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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm now trying to get rid of a headache. Too much squinting at the game screen while trying to figure out housing layouts, I guess.
  2. Green. I don't like neon-green. Or green in general. Except in nature on trees and ferns and stuff.
  3. From tree into pine hedge? :D
  4. It seems to me to be referring to Independance Day (or any other such movie with long "here come the alien ship" scenes). Invasion of the PS-3, I suppose? Agree the other is a take on 2001. Definitely creepy that 2nd one. Kinda cool artistically/technically, but creepy.
  5. The Mummy (1999). 12.99 at Albertsons. Silly fun, plus lots of cute guys.
  6. This is where you wait for someone to walk by and then give the snow on the railing a slight nudge... Fun pictures, thanks for sharing those. @Sand - yeah, it's like that here too. Warmer during the day, actually still. Maybe 75-78, but then dropping to 50 at night. My kind of season.
  7. I use Adblock and that's it. I tried the Noscript, and it was pretty cool/useful, but decided adblock was all I really cared about. Plus that boopy noise noscript made by default every time it detected something was annoying. I remember switching it to a funny game-sound for a while. hehe
  8. *tries not to laugh* teehee...
  9. I'm really hyper after having not slept, and since hubby had to go to work for a while, I think I'm going to try and barrel through the last missions of the 1st Caesar4 campaign now. Caesar Crimson is my goal!
  10. I used to be pretty cold-proof, actually. But these days.... LadyCrimson = cold weather weenie Also a hot weather weenie.
  11. Some of us have more sensitive nose hair than others.
  12. That's because he was the dumbest Jedi/Sith, not the weakest. Standing and looking down at Obi like a dufus, just waiting to get cut down. Why he didn't use force push to at least try to make Obi lose his grip/fall is beyond me.
  13. "Barely above freezing mark" = around 33-35F perhaps? = really cold for non-mountain living Californians. Brrr!
  14. Pajamas...that makes me cold just thinking about it. Edit: Yes, go to the store, and take pictures!
  15. Force Storm, either alignment. Tho I guess you can't get that 'first'.
  16. Ah, I see. When I think of BBQ's I still envision the round Webbers. I forget they've mostly gone rectangular now. Along with the patio chair, it looked like a cushion. :D Is your patio covered? I ask because it seems kind of shaded - did the snow blow in?
  17. I missed an episode or two...or maybe three. Comment about past events: Jammer I barely knew, so don't care. Tho it seems to me that they could've figured out a more humane way to kill people - like shoot them - before sucking them out into space to suffocate. That whole plotline didn't endear me to those characters - tho the revenge vs. justice theme is always interesting.
  18. Is that an uncovered apartment porch loaded with a stash of snow-covered couch cushions, or something?
  19. Dooku. I mean, from my viewpoint, he basically ran away from Yoda, and then of course Anakin beat him to a pulp later. I know he beat both Obi and Anakin at first, so we're supposed to believe that Anakin beat him the 2nd time because he'd grown oh so powerful, but it was still weak. Plus, he has no coolness points, like Mauls acrobatic fighting and leering face paint. Coolness points is important.
  20. Hmm...that article made me realize I mispelled mediocre. Twice. hah! Yes, my brains are leaking out my ears more every day! That review is definitely much better - he didn't make mention of any major bugs, either, so perhaps it's not hopelessly riddled. I don't like the sound of "such elongated loading times", tho. That's ok for a strategy-mission campaign type game, but an action game, it stinks. Hmm. Thanks for that, Meta. I guess I was hoping it'd be action-rpg like, with a shooter-style flavor. We'll see.
  21. Y'all are really good at concentrating on more than one game at a time. I can't do that - both time constraints and obsessive nature makes me a one game at a time person. Well, I can do it a little if they're old games I've already played to death, but otherwise, nope.
  22. How positive? I mean, the one above wasn't horribly negative in the written text, really. Beyond the bugs, it just sounded like they thought it was uninspired and mediocore...not terrible. Which could be said of many games. But since I'm not too into combat-action type games, mediocore may as well be terrible. It'd have to really shine for me to get into it.
  23. I always tell hubby I accidentally dropped them... On topic, that's too bad about the game, if true. Another game that might've been fun to waste my brain away on, that's apparently not. A fantasy-world FPS might be something that would get me more into FPS. Draken was sorta like a 3rd person action fantasy, but ...
  24. I haven't seen any real amount of snow in years. Maybe time for a winter cabin vacation? And I get tanlines from just sitting on a porch eating a sandwich. It drives me crazy.
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