughed so hard at that line. Between your troubles and those reviews, I shall be avoiding this game. I like to try to find/hope I'll find a lesser-known game-gem sometimes too...most of the time it doesn't work out so well.
  13. I hear people say that a lot re: the story. From what I can tell, it seems it's probably so. I don't pay much attention to the story while playing, so it doesn't tend to be the thing that sucks me in. Seomtimes...but not usually. Update on hubby: He's obsessed. Non-stop playing all week. Not because it's the best game ever, either - that's just the way he plays games. Like me. Which is why I luv him so. Last I knew he was infiltrating the Sith Academy or something.
  14. My evil plans are working, then! --- I don't really get those WoW ones...I guess you have to be into SouthPark.
  15. Heheh, nice to see the gallery still has a use for something other than a paperweight. Cool screenies. :D I should mention that because the gallery uses dynamic positional links, those won't stay accurate if anyone uploads more files. To get the 'permanent' link you'd have to r-click and view picture. Course, that means people won't see the author description. A pain in the arse, dynamic links.
  16. I can't answer your question, but will suggest that places like cakewalk's forum may be a good place to inquire.
  17. For some reason I've never been able to get either the LS/DS points or the influence point glitches to work - this on the PC, WestUSA version bought over a year ago. If you're on the PC, perhaps you're in the same "boat." Regardless, keep in mind that glitches reported around the net aren't always a sure thing to work for everyone.
  18. Rome is the best show on TV. Too bad it won't live for 10 seasons. :D I have fond memories of the original BSG but not because it was a really good example of TV-creation. The current BSG, while not perfect or entirely to my tastes, is miles better in every way. imo.
  19. I used to hate that sort of thing - when the game makes unexpected decisions for you/splits up your party or forces you to use certain members without your sayso. Ever since Summoner tho, I don't mind anymore. It really just depends on how it's done. Didn't console games tend to do this a bit more often than PC games, at least in the past? I seem to remember reading reviews that mentioned that, ages ago. If so, then since consoles are starting to take over somewhat, it's not surprising to me that it's starting to occur with seeming more frequency in PC titles.
  20. Chad Vader part 4 was posted today. hehe ...or yesterday...whatever. heh
  21. I do not know if you're in the same spot/s, but there are some doors/areas in the game that cannot be accessed (without special mods) - they lead to areas cut/unfinished from the final game. I think the one you're seeing might be the one for the infamous Droid Factory tossed-out-plotline.
  22. I can think of plenty of things better to do with billions of dollars than build a lightsaber. " Although, if the tech ever arose because of, say, surgical laser research, I'm sure someone on the sidelines would build a lightsaber just because he could. :D
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